Tab:Heroic Zones

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Summary & Important Notes

Heroic Options are there to assist with harder mobs. Generally speaking, these are built for bot encounters, and not necessaily for you to afk. There are also some HUD (on screen displays) of information that is valuable for everyone. These include things like, AE timers, when adds will spawn, when mem wipes will happen etc.

Worth noting also, people don't like it when anyone else is "better" than them. If you bot, do not share your progress with ANYONE. People get very upset when a bot can kill mobs that they can't. You talk about it, you WILL get petitioned.

WARNING WARNING WARNING - While I have done my best to document every possible option from using these options, I may have missed some. Be careful and pay attention when using these options for the first few times until you understand what they are doing with your character.

IMPORTANT NOTE: In order for most options to function properly, you MUST have EQ2s "Hits Mode" in FULL TEXT and not medium or minimal text mode. To check this, do the following:

  • EQ2 Button (in game)
    • Options
      • User Interface
        • Game Features
          • Hits Mode -----> Full Text

This tab is geared to assist players with heroic mobs. There are 3 settings.

  • Raid Options
  • Limited Raid options
  • Grind Options

Raid Options does EVERYTHING Limited raid options does, plus more. So when you are reading what is done, if you are going to be using the full blown raid options, you must read what limited does, and what raid does.

How to use

Checking Auto Load Raid Options = All raid code (including what is in limited).

Checking Auto Load Limited Raid options = Only runs raid code marked as "Limited".

Note: You cannot have both checked at the same time, since Raid options does everything Limited does plus more.

Note: All setup commands can be done via tell, group chat, raid chat, or OgreIRC.



  • Zone
    • Mob
      • Limited


These are generic pieces of code that help on multiple mobs.

    • When the DoV class debuff is wearing off if yours is available you will cast it.

== Dracur Prime HM

  • Arraken Skyward EM
  1. For future use
  2. CS-JI-JO then JO
  3. for future use

Skyshrine: Betrayal in the Underdepths

  • Tel’koran Bloodmaw EM:
    • During encounter a red text will emote that requires the current tank to lose aggro
    • If you have Feign Death, and the red text lands on you, ogre will cause you to FD, then stand back up 12 seconds later.
  • Ikatiar the Ancient EM
  1. Setup at -107, -416, 14
  2. CS-JI-JO then JO
  3. Script will run group back and forth during Green Skull