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ATTENTION: All profiles listed currently are pre CoE unless specified and we will be updating them as soon as possible post CoE release.
These are sample profiles. It is up to you to tweak and adjust your profiles to suit your needs. Profiles can and do change based on the composition of the group/raid and gear.
If you wish to contribute a profile please email profiles@ogregaming.com with both the profile, AA spec and your Username so that credit can be given.

GU66 Changes - Note: Some changes may require profile tweaks

Current GU66 Profiles


  • Remember to press refresh when you get to a profile page so that you are viewing the latest webpage with aa's and file. You do not want to be viewing an old cashed page.
  • Combat Buffs: If you get concentration slot warnings there are a couple things you can do.
    • Make sure you do a full rebuff after your aa change and new profile is in place.
    • If you still have issues it may be do to group makeups epic items, AA's etc, so just adjust your buffs.
  • You must use the AA setup provided with any profile you use.
    • After you put in your new AA's remember to first close Ogre, Run Ogre Spell and then re-launch Ogre.

Dudester - GU66 Profiles

  • GU 66 - Second Pass (Solo on Test Dummy) improved DPS & Ogre configuration settings.
    • <> Beastlord +100k DPS <> Coercer +30k DPS <> Dirge +60k DPS <> Guardian +10k DPS <> Illusionist +90k DPS / AA Change <> Necromancer +40k DPS <> Troubador +10k DPS <> Wizard +80k DPS - Week of 5/11/ - 5/17 2013

  • GU 66 - First Pass - Profiles updated Weekend of 5/4/2013
  • Still making adjustments to these profiles, if they do not appear in the list above then a second pass final DPS adjustment has not yet been made. - Those of you that like to take them & run feel free to use and tweak them. I am still not 100% happy with all of them
    • GU66 Final Profiles: Beastlord <> Brigand <> Coercer <> Dirge <> Guardian <> Illusionist <> Necromancer <>Paladin <> Shadowknight <> Troubador <> Wizard - Profile Posted - (Dudester)


Guardian Berserker Monk Bruiser Paladin Shadowknight
bjcasey Dudester(CoE) Insanitywiz bjcasey jgarza00 Kannkor
Dudester (GU66) Dudester (CoE) Dudester (GU66) Dudester (GU66)(CoE)


Defiler Mystic Inquisitor Templar Fury Warden
Kannkor bjcasey bjcasey (heal rig) bjcasey jgarza00 bjcasey (heal rig)
Dudester (CoE) Dudester(CoE) bjcasey (dps rig) jgarza00 bjcasey (dps rig)


Coercer Illusionist Necromancer Conjuror Warlock Wizard
bjcasey bjcasey Hollow jgarza00 Dudester(GU66) Dudester(GU66)
Kannkor Hollow Dudester(GU66) Dudester(CoE) Kannkor
Garp74 jgarza00
Snipermagnet(CoE) Dudester(GU66)


Assassin Ranger Brigand Swashbuckler Dirge Troubador Beastlord
bjcasey Contribute Snipermagnet(CoE) Shadow(CoE) bjcasey Kannkor Ali (CoE)
kevinshp Dudester (GU66) Snipermagnet(CoE) jgarza00 Orwak
Dudester (GU66) Dudester (GU66) Insanitywiz
Dudester (GU66)

Older Chains of Eternity Profiles

  • profiles updated 04/24 - 04/26/2013 - Improved DPS - Updated AA's, Updated CA Orders, adjusted buffs, priorities now work better with Ogre
    • Final CoE Build For: Beastlord, Brigand, Coercer, Dirge and Warlock (Dudester)
  • profiles updated 04/17/2013 - Updated AA Spec and CA Order
    • Brigand (Dudester)
  • profiles updated 03/25/2013 - Swashbuckler profile added
    • Swashbuckler (Shadow)
  • profiles updated 03/07/2013 - AA Changes to both classes, Troub (added 2nd jCap buff to self)
    • Troubador, Dirge (Dudester)
  • profiles updated 02/27/2013 - Minor CA Changes
    • Inquisitor, Brigand (Dudester)
  • profiles updated 02/26/2013 - Minor Buff Fixes
    • Pally, Gudardian, Shadowknight, Illusionist, Defiler (Dudester)
  • new profiles added 02/13/2013
    • Guardian, Berserker, Monk, Paladin, Shadowknight, Defiler, Mystic, Inquisitor, Coercer, Illusionist, Necromancer, Conjuror, Warlock, Wizard, Brigand, Dirge, Troubador, Beastlord (Dudester)
  • new profiles added 01/18/2013
    • Brigand, Coercer, Dirge, Inquisitor, and Mystic (snipermagnet)

Older Pre-Chains of Eternity Profiles

  • new profiles added 10/29/2012
    • Coercer (Garp74) -- thanks!
  • new profiles added 08/11/2012
    • Brigand (snipermagnet), Dirge (snipermagnet), Mystic (snipermagnet), Illusionist (Hollow), Necromancer(updated)(Hollow) -- thanks guys!
  • new profiles added 08/08/2012
    • Paladin (jgarza00), Fury (jgarza00), Templar (jgarza00), Conjuror (jgarza00), Illusionist (jgarza00), Wizard (dudester), Warlock (dudester), Troubador (jgarza00) -- thanks guys!
  • new profiles added 04/14/2012
    • Monk (Orwak), Inquisitor (Orwak), Beastlord (Ali), Beastlord (Orwak) -- thanks!