
From ISXOgre
Revision as of 17:45, 24 March 2011 by Kannkor (Talk | contribs)

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Revision History


Any time there are updates, they will be posted below with what changed, and if any new files were updated.

Note: Any Versions with (Coming soon) are updates I am working on and not yet released.

---Change Log---

Early development items

  • Note: These are items I'm working on in the early stages and will NOT be released with the next update.

  • ItemDatabase - In development - Not released yet.
    • Created directory: /scripts/EQ2OgreItemDatabase/
    • General Information
      • The concept changed a few times, and unfortunately the code reflects this. I don't recommend using this as a script to learn, or use examples from.
      • None the less, everything should be functional. As you navigate the UI, different options will appear depending on what you click on.
      • There will be a LOT of spam in the console. This is intended.
      • If you find a bug, please be able to tell me exactly how to reproduce it.
    • Known issues
      • Examining an item with an adornment that duplicates a stat will cause issues. For example: You have an item with 300hp. You add an adornment that gives +200hp. The item will then be reported as having 200 health, because the adornment is listed AFTER the actual health on the item.
    • Items
      • Item details - Incase an examine has extra information on it (such as from an adorn, or +mit increase etc), you can edit item information.
      • Adding item details - You can manually add item details. You will notice you can ONLY add an item detail that the item doesn't already have. If you wish to change the value of an item detail, use the editing function.

In development (Coming soon)

    • Added member: GetRawAbilityMaxRange
    • Changed AbilityID to iAbilityID which is now a local variable. Should allow for better reusability.
  • OgreBot
    • Fixed autocasting of DoV HM debuff. Previously it would make you snuggle him if you were out of range, now it's based off of 80% of your spell range. I used 80% incase he was moving, since you need to be in range when you start to cast.
    • Scripters - Added global atom "OgreBotChangeCampSpot" that takes 3 parameters, x, y, z. Currently there are no "checks" in place, so it will change an existing campspot to whatever location you pass it. Example of usage: OgreBotChangeCampSpot 0 -24 300
  • MCP
    • Reordered some buttons again.. /sigh
    • Added "Mount" button. Toggles mount.
    • Added Turt HUD to Zones. This toggles health/distance of the Right and Left turtles.
  • OgreUI
    • Added assassin tab
      • Exploit weakness - Will cast exploit weakness (Heroic endline AA) after you get the message. Note: Having Exploit weakness in your CA tab will spam it. So put it there, or check it here, not both.

Released Versions

Versions: ISXOgre-2011.03.20, Patch Version-51, OgreBot-14.048 (Available from autopatcher) - Kannkor

  • Raid options
    • Full: When the DoV HM debuff is wearing off, if yours is available, you will cast it.
    • Fixed a typo with Brendegor encounter (iilatus).
  • Fixed the confirmation of no trade items not accepting.

Versions: ISXOgre-2011.03.11, Patch Version-50, OgreBot-14.047 (Available from autopatcher) - Kannkor

  • Removed some debug text about AECounter
  • Tweaked/fixed immuculate revival
  • RaidOptions
    • Tormax(FULL): Added some movement based on red text.

Versions: ISXOgre-2011.03.09, Patch Version-49, OgreBot-14.046 (Available from autopatcher) - Kannkor

  • Changed files: UplinkControllerXML.xml, OgreMCPXML.xml,LordBob, Transmute.ISS
  • ISXOgre
    • Removed support for "Ogre up" and "ogre uplink". By this time you should be using "ogre MCP".
    • Added support for "ogre end mcp"
  • UplinkControllerXML.xml
    • Added Raid, Limited Raid, and Grind options
  • Ogrebot
    • Anti-Welcome screen has been added. When you load the bot, it now closes the top window. Which is the welcome screen when you first log in. If you happen to reload the bot with other windows open, it will close one of them.
    • Fixed Mark of manors not looting
    • Tweaked Encounter smart nukes a bit. Because Encountersize of a mob does not update, it now checks that and the amount of mobs. This means if you are fighting a named with 2 adds, it should fire encounter nukes. When you are left with only 1 mob, it should not fire encounter nukes. There isn't any "smart" checking, so if you get an add not linked to the named, it would fire encounter nukes again because the target is an encounter, and there is more than 1 mob around.
  • Raid updates
    • Throne of Storms
      • ArchMagistor
        • Limited: HUDS for all the curses/arcanes/elementals that need cured. Cure Curse is automatically disabled for this fight.
        • Full: Autocuring of all the above if you have the appropriate items.
      • Legatus Prime Mikill
        • Limited: HUDs of his 2 AEs. Note: I don't have the correct timers, so these are just estimates.. If someone has the timers I'll update.
      • Proto Exarch (something)
        • Limited: HUD of when his red text will hit.
        • Full: Campspot changes to behind the pillar and a joustout happens. 12 seconds later, campspot is changed back to the right of the pillar.
    • Kraytocs
      • Brendegor Bitelimb
        • Limited: HUD of his AE Crushing foot. Note: I don't have the correct timers, so these are just estimates.. If someone has the timers I'll update.
        • Full: Changes campspot on red text to back further, 12 seconds later campspot is changed back to the closer spot.
      • Tert something
        • Full: Campspots change for groups 2 and 4 from ramp to ramp. Movement includes swimming up to ensure people don't get stuck in the water.
      • Commander Yutzal / Taaltak the Mighty
        • Limited: HUD of his red text
        • Full: Changes campspot on red text to back further, 12 seconds later campspot is changed back to the closer spot.
      • Eirreen The Broken
        • Limited: HUD of when the next pillar will be active. This is based off of 45 second timer from when the previous one was used.
    • ToFS(x2)
      • Necretia Widowmaker
        • (Full) If you are a tank, you will target cocoons if they are up, and half drained corpses if they are up.
      • VhalSera
        • (Limited) If you have the uncurable, you won't nuke the named.
  • OgreMCPXML
    • IMPORTANT - Renamed the window from "UPXML" to "OgreMCPXML". This is important if you ever referenced the window directly.
    • Increased the size
      • Added 1 more row of dynamic buttons to the bottom
      • Crammed 2 rows of static buttons.
    • Zones
      • Added Load lord bob script, unload lord bob script, and activate jump.
        • Load loads it on all sessions.
        • Unload unloads it on all sessions.
        • Jump - Tells everyone to get to the pad your toon is closest too. For example: When he puts 1 pad acid, if your tank is NOT on it, hit the button, everyone will come to you (they jump). If your tank is ON the acid pad, jump to a different one and hit it.
    • Added Immaculate Revival (Cleric end line ability).
      • If any priest or fighter is dead, the ability is cast.
      • If any 2 people are dead, the ability is cast.
        • If you wish to change the # of peolpe dead to cast, you can pass it 1 parameter(in OgreMCPXML). The default is 2 and doesn't need to be specified.
      • Otherwise it will not cast.
    • Added 2 new toggle buttons to the "Objects" tab.
      • "Fly-Up" / "Flying-Up" - These will hold/release "Home" (to fly up on a flying mount).
      • "Fly-Dn" / "Flying-Dn" - These will hold/release "End" (to fly Down on a flying mount).
  • OgreTransmute
    • Updated Mastercraft to support Legendary Mastercraft
    • Removed the Ornate check - Since transmutables from PQs are ornate.

Versions: ISXOgre-2011.02.25, Patch Version-48, OgreBot-14.045 (Available from autopatcher) - Kannkor

  • Minor Raid updates

Versions: ISXOgre-2011.02.25, Patch Version-47, OgreBot-14.044 (Available from autopatcher) - Kannkor

  • Changed files:, eq2ogreharvestmain, eq2ogreharvestinjectablexml.xml
  • Ogrebot
    • Added Pure Primal Velium Shards to the loot list.
      • Note: These are currently bugged and will not auto loot until a bug is fixed. Once the bug is fixed, it should automatically work.
      • Note: I added a temporary work around for this.
    • Added wizard "Depart" as an evac spell when pressing Evac on OgreMCP
    • Raid Options
      • Limited: Onscreen display of when Legatus Prime Mikill's AEs are going to hit. Note: Currently I do NOT have the timers. I will fix the display when I get the actual timers on the AEs
      • Kraytoc's Fortress of Rime
        • Brendegor Bitelimb
          • Full raid options: Movement based off of red text and campspot. Fighters will not move.
    • Removed a debugging echo line.
    • Updated Heirloom text. Bot will properly loot if confirm is checked.
    • Reworked "ranges". Bot won't try to use your ranged attack unless you're out of melee range again.
    • "Ranged auto attack" will now work up to the full distance of a 35 meter bow (instead of about 75% of the range).
    • Rangers hmm... This may fuck with the "sweet spot" coding.. If anyone still plays one, betray. If someone STILL plays one and this is messed up now, let me know. I don't have one anymore.
    • Reworked the time the bot waits for a spell to be cast from 1s to 1000ms. This should work a lot more reliably, since the time between 1 switching to 2 is anywhere from 1ms to 1000ms and would cause issues.
  • Harvest
    • Fixed to work with recent IS patch

Old Revisions

Version 14 Patches 40-49

Version 14 Patches 31-39

Version 14 Patches 13-30

Version 14 no patch numbers

Version 13

Version 12

Version 11

Version 10