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ISXOgre: Getting Started

NOTE: ISXOgre is still in testing. For now, both ISXOgre commands and old commands (run ogre) will both work.

  • Getting the file.
    • Contact Kannkor to obtain ISXOgre.dll. Place this file into your Innerspace/Extensions folder.
  • Loading ISXOgre.
    • In the console, type: ext ISXOgre
  • Running ISXOgre for the first time.
    • The first time you run ISXOgre, it creates a ISXOgre.xml inside of your Innerspace/Extensions folder. You must edit this file and add in your ISXOgre account information. Note: This is NOT your Everquest 2 account information. Follow the instructions in the console.
  • Running ISXOgre for the first.. second time.
    • Once you have filled in your account information (as instructed above). The next time you run ext ISXOgre it will authenticate your account, then update any files that are out of date. Since this is your first time running ISXOgre, all the files need to be downloaded. There are around 100 of them, so it takes a few minutes. Once all the files have been download, ISXOgre reloads itself and starts over. You will be authenticated and it will re-check to ensure you have all the correct files. Once this is done, you should see that ISXOgre has been enabled.
  • Access to the development versoin
    • "Ogre dev" instead of "Ogre"
    • Examples:
      • Ogre dev Kannkor -- Logs Kannkor in and loads the development version of the bot.
      • Ogre dev -- Loads the development version of the bot for the current character.
  • ISXOgre load commands.
    • When ISXOgre is first loaded, it checks to see if ISXEQ2 is active, if it isn't, it tries to load ISXEQ2 for you.
    • It also prepares our skin.
    • (Note: Ogre.iss (run ogre) did both of these things also. So this isn't new).
  • Using ISXOgre.
    • All the commands work exactly the same, just without the word "run". Lets do a few examples.
      • Old way: run ogre mcp -- Would load the MCP window.
      • New way: ogre mcp
      • Old way: run ogre kannkor -- Would log the toon "Kannkor" in, and load the bot.
      • New way: ogre kannkor
      • Old way: run ogre -- Would load the bot on your character (that is already logged in).
      • New way: ogre
  • Using an old way
    • Absolutely! While ISXOgre is in testing, you can use both the new way, and the old way. For example you could do the following. We are assuming you have already loaded the extension.
      • ogre login kannkor -- Using the extension to login the character Kannkor with no bot.
      • run ogre -- Uses the old way to load the bot on the current character.
      • ogre osa -- Uses the extension to load osa (On Screen Assistant).
      • run ogre zone -- Uses the old way to load the zone resetter.
      • ogre end zone -- Uses the extension to end the zone resetter.
      • run ogre end osa -- Uses the old way to end OSA.

As you can see, the commands are identical, just without the word "run".

  • Why is there commands in the console?
    • This is just debugging information incase something doesn't work. Basically when you issue a command, it is displaying in the console the section, then the command it is issuing. You can ignore this information. If something goes wrong, make sure you keep this information to help fix the error.