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Revision as of 03:48, 18 September 2010 by Kannkor (Talk | contribs)

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Tab: Combat

Tab Summary

This tab controls beneficial buffs that happen as soon as the target of the spell enters combat. This tab has priority over all other tabs, except Priority Curing (PCures).



  • Cast on - Intended target. Note: Self spells must have your self as the intended target. Group spells can have anyone in the group as their target.
  • Maintain - When checked, will not cast on the same target if the spell already exists. When unchecked, will recast the spell as soon as it is available.

User notes/comments/suggestions:

Note: Be careful of putting too many items on this page because these will always be cast prior to heals.

You can do a lot of different things with this window. For example: A warder (Shaman) could have their ward set to be maintained on 2 or 3 different targets for certain fights. You could have a ward on your tank set to maintained, have a ward on a mage set to maintained, and have a 3rd ward on your tank NOT maintained. This would have a ward always on the tank, and always refresh the ward on your tank when the mage has one up.