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Revision as of 00:48, 28 August 2011

Tower of Frozen Shadows - Shadowed Corridor

Zone Tip: Most named can be dazed, stifled, stunned and mezzed.


FYI: Used to have a memwipe, it appears to have been removed. AOE: None worth mentioning. Strat: I just stood and burned him in his spot. I'd classify as a tank and spank.

Alvik the Cold

FYI: At 75%, 50% and 25% will attempt to heal to full. Click on the stove to boil water, which is then placed into your inventory as a clicky item. AOE: None worth mentioning. Strat: Burn him down to each special threshold and have someone use the boiled water on him.

The Armored Presence

FYI: Stoneskins every 25% and spawns 3 armored pieces. AOE: None worth mentioning. Strat: Burn the named down. When he stoneskins kill the adds. If you don't kill them in ~30 seconds(I think), they convert into an add and heal the named for ~10%

Vethilot the Corpsemonger (Quest Named)

FYI: Everytime an add dies, he ports to the add and proceeds to feed on it. He gains a buff each time he does this and heals a small amount. Also, gains a buff each time someone dies in the group. EQ2Bot Tip: Run corpse.iss script to take care of clicking the corpses. OgreBot Tip: Automatically taken care of by a script. AOE: None worth mentioning. Strat: Burn named down while the aoe dps kills the adds. Destruction of corpses will be handled by which ever script you are running. This prevents the named from healing and gaining a buff.

Sergeant Schriber

FYI: Spawns adds throughout the fight around the room. If the adds reach him they will heal him for ~10%. AOE: None worth mentioning. Strat: Burn the named. Either mezz the adds, kite them or use a dps toon to kill them. They have almost no health or damage.

Spectral Librarian Emiida

FYI: Use a mage dispel, SK dispel or Druid dispel to get rid of her heal/damage proc. AOE: Project Knowledge (PK) and Gather Knowledge (GK) Strat: Burn the named. When she starts to cast PK make sure everyone is around her. If she starts casting GK joust out to near the mirror portal. She'll summon some adds during the fight, but they are generally weak and easily picked off with AOE damage.

Tome of Ages Past (Quest Named)

FYI: At 75%, 50% and 25% he spawns a named add. Useful to stun/stifle/interrupt the named add so that it doesn't cast it's own adds. AOE: Some quickly nasty aoes around melee range. Strat: At 75, 50, 25 he spawns Named adds and goes immune. Kill the Named add. The Named add also spawns trash adds. You can burn them or AOE them down.