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Revision as of 16:13, 11 June 2014 by Fl0pster (Talk | contribs)

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Tab: EQ2Chars


Tab Summary

    • EQ2Chars tab
      • New tab that allows for people to enter their 'EQ2Chars' information into the a UI, because some how people refuse to read the walkthrough, break this file and it causes all kinds of headaches.
      • 5 text entry boxes
        • Character name (Required):
        • Account Name (Optional):
        • Password (Optional):
        • Server Name (Optional):
        • Comment (Optional):
          • This comment field is if you want to add a comment about a toon.
            • At this time, this will ONLY show up if you look at the XML. There isn't enough room on the UI.
      • The only required field is character name. The rest are optional. If you want to use 'OgreAutoLogin', then you must fill in the Account Name, Password, and Server fields also.
      • If you do not enter an account name (such as you want to simply authorized a friends toon), they will show up in the interface as "Unknown" for the account.
      • Account name, character name, and server show in the UI. Passwords do not.
      • To REMOVE an entry, select it (by left mouse clicking), then right mouse click to remove it (same way every other listbox in Ogrebot works).
      • You can't exactly "edit" an entry, instead when you add a new entry, it removes any entry with the same toon name.
        • Note: This means you can not have two toons with the same name. This restriction existed already.
      • File is saved in /EQ2OgreCommon/DoNotShareWithOthers/EQ2Chars.xml
        • Old file was:, for reference.
      • These are saved globally, and are NOT part of your Ogrebot profile. This means no reason to worry about sharing profiles, and you only ever have to fill it out once, and it will be available for any toon you log in.
      • When adding/removing on this screen, it will update real time for the toon you are logged into. However any other toon you are logged in, would need to reload Ogrebot in order for the changes you just made to take effect. (This is the same as previously, when editing the file, once you saved, you had to reload Ogrebot).
      • When you make any changes (saving or removing), these changes are saved immediately. There is no "undo" option.
      • Pressing "ESC" while your cursor is in a text entry box will clear it.
      • When selecting an item from the list box, it will re-populate the text entry fields. The exception is the password, it will remain blank. However, as long as it is left blank the saved password will NOT be overwritten.
        • For example: Lets say you add the following information in:
          • Toon: Kankor
          • Account: MyAcct
          • Password: SecretPassword
          • Server: Freeport
        • Then you realize OH SNAP I SPELT KANNKOR WRONG.
        • You Left click on the entry in the list box, fix the spelling (not touching the password field), and press 'Add', the password will remain 'SecretPassword'.
      • Screen shot here
      • Added a button: "Add Current Group/Raid"
        • Will add every person in your group and/or Raid to your Eq2chars if they DO NOT already exist. This means it's safe to use it with your own toons in the raid/group.
          • Unfortunately, I have to give props to Saha for suggesting this. Everyone has a good idea once... :)
    • Ogrebot no longer REQUIRES to load. It loads it optionally (this is done so information can be converted over for existing users, and not required at all for new users).