Difference between revisions of "RevisionHistory:Patch150-159"

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(Archived Revision patches 150-159)
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Latest revision as of 17:24, 27 October 2012

Versions: ISXOgre-2012.06.07, Patch Version-159, OgreBot-15.058, OgreCraft-1.021 (Available from autopatcher) - Kannkor

  • ISXOgre
    • Fixed a crash that could happen when hitting the secondary auth.

Versions: ISXOgre-2012.06.06, Patch Version-158, OgreBot-15.058, OgreCraft-1.021 (Available from autopatcher) - Kannkor

  • ISXOgre
    • Added debugging and server logging when the primary authentication server is down. Should help to find out why it is continually going down.
    • Note: As an end user, nothing should change at all.

Versions: ISXOgre-2012.06.02, Patch Version-157, OgreBot-15.058, OgreCraft-1.021 (Available from autopatcher) - Kannkor

  • ChangedFiles: ProcessorLockingEditXML, OgreOverFlow, HireX
  • HireX
    • WARNING While it is coded to ONLY delete raws, I don't recommend you use/run this script on a real toon. If an item gets deleted by mistake, it's not my issue.
    • Added an -all option, that does hirelings, depots, and destroys any remaining raws. Example usage: ogre hirex 0 -all
    • Added option -r to remove (destroy) raws. Example usage: ogre hirex 0 -r (the 0 is required because it's an old script that hasn't been converted to use an .. Arg system)
  • OgreOverflow
    • Script ends if "Overflow items can only be put in a free, unlimited slot. Upgrade to raise your limit!" happens.
  • OgreCraft
    • "Sathirian Alchemists Table" should now find "Sathirian Alchemist's Table" correctly. (Used for assassin epic)
  • OgreBot
    • Tweaked looting a bit, to help prevent "can't loot right now" and to speed up looting on corpses with no loot window (IE cash only, or nothing at all)
  • ISXOgre
    • New command added: ogre proc
      • Loads an interface to modify OgreProcessorLocking
  • OgreProcessorLocking
    • Note: ISBoxer has this option also. This is for those of us who don't use isboxer.
    • Sets sessions to a specific core (thread).
    • Is automatically done only when isxogre is loaded. (Remember this the very first time you set it up, because it won't kick it until you reload isxogre).
    • Option to skip proclocking when isboxer is enabled (checks by looking for isboxerui running).
    • Example of when to use.
      • When you have Hyperthreading
    • Example of usage. Assumes an i7 (4 physical cores with HT, resulting in 8 threads, or 8 CPUs as per displayed in innerspace). Keep in mind, CPU1 and CPU2 are Core0, CPU3 and CPU4 are Core1, CPU5 and CPU6 are Core2, CPU7 and CPU8 are Core3. For absolute maximum performance, you want 1 session per Core. Realistically, you can run 1 session per thread (CPU). However, on an i7, if you're not running 8, you may be able to get a slight improvement on some sessions.
      • By default, if I load 4 sessions, it results in the following: CPU5-8 being used. This means I have 2 cores sitting idle, and 2 cores (4 threads) running at 100%.
      • By setting processor affinity, we can specify the first 4 sessions will be loaded on CPU2, 4, 6, and 8.
      • We can refine this more if you run 6. This means 2 of the 4 cores (6 of the 8 threads) will be used. That means 2 Cores will each run a single session, and we can specify which 2 sessions those are. Lets say we want our tank (Session1) and Priest (session2) to get a bit extra performance and be on a core by themselves. We could set the following.
        • is1 = CPU2
        • is2 = CPU4
        • is3 = CPU5
        • is4 = CPU6
        • is5 = CPU7
        • is6 = CPU8
    • Important to note
      • During my testing, I set is1=cpu2, is2=cpu4, is3=cpu6, is4=cpu8, but set no more. Then, I loaded is5, and (eq2? windows?) put it onto cpu6! This means I had 2 sessions now sharing ONE thread (which halves performance). Therefore, if you do use this, I recommend you put in an option for all available threads. For an i7, do 8. I guess if you plan on exceeding 9, it may be advisable to specify so it doesn't place 3 sessions on a single thread.
      • Do NOT have EQ2s in-game "Multicore support" enabled, or it will cut your FPS by about 75%. Yes, I went from 120 fps to 25fps by having this enabled, by accdient.
    • This is exactly how I personally have mine set up.
      • is1 = CPU2
      • is2 = CPU4
      • is3 = CPU6
      • is4 = CPU8
      • is5 = CPU7
      • is6 = CPU6
      • is7 = CPU3
      • is8 = CPU1
    • It loads the first 4 on different cores, then starts doubling up on cores (not threads) in reverse. So IS1 will always have maximum prefermance until you hit 8 sessions.

Versions: ISXOgre-2012.05.25, Patch Version-156, OgreBot-15.057, OgreCraft-1.020 (Available from autopatcher) - Kannkor

  • Changed files: MCPCommands.xml, OgreIRCLib, InCombatMovement, OgreCommon.inc
  • MCPCommands
    • Added: DoV_RaidDebuff
      • Casts the raid debuff
      • Parameter 1 = Who to cast
      • Parameter 2 = ID or name of who to cast the debuff on
      • Note: If you use ALL - everyone will cast it
  • OgreIRCLib
    • Added -RaidDebuff with 2 parameters. Same as MCPCommands above.
  • OgreBot
    • Ogrebot will now only try to cast raid debuffs on Named NPCs and NPCs. (This probably only effects my testing on training dummies, but figured it was worth mentioning).
    • Tweaked a bunch of calculations for when you are in melee range or not. This has a larger effect on mobs that were taller. "Normal" sized mobs there should be no change.
    • Ogrebot now forcefully handles turning on melee/ranged attack, based on distance. This means, if you are within melee range, it sets the "Auto Attack mode" to melee. If you go out to ranged, it sets it to ranged. Please note, YOU must be smart about the usage of this. If you turn "Ranged attack" on, and your character is unable to make a ranged attack, it is going to spam and try to turn it on. If your priest/mage has a wand, turn it on. If you get rid of the wand, turn it off.
  • OgreCommon.Inc
    • Tweaks for ranged calculations (see ogrebot notes above)
    • Changed a very large component of melee/range/ability casting checks, while the change itself is minor, it could have a serious impact (it should be even more accurcate, but keep an eye out for issues).
  • InCombatMovement
    • Raid debuff now cancels MoveToArea. This will prevent "ping ponging" in rare situations (such as doing a come to me, then a raid debuff needing to be applied, they would previously fight for movement).
    • Raid debuff now temporarily suspends Ogrefollow. This will prevent ping ponging.

Versions: ISXOgre-2012.05.23, Patch Version-155, OgreBot-15.056, OgreCraft-1.020 (Available from autopatcher) - Kannkor

  • Changed files: OgreFillQuiver
  • ISXOgre
    • If my primary auth server only half craps out, it should now switch to the secondary auth server.
      • Previously, it only switched to the secondary auth server if the primary one was down completely (as opposed to just throwing an error).
  • OgreBot
    • Fixed a rare bug with ressing where it would try to res a dumbfire pet if the res was specifically on that toon.
      • Example: My defilers name is Kannkor_Defiler. On my dirge, I had a res set specifically for Kannkor_Defiler. When the dumbfire pet died ( Kannkor_Defiler Spirtual something ) it was attempting to res it. This should be fixed.
    • Resing now requires you to be in the group or raid to res. (Not even sure you could res outside of group and raid previously, but you certainly can't anymore).
    • Dozekar's head should now auto loot.
    • On Malteor (raid), when you have to kill the add, it now flags a "skip priority tab" flag, which should allow priests to kill it more reliably. Note: You should turn ON Ignore NPC HP 100%, if you want them to fight when the mob is 100%.
  • OgreFillQuiver
    • Added check for "sack" - Thanks primalz.

Versions: ISXOgre-2012.04.30, Patch Version-154, OgreBot-15.055, OgreCraft-1.020 (Available from autopatcher) - Kannkor

  • Changed files: Resourceinfo.xml(OHarvest), OgreHarvestMain, HireX
  • ResourceInfo.xml
    • Thanks again to primalz for the updates
    • butcherblock mountains added
    • odus corrections
    • withered lands added
  • OgreHarvestMain
    • Special thanks to UniqueIdentifier, debugged and added some fixes.
  • OgreBot
    • Added mender "A Dracurion mender" to the repair
    • Cure potions have been updated to T10. This means T9 potions will no longer function (support for non-max level potions isn't ever planned).
      • Any T9 potion in your priority tab will automatically be converted to the T10 version.
      • Previously, it was saving the full name "Focused Arcane Remedy", now it saves "Arcane Remedy". However, it will still show up in your list as Robust Arcane Remedy (this makes it easy to find them).
      • Unimportant, but worth noting for some people. Until you save your profiles, the /save/ file itself, will still contain "Focused Arcane Remedy", once it is saved, it will be as "Arcane Remedy". The bot automatically converts anything with "Arcane Remedy" into the top tier of potion for display/use. This has no effect on usage, it's only here for complete sake of changes/details.
    • Added some various Tell Broadcasts for raid mobs.
  • HireX
    • Really changed the default to tier 10

Versions: ISXOgre-2012.04.22, Patch Version-153, OgreBot-15.054, OgreCraft-1.020 (Available from autopatcher) - Kannkor

  • Previous release of Ogrebot was only in dev bot, moved it to live version, bumped the version to avoid confusion.

Versions: ISXOgre-2012.04.21, Patch Version-152, OgreBot-15.054, OgreCraft-1.020 (Available from autopatcher) - Kannkor

  • Craft
    • Fixed sorting by name
    • Navigation Tab now saves properly instead of loading "0".

Versions: ISXOgre-2012.04.20, Patch Version-151, OgreBot-15.053, OgreCraft-1.019 (Available from autopatcher) - Kannkor

  • Changed files: Transmute.xml
  • OgreCraft
    • Any recipe that calls for a "Woodworking table" - Will check if a "Sawhorse" exists, it will use that. If no sawhorse exists, it will change to looking for a woodworking table instead.
    • Commas in recipe names now display properly (they always worked, just didn't display)
  • Transmute.xml
    • Increased max level of items to 100.

Versions: ISXOgre-2012.04.18, Patch Version-150, OgreBot-15.052, OgreCraft-1.018 (Available from autopatcher) - Kannkor

  • Changed files: OgreBagManager.Inc, OgreFillQuiver, Hirex, Hire, Resourcelist
  • ISXOgre
    • Added commands: ogre quiver and ogre end quiver
      • Runs OgreFillQuiver (see below)
  • OgreBagManager
    • The "7th" bag is now your quiver.
  • OgreFillQuiver
    • Fills up your quiver with arrows, or your pouch with shurikens. Starts in Bag1 and works through to bag 6 (note, it doesn't move them in ORDER in the bag, but will empty bag 1 prior to moving to bag 2)
  • OgreBot
    • Added support for cast on tell without the :
      • cast:Spell name (still works)
      • cast spell name (should now work also)
  • HireX, Hireling
    • Default is now tier 10 instead of tier 9
  • Resourcelist
    • Thanks to primalz for updating this. If any are missing please report