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== Commands ==
== Commands ==
* -RaidDebuff <WhoToCast> <IDOrNameOfTarget> - Casts the DoV raid debuff on the specified target. Note: If you use ALL - everyone will cast it (not recommended).
* -Uplinkoption <CommandForWho> <ObjectName> <NewValue> - Changes various UI options in Ogrebot.
** Changes an option on the "Show Uplink". This should work for any option that does NOT require changing something in the priority tab (IE: Cure Curses, and cure pots will NOT work).
** This will actually work for ANY checkbox, textentry, or commandbutton, button that is a "OBUI_" interface object (which is 99.9% of all of Ogrebot). YOU need to look up the name of the option you want to change. You can do this by opening "ogreuixml.xml" inside of /eq2ogrebot/ folder. Navigating (yes, it's huge), and finding the name of the object you want to change.

Revision as of 12:49, 10 August 2012


  • *** This is currently in development. Documentation hasn't been moved from Revision history to here yet. ***


OgreIRC - hooks into your uplink and allows commands to pass through it.

This is a very advanced feature. It is generally used for two purposes. As a method of "connecting" players together to control each others bots. Generally in a raid situation. Secondly, for extremely advanced control of some of OgreBot features. Because OgreIRC has pure CLI (Command Line Interface) with many of OgreBots functions, you can set up some additional functionality over standard MCP commands. Because it is built around it coming from an outside source, it always takes parameters of who it's for, rather than blanket relay alls (although many MCP commands have the standard who it's for).

OgreIRC is 100% unsupported. You are more than welcome to try it, provide feedback on bugs/features, but there will be no timelines. Unless you have a use for it, and are a seasoned user/scripter, I wouldn't recommend taking on this task.

Requirements / Setup

  • ISXIM - This is a free download from isxgames.com.
    • It must be updated (load the extension once).
    • It is only required on the 1 computer that will be acting as the bridge between IRC and your local network.
    • Do NOT add it to your startup. There is no need to load it anywhere, or do anything with it (other than ext isxim once so it updates).
  • Data.xml
    • Rename the file: scripts/OgreIRC/bak.data.xml to data.xml (remove the bak.)
    • Edit this file.
      • UplinkName - This is the name of the uplink that the IRC bridge will be running on.
      • IRCServer - IRCServer you will be connecting too.
      • DefaultUser - IRC Name
      • DefaultChannel - IRC channel. At this time, only 1 channel is supported.
      • ChannelPassword - Password for IRC Channel...
      • The last 3 have to do with logging characters in automatically. This is NOT coded at the time of writing this, with minimal plans to implement it.


  • There are 2 "scripts" running. One in the uplink (OgreIRC), and one in each game session (OgreIRCSession). How OgreIRC works, is the OgreIRCSessions send information to OgreIRC in the uplink, and it is passed to the IRC channel. Likewise, when information is received from the IRC channel, it is read by OgreIRC, and passed to OgreIRCSessions.
  • Load your sessions, and in the console on the computer where you want the IRC bridge, type: ogre irc
  • This will relay all other sessions to load OgreIRCSession, as well as load OgreIRC into the uplink. These are bruteforce checks, so if one of them is already running, you'll get "script is already running". That is fine.
  • To use the in-game interface, you need to open it by hitting Control+~ IE: The same way you open the console, but hold control down. (For those technical reading this, I realize ~ isn't really the key you are pressing, but it's much easier than trying to get people to see the difference between ' and `, and most people think the tilde key is default.)


  • Yes, colours. OgreIRC is Canadian, deal with it!
  • Green = Chat intended for a human.
  • Red = A chat command intended for the bot.
  • Yellow = An in-game tell.


  • -RaidDebuff <WhoToCast> <IDOrNameOfTarget> - Casts the DoV raid debuff on the specified target. Note: If you use ALL - everyone will cast it (not recommended).
  • -Uplinkoption <CommandForWho> <ObjectName> <NewValue> - Changes various UI options in Ogrebot.
    • Changes an option on the "Show Uplink". This should work for any option that does NOT require changing something in the priority tab (IE: Cure Curses, and cure pots will NOT work).
    • This will actually work for ANY checkbox, textentry, or commandbutton, button that is a "OBUI_" interface object (which is 99.9% of all of Ogrebot). YOU need to look up the name of the option you want to change. You can do this by opening "ogreuixml.xml" inside of /eq2ogrebot/ folder. Navigating (yes, it's huge), and finding the name of the object you want to change.