Tab:IM Destroy

From ISXOgre
Revision as of 08:26, 12 May 2019 by Pork (Talk | contribs)

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  • This is Currently in BETA and as such may be Buggy or unfinished...

  • While all testing has been done to make sure each script is working as intended some bugs may have slipped through.
  • I am not responsible for any lost, sold or destroyed items.


Main Overview

IM Destroy Tab Ver 2.png

Destroys items from your inventory via a List you create. It will destroy all of said item if it exists in your inventory.

UI Overview

Below are all the instructions of how the UI works.

Inventory List

  • UI Overview
    • This lists all items in your inventory.
      • If an item exists in your inventory list it will show up Green.
  • UI Interaction
    • Double Left Click to add an item to the Saved List. ( This will automatically save to xml )

Saved List

  • UI Overview
    • This lists all items that are going to be Destroyed when processed.
  • UI Interaction
    • Right Click to remove an item. ( This will automatically save to xml )

Refresh List "Button"

    • UI Interaction
      • Re-Scans your inventory for Inventory List.

Start Destroying "Button"

  • UI Interaction
    • Starts the destroying process.

Reset List "Checkbox"

  • UI Interaction
    • Starts the process of clearing your entire saved list xml.
      • This has multiple popup windows with warnings and confirmations to make sure you do not accidentally delete the list.

CLI Commands

Below are all the CLI commands for the Destroy Tab.

  • Currently this is limited till i have time to integrate them all.


  • Example: ogre im -destroy -end ( will load up IM start destroying once done it will end the script )


  • -destroy
    • will start the destroy script
  • -end or -endwhenfinished
    • Will end the script once it has processed all of the commands
      • This should always be passed last

API Commands

Below are all the API commands for the Destroy Tab.

  • Currently this is limited till i have time to integrate them all.


  • Example: OgreIMAPI.Destroy:Start ( will start destroying stuff )


  • Start
    • will start the destroying process.
  • Add_To_List["Item Name","-save"]
    • -save will save to the xml leave blank if you do not want to save. IE: Add_To_List["Item Name"]
  • Remove_From_List["Item Name","-save"]
    • -save will save to the xml leave blank if you do not want to save. IE: Remove_From_List["Item Name"]
  • Clear_List["-save"]
    • -save will save to the xml leave blank if you do not want to save. IE: Clear_List
      • WARNING - Using ( Clear_List["-save"] ) will delete your entire saved xml list. you have been warned.