Difference between revisions of "RevisionHistory:Version14NoPatchNum"

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Latest revision as of 19:30, 10 November 2010

Version 14 - No patch numbers

Versions: ISXOgre-2010.09.16.01, OgreBot-14.009 (Available from autopatcher) - Kannkor

  • OgreBot / OgreBot UI
    • Added debugging option for announce.
    • Changed where announce makes the call. It will now call when the ability starts actually casting. This means insta casting abilities will NOT work with announce.

Versions: ISXOgre-2010.09.15.02, OgreBot-14.007 (Available from autopatcher) - Kannkor

  • Removed automatic calling of Cure Curse. Use the announce tab.

Versions: ISXOgre-2010.09.15.01, OgreBot-14.006 (Available from autopatcher) - Kannkor

  • ISXOgre
    • Added method: GenerateToonNames(int) - variable passed must be a valid UIElementID that can handle :AddItems (Combobox/Listbox). List is generated from eq2chars.inc. Primarly used for a new login screen coming soon.
    • Added method: GenerateUplinkNames(int) - variable passed must be a valid UIElementID that can handle :AddItems (Combobox/Listbox). List is generated from eq2chars.inc. Primarly used for a new login screen coming soon.
    • Added method: GenerateSessionNames(int) - variable passed must be a valid UIElementID that can handle :AddItems (Combobox/Listbox). List is generated from uplink console and information is real-time. Primarly used for a new login screen coming soon.
    • Added command line arg "int" for internal version. Note: This would only have an affect if you have a character named "int", which I don't think is possible. This only works if you have the local script version of the file.
  • New file: UplinkGenerateSessionNames.iss
    • Used by the GenerateSessionNames method.
  • OgreBot / OgreBot UI
    • Announce tab
      • Complete revamp of announce tab
      • You select the ability, the target, and the text and it will follow your instructions.
      • Announce Target
        • Group - does a /gsay with the text
        • Raid - does a /raid with the text
        • Target - does a /tell *Target* with the text
        • Included in text - executes the line of text the way it is. Example: You would type: /raid blah blah *Target* blah and it would type: /raid blah blah Kannkor blah.
          • This can be used for Guild Connect announces also, just use the /gc <text>.
      • *Target* will always replace *Target* with the target of the ability. You can use *Target* as often as you wish. Example:
        • Text: *Target* I am casting an ability on you *Target* so do something *Target*
        • Would result in: Kannkor I am casting an ability on you Kannkor so do something Kannkor
      • If the message ever contents "NULL" it will NOT announce it since this would assume to be an error. Unfortunately this means any ability with the word "null" or any character name with the word "null" in it cannot be announced.
    • Fixed the "res" bug where you would try to res someone over 150 meters away.
    • Removed the automatic calling of POTM and COB. Use the announce tab to add custom text in.
    • Troub tab
      • Removed the checkbox with send tell to JCap target - since it didn't work. Use the Announce tab now.
      • Added POTM rotation text. Note: You will need to use the announce tab if you want to announce your POTM.
    • Dirge tab
      • Removed the checkbox with send tell to Gravitis target - since it didn't work. Use the Announce tab now.
      • Added cob rotation text. Note: You will need to use the announce tab if you want to announce your COB.
    • POTM and COB rotations should now work on any spell version (Previously they only worked if you had the latest, POTM II and COB III).
  • OgreMCP
    • Added: Coe-Sht - Coercer's Coercive Shout

Versions: ISXOgre-2010.09.09.01, OgreBot-14.005a (Available from autopatcher) - Kannkor

  • OgreBot
    • Compressed Anima - uses the same option as innoruuks child. Uses Anima first, then on the next loop it will use Child if you still need more healing.
    • Fixed "Precast" - Previous the "on" spell was loading the base ability (Rift instead of Rift III).
    • Added CastFromUplink(). This is an advanced feature for people who wish to add abilities to OgreMCP or various windows like that. Click here for more details.
    • Changed the Built-in tell window play noise to read from the EQ2OgreCommon/Sounds/ folder instead of the non-existant EQ2OgreBot/Sounds/ folder that doesn't exist anymore.
  • OgreMCP
    • Completely recoded the MCP UI. Used a custom template and removed about 800 no longer needed lines of code. This will make adding buttons VERY easy.
    • Removed "Uplink" from MCP
    • Merged Trak HUD and Trak Off into 1 button.
    • Removed Chel Orb button, since it didn't work.
    • Removed "Run X" - Was a custom script for clicking something in RoK days.
    • Renamed Reset Z to Zone Rst - It does "ogre zone" and pops up the zone resetter.
    • Removed "ScavFar" since it wasn't used.
    • Removed Invite and Invite-R buttons.
    • Removed Cls-Buff since it wasn't really used.
    • Removed Crouch.. since it was pressing "c" and that is now the character screen.
    • Added Channel for Coercer.
    • Added C-Focus for Enchanter's Channeled Focus.
    • Added Verdict - Note: This will just try to cast it. You would need to have an appropriate target for it to work (which should be fine 99% of the time).
    • Added "Jump".
    • Added AutoRun.
    • Added "F-Follow" - Force follow. If you have Auto Follow Mode checked, and a valid group target in the combo box, it will /follow that person. It skips ALL OTHER CHECKS - Which are things like InCombat, distance etc.
    • Changed Jst-In/Jst-Out to be atomic. This means when they are pressed, you will start jousting in/out immediately instead of waiting until you are done casting if you are mid-cast. Should help with getting people out of the way faster when needed.
    • Moved "Profile" button to the "Other" tab.
    • Added static buttons:
      • OFollow - OgreFollow
      • OFol-Dft - OgreFollow Defaults
      • OFol-++ - Increases follow range (Puts more distance between you and the follow person)
      • OFol --- - Decreases follow range (Puts less distance between you and the follow person)
    • Changed Sanctuary, Blade Dance, Divine Recovery over to the new CastFromUplink function.
    • Greatly reordered the tabs and renamed them.
      • Combat - Will have any button that is most commonly used in combat. Such as abilities/camp spot etc.
      • Objects - Will have any button that controls objects commonly used out of combat. Such as repair gear, get/use the flag etc.
      • Zones - Has zone specific stuff. Mostly HUDs.
      • Other - Other stuff.
  • OgreMiniWindow (The one with Pause and Show Main)
    • Added Show/Hide Uplink
  • InCombatMovement
    • Added a missing &&, don't think this would have any affect unless you toggled Move Into Melee Range while a toon was in the middle of running.
    • Move OgreFollow to this thread instead of having its own.

Versions: ISXOgre-2010.08.24.001, OgreBot-14.004 (Available from autopatcher) - Kannkor

  • OgreBot
    • Started reworking much of the code to use IDs instead of names. Started with Heals and GroupOnly option. This is the start of having beneficial abilities work in BG.
    • BG updates
      • "GroupOnly" on the Heals tab now works in BG.
      • "Raid" on the Heals tab now works in BG.
    • Added default movement keys to be assigned only if they weren't done so in eq2chars.inc (see below)
  • EQ2Chars.inc (Reminder: Never share this file with anyone)
    • Added optional movement keys. OgreBot uses the standard w and s (autorun is in there, but currently not used). These were hardcoded previously.
    • For NEW users (who haven't downloaded the files yet) - do nothing. These optional lines are included in the new blank.eq2chars.inc (how to set this up is in the new user walkthrough).
    • For existing users who use w and s - do nothing. It will function the same.
    • For existing users who do NOT user w and s. When you patch, you will receive a new blank.eq2chars.inc file. Rename your current eq2chars.inc to backup.eq2chars.inc. Then rename blank.eq2chars.inc to eq2chars.inc. Now copy your function SetUpUplink() and function SetUpChars() from blank.eq2chars.inc to eq2chars.inc. If you need help doing this, come to IRC and Kannkor can walk you through it.

Versions: ISXOgre-2010.08.22.001, OgreBot-14.003 (Available from autopatcher only) - Kannkor

  • OgreBot
    • [Code] Converted PowerHeals tab to the new format (listbox).
    • [Code] Converted Combat Buffs tab to the new format (listbox).
    • [Code] Converted PreCast tab to the new format (listbox).
    • Removed many unneeded save options that don't exist anymore, such as "Venril Sathir". (No effect).
    • Way back when, I accidentially made CAs save under the Buffs set inside of the save files. I made sure it didn't happen for the NamedCAs. I only mention this here because if you go looking through a saved file, locating the CAs would be a little odd. For those wondering, I can't simply change the location of the CAs inside of the saved without making everyone redo the CAs tab.
    • Combat Buffs -- Removed the option for "Group" and "NotSelf" from possible targets, since these aren't supported and didn't work anyways.
    • Major overhaul of saving/loading of profiles. This will greatly reduce the size of the save files (not that 200-300k was big). Below are the specifics, more so as a log of what changed incase it broke something.
      • Removed Exporting on loading
      • Added removing and re-adding a blank profile on saving to ensure a clean slate.
    • Reworked Combat Buffs code a bit.
  • OgreBotUIXML
    • [UI] Converted PowerHeals to list box
    • [UI] Converted Combat Buffs to list box
    • [UI] Converted PreCast to list box
    • Changed all checkboxes on the "Settings" tab to position 1,1 then have them dynamicially moved after they are created. If anything seems out of place or missing let me know.
    • New tab: Named Combat Arts - This tab will only fire if you are fighting a Named NPC. This tab's priority is immediately above Combat Arts.

Versions: ISXOgre-2010.08.17.002, OgreBot-14.002 (Available from autopatcher only) - Kannkor

  • When engaging Toxx, the bot would take over and try to run some scripting. This no longer happens unless you have Raid Options checked.
  • CreateCustomActorArray - Because of scripts starting/stopping on the same frame, it was causing issues when you would reload the bot because this script tried to delete itself and start iself with global variables on the same frame causing issues. Now, when CCAA thinks it's empty, it waits 10 seconds to check again, if it is indeed empty, it then ends itself. This should take care of all these issues.
    • Note: These issues were only apparent recently when using the embedded version of the script. Completely fixed now.
  • Removed the "Cure Curse on <toonname>" from the console.
    • These updates and the OgreConnect should now allow you to connect your computers without innerspace freezing. This includes the live (5170) build. Note: The bug is still in innerspace, however I re-wrote and bypassed the bug.
  • OgreAutoLogin updated to make use of ISXOgre.IsReady.
  • ISXOgre updates
    • "Ogre" now loads the embedded version of the bot, instead of the script.
    • "Ogre old" will load the old script version. (This will be phased out over time). -- Phased out already.. If you require the option of running the script version, or have something in your script you need added talk to Kannkor.
    • "Ogre dev" now loads the embbeded version of the dev bot. (There is no longer a way to run the script version of the dev bot - Which would be pointless, since it is no longer updated).
    • "Ogre ?" and "Ogre help" added back in! These will only display commands that you currently have access too. You know.. incase I put super elite secret commands in I don't want YOU to know about! :)
    • ISXOgre now requires an account (these will be emailed out or something, still in testing). It authenticates your account.
    • ISXOgre now does automatic updates to all Ogre related files.
    • ISXOgre member added: IsReady. Reports false until the extension is ready for use (same time as the green "ISXOgre Enabled." text appears in the console. Can use this for startup scripts (such as OgreAutoLogin).
    • "default empty" loginscene file is now located in the EQ2OgreCommon directory and autopatches.
    • x2kagezonn script now located in /Eq2OgreCommon/ and can be run with: "Ogre x2" and stopped with: "ogre end x2".
    • Standalone TellWindow added to the autopatcher.
    • Added <NoPatch>false</NoPatch> to ISXOgre.xml if you wish for it not to automatically patch. This isn't recommended. To patch, you need to: Ogre:Patch (case sensitive) to manually patch.
    • Added: Ogre:Patch to manually patch.

Version 14.001 - Kannkor

  • Trak shield
    • Previously, it would capture your offhand item and equip it after it was done. Unfortunately with 2 handers, you have no offhand item so it didn't know what to equip.
    • Now, if you have an offhand item, you should reequip it as normal, if you don't, it will check your primary item to see if it changed.
  • Raid updates - Maaluss

Version 14.000 - Kannkor

    • Removal of Tabs! No more side scrolling. Make sure you report any bugs!
    • Debug moved from "Enable Debug" and appearing into a new tab, to a stationary button (or "tab" in the new interface).
  • /camp <toonname> should correctly work. If not, please provide me step by step on how to break it. I believe it's fixed.
  • Renamed most files, instead of the prefix of "UI" (which previously stood for OgreBot), now has "Ogre" instead. For example: UIXML became OgreUIXML. UPXML became OgreMCPXML. Bot named changed from UI to OgreBot (and UIDev to OgreBotDev).
  • OgreMCP
    • "Load Bot" now uses ISXOgre (Command: Ogre)
  • This will break many functions inside of ogre.iss (which is: run ogre ___). All functions shall continue to work with ISXOgre (which is: ogre ___).
  • Removed the default profiles, since they were WAY old and still required the "UpdateSaves.iss" to be run on them. Will work on something to make these easier.