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Revision as of 18:42, 31 October 2010 by Kannkor (Talk | contribs)

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Tab: Priority

Tab Summary

This tab controls priority abilities. This tab is the first tab to execute. You can ONLY have beneficial abilities in here (cures and heals).


Options When filling out this screen, be SURE to fill it out correctly. There are many, many cure abilities throughout all the classes. Instead of hardcoding every one, you simply need to select if the ability is a "Cure" or "Heal".

There is some basic logic already in place. If you select a cure, and # of Afflicted as more than 1, but the ability is not a group spell, it will skip it (and complain in the console until you fix it).

You will notice it has T9 cure potions (Focused Arcane Remedy) in the list also.