
From ISXOgre
Revision as of 07:23, 30 November 2010 by Kannkor (Talk | contribs)

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Revision History


Any time there are updates, they will be posted below with what changed, and if any new files were updated.

Note: Any Versions with (Coming soon) are updates I am working on and not yet released.

---Change Log---

Early development items

  • Note: These are items I'm working on in the early stages and will NOT be released with the next update.
  • AutoLogin - In development - Not released yet.
    • Note: This will probably be an advanced feature. You will need to follow specific instructions, including creating windows short cuts to be able to set this up.
    • Added new folder to the /EQ2OgreCommon/ OgreAutoLogin

In development (Coming soon)

  • Changed files: OgreUIXML.XML, EQ2OgreOnScreenAssistant.iss
  • Documented RAID OPTIONS and LIMITED RAID OPTIONS. Click here for more details.
  • Fixed the Come2Me button on the mcp.
  • ISXOgre
    • Added new member to ISXOgre TLO -- .Version will return a string with version information.
  • Raid options - Fishman
  • Moved chat trigger "Need a cure curse!" to use the new code from the Priority tab (doesn't require anything to be on the Priority tab, just uses the new code block instead of the old code block from the PCure tab).
  • OgreUIXML
    • Added new option "Limited mode" which is a suboption of Raid Options. Currently Raid options has some support for how my guild raids and it allows me to do a lot of afking on raids. However it has /raid calls and other things people don't want. Limited mode is going to be more passive. Basically it won't call things out in /raid. Please note: Until I specifically code the limited mode, if you have raid options checked you will be in full raid options mode (which I've always recommended no one use because it isn't documented). As I start to add support for Limited mode, I will work on documenting it.
    • New tab - Named "Extra" for extra information that is used by raid options and grind options.
  • EQ2OgreOnScreenAssistant
    • Fixed Display NPCs with Targets Only (previously it wasn't working correctly when you first loaded osa).
  • While adding documentation for Raid options/Limited Raid options, I removed a TON of excess old code that is no longer used.
  • Removed a bunch of older Raid code. Ones worth noting - no more healing of Gozak summons.

Released Versions

Versions: ISXOgre-2010.11.16, Patch Version-38, OgreBot-14.036 (Available from autopatcher) - Kannkor

  • Fixed come to mes not working (broke in Version 14.034)

Versions: ISXOgre-2010.11.15, Patch Version-37, OgreBot-14.035 (Available from autopatcher) - Kannkor

  • Minor tweaks

Versions: ISXOgre-2010.11.15, Patch Version-36, OgreBot-14.034 (Available from autopatcher) - Kannkor

  • Changed files: OgreConnect.iss, OgreMCPXML.xml
  • Changed casting stack a little, moved RO/VC under gravias/Jcap/manastone etc, so it doesn't cast them then go into useless non-damaging options.
  • OgreConnect - Changed to take a parameter that determines connecting or disconnecting.
  • OgreMCPXML - Changed the connect and disconnect calls.
    • Note: The disconnect button should actually work now.. was broken previously. Clearly no one disconnects.
  • Redesigned "come to me" to support CommandForMe member, which recently was upgraded. The following can be a prefix for the come to me command.
    • Note: The person giving the command must be authorized (in
    • Note: You need Move To Area selected for these to work, and a target (can be yourself).
    • "come to me" - Everyone.
    • "melee come to me" - Fighters/scouts only.
    • "mages come to me" or "casters come to me" - Mages only.
    • "priests come to me" or "healers come to me" - Priests only.
    • "g# come to me" - Anyone in a raid in that group #.
    • "toonname come to me" - Anyone with that toon name, such as "Kannkor come to me".

Versions: ISXOgre-2010.11.12, Patch Version-35, OgreBot-14.032 (Available from autopatcher) - Kannkor

  • Changed files: EQ2OgreHirelingX.iss
  • New chat command "Assist me" (no other text in the line is permitted, it is not case sensitive) changes your temporary assist to the person saying assist me. If the person saying assist me normally assists someone else, they will disable their own assist to allow you to change it freely. Clear this the same way you clear all modified assists (MCP->Assist->Enter->Enter).
  • MCP->Assist can now take "g1, g2, g3, g4" as options. For example, lets say you're in g1 and your botted toon is in g4, you could do assist -> g4 -> tank_in_g4_name.
  • EQ2OgreHirelingX - Fixed the broken apply_verbs from a few EQ2 patches ago.

Versions: ISXOgre-2010.11.11, Patch Version-34, OgreBot-14.031 (Available from autopatcher) - Kannkor

  • Raid Options
    • Waansu - If you are cursed you will now target yourself to prevent auto attacks.
    • Maalus cure curse fix (via the cure curse fix below)
    • 3Mages HM - When they call out, people will automatically move.
    • Xilaxis - Groups 2-4: Added On-screen display of when the AE red text is coming.
    • Xilaxis - Groups 2-4: Added auto-joust-out 2 seconds prior to him calling he will AE.
    • Xilaxis - Groups 2-4: Auto Joust in 7 seconds after the red text call.
  • Fixes
    • Cure Curse on the new Priority tab now works if you specify the target. Was a typo in before which caused it to always fail.
    • End boss in Spirits res - You will no longer sit there and chain assist forcing you to close the bot. Basically you need to pause, go kill the books, then resume when they are dead.

Versions: ISXOgre-2010.11.09, Patch Version-33, OgreBot-14.030 (Available from autopatcher) - Kannkor

  • Changed files: OgreUIXML.xml
  • "Clearing" the dynamic assist (MCP->Assist-> Enter -> Enter) now removes any temporary assist the bot has assigned. This should fix a rare bug that could occur in shard of hate when using raid options. It would prevent you from ever being able to assist until you reloaded the bot.
  • WATER FIX! Modified how the Combat tab works slightly in water.
    • Previously: The combat tab works like this: When the target of the ability is in combat, it will cast. The problem is in water, you can't tell when your target is in combat.
    • Now: The combat tab still works exactly the same with 1 exception, if YOU are in water, and YOU are in combat, it assumes your target is in combat also. Thus, fixing the combat tab to work in water.
  • WATER FIX #2
    • When you get in water, you bob up and down a little bit, ISXEQ2 reports that you are moving during this time. For now, if you are in water, it will NOT check to see if you are moving. This means if you are swimming through water the bot will basically be free to attempt to cast abilities as it sees fit, and will interupt them if you ARE actually moving. This is the best solution I have so far.
  • Fixed cure curse with yourself targeted.
  • If you have raid options checked and you are moving, you will no longer cast offensive abilities. This is a test fix to the when you stop you cast a random ability while it's cycling.
  • "Manaburn" and "lifeburn" now skip the IsReady checks. This means they will cast with implied targets.
  • Added chat trigger "Heart/ Shard please" for asking for a heart or shard.
  • Removed Cure Curse cancelling when the target is no longer cursed. This will help if you need to spam it while the bot is running.
  • Added tons of debugging code. The debugging code should only run in the dev version. If you notice debugging code in the live version please send me the exact line of text.
  • OgreUIXML.xml
    • Fixed buffing. Currently when you add a buff, it was defaulting to disabled, but showing enabled. Should be resolved now. If you added any buffs in the last week, I would double check there are no "black" ones (meaning disabled).

Versions: ISXOgre-2010.11.06, Patch Version-32, OgreBot-14.029 (Available from autopatcher) - Kannkor

Changed files: OgreMCP.iss

  • Added timer on when Toxx eats people with Raid options.
  • Removed the crouching from Byzola.. seeing how it opened the character window now anyways... :)
  • Tweaked campspot defaults to 1-125 (from 1-75).
  • Changed the default turbo to 500. So far there doesn't seem to be any drawbacks. Please report if you notice any changes.

Versions: ISXOgre-2010.11.04, Patch Version-31, OgreBot-14.028 (Available from autopatcher) - Kannkor

  • Bug fix: When stealth was used, if the announce tab was used, it would try to sneak in a spell from the announce tab. This was most commonly seen on bards because of cob/potm. Either way, it's fixed.
  • Tweaked Kendis / Penda - All mages won't fight Penda when the retribution aura is up, but will fight the adds fine. Same with all scouts and Kendis.

Old Revisions

Version 10

Version 11

Version 12

Version 13

Version 14 no patch numbers

Version 14 Patches 13-30