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Revision as of 19:50, 2 September 2010 by Kannkor (Talk | contribs)

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Feature Requests


Any time someone mentions a feature they would like, I add it to the "list". I work on them when I have time. Feel free to edit this page and add items that are not on the list. The more detail the better. Also leave your name beside the item so I know who to contact incase I need more information. If an item disappears off this list, check the revision history as it may be implemented.

Active Feature Requests - Items I'm working on as I get time.

InActive Feature Requests - Items on the list, but low priority.

---Active Feature Requests---

  • Check make noise on uplink. Possible sound is coming from /eq2ogrebot/sounds and not eq2ogrecommon/sounds
  • possible to make the items tab give you dropdowns of your currently equipped gear and select them to be added to the CA's tab for use?
  • Clarity potions - In combat when under ____ mana. \aITEM -1488319014 -2032709423:Specialist's Essence of Clarity\/a and \aITEM 320810019 -1265453550:Focused Essence of Clarity\/a
    • For both Clarity and HoT potions add a way of selecting which one you want, or a box to type it.
  • MCP
    • Add jump button as an option so LAMERS CAN DO LIBRARY EASIER!
    • Add OgreFollow as an option.
    • Incorporate a "force auto follow" - This one-time /follows.
    • Easy cast function for MCP buttons. Convert all existing buttons to it also.
    • Autorun button (for zoning)
    • Mentor/Unmentor commands into buttons (functions already exist, chat calls mentor me/unmentor).
  • Show/Hide Uplink on the mini XML
  • Make an option to only move while not casting (for mages/priests).
  • Change Joust in/out to atoms instead of functions.
  • Option to have pet joust out also
  • Export a single profile and replace Toonname with ToonClass - For sharing profiles
  • Chat trigger tab. Such as: On ____ Cast ____ on _____.
  • Make trak shield cast out of combat if < 5 mins is left on it to prevent it casting when you are mid-combat etc.
  • "Sweet spot" for regular melee classes. Talk to Inire when ready for more details.
  • Make bots talk - add spell --> "text" into a listbox
  • Find a way to add hexation (defiler). Could do it like Jcap using NPC ID's.
  • Ignore AA timing option (for AEs since some classes won't cast because of cast time).
  • ISXOgre Commands to add
    • Auto load last saved (currently way it is)
  • option to make people return to camp spot after combat (assuming they are in a Joust-in status).
  • Run ogre tell not working with bot receive tells
  • Overclocked Manastone (tinkered item) use at low power - bjcasey
  • Mount casting - see if we can see if you are outdoors.
  • Support for "cast mender bot"
  • Add in Ancient Balm button/support.
  • Add in-front support for abilities - such as eye poke on swash
  • Doing /camp toonname doesn't reset spell info loaded into memory
    • Remove "Abilities" from SpellExport
      • Keep call to guild hall available since it needs to be in the bot
    • Ability to add in specific abilities by name or number. Example: Run ogre spell KannkorPwns or run ogre spell 2309234200923723509237230927982374982734
  • Filter drop down boxes based on Type by tab/dropdown etc. Currently not possible as there is no way to determine which ailbities are offensive and defensive.
  • Either back off tell command, or auto-back off pet if too far away
  • Add support for stun-curing like defiler voice
  • When AH stops due to movement - make a noise
  • Disable porting abilities with No-Move (probably have to hardcode these) - Need names (Blink)
  • Dehate tab
  • PowerHeals
    • NPC Target
  • Make "Group AE" spells on CAs tab have a larger AE (Curse of Darkness for example)
  • Tower of Shield support
  • Inq Verdict - Auto cast or OgreMCP button
  • New Uplink/OgreMCP controller for allowing specifically check boxes on/off in the relay.
  • New healer tab - "Priority Healing"
  • FFA loot - Loot all items (including no trade)
  • MCP - Type item name (partial name possible?) and use it on your target / special
  • Ogre UI window that lists the last ___ commands. Maybe have option to click and have it do it again?
  • Ogre move -list -list available spots to move.
  • Add another non-combat rez drop down (the addition of Supplication of the Fallen as the primary then casting revive if that is down)
  • Use group reses on 3 or more dead people in a group
  • pre-sets for buffs. Tank1, Tank2, Mage1, Mage2 etc.
  • AH*
    • Make pauses available in pathing.. Path to A, then B, pause 30 seconds...
    • Ignore non-aggro
    • Text Entry box that adds to a list box (or combo box) - only kill actors with name matches
  • Exceeding Concentration - Currently broke.. everything comes up as 0 concentration
  • Percision UI box in auto hunt
  • On Combat tab - if person isn't logged in / in raid/ etc
  • Mezzing! Mr suggestion
  • Move in front (for tanks - much like move behind)
  • dirge use of Confront Fear after rezzing someone. Mr suggestion
  • Priority Rezzing ability. Mr suggestion
  • Have ranger move into sweet spot when he/she is in range of melee and ranged CAs. When all of the ranged AAs show up as castable and Lightning Strike is castable you are at the correct distance. This is between 2-5m. Mr suggestion

---In-Active Feature Requests---

  • Maintained on Heals tab - for torpor for anyone
  • Follow before buffing
  • Byzola - class add assists get "stuck" on. - Just have "Lets go" clear it

please to fix this later sir!
this is re harvest
a "map" button on the harvest ui

Ogre Harvest

  • Put Sparkling/Glimmering etc into XML for localization