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Inventory Manager

[I]nventory [M]anager (known as IM) is a collection of scripts to help manage inventories.

  • Trading - Advanced trading script. See below for more information.
  • Junk selling - [Not completed] - Able to maintain a list (in-game) where it will automatically sell anything deemed as junk. Able to examine to auto-add.
  • Broker depot - [Not completed] - Able to maintain a list (in-game) to which items you want to go in each broker bag.


There are 2 methods to using the trading script.

  • Console commands
  • In-game UI [Not completed]

Console Commands

  • Trading
    • Added command line parameters that will bypass the UI from loading.
      • -b # (broker) Deposits items specified (with -e or -i) into the broker box specified.
        • Will put items in your quiver onto the broker when appropriate. IE: If you tell it to put all your arrows on the broker, it will include the ones in your quiver.
      • -e | -examine
        • Will trade the examined item.
      • -i <text> | -item <text>
        • Will trade any items containing the text. Example: -item adept -item master would trade ALL adepts AND masters. Special note: anything with spaces MUST be enclosed in quotes. Example: -item "big heavy rock"
      • -t <toonname> | -target <toonname>
        • Will trade the items to the toonname listed. If omitted, uses your current target.
      • #
        • Will trade this many items TOTAL. If this is omitted, it will trade all of them. Example: If you had 8 adepts, and 500 masters, and you did 10, it would trade 10 items total. (There's no way to tell which items would be counted first, since it's based on an internal EQ2 array).
        • No prefix required, and can be anywhere in the parameters. Example: -item adept 10 -item master would work fine.
    • Examples:
      • ogre im -item arrow -target toonname 20
        • Trades 20 stacks of "arrows" to toonname
      • ogre im -i arrow -t toonname 20
        • Trades 20 stacks of "arrows" to toonname (same as above, just using the abbrev versions)
      • ogre im -i master -i adept
        • Trades all your masters and adepts to your current target
      • ogre im -e 1
        • Trades 1 "stack" of what ever you have currently examined, to your current target.

In Development

  • InventoryManager
    • Note: Still only CLI, no UI currently.
    • Fixed a bug with the script erroring but not closing.
    • Fixed quoting things not working. Previously you couldn't use quotes, now you can. Exmaple: ogre im -i "bamboo shoot" now works correctly.
    • Added basic broker support
    • Added -b # as a parameter. -b | -broker tells the script to add to the broker, the # is what box number.
      • Examples: ogre im -b 1 -i master | - Adds All of your masters to your broker into box #1.
      • ogre im -b 3 -i master 20 | - Adds 20 of your masters to your broker into box #3
      • ogre im -b 4 -i "bamboo shoot" -i adept -i master | - Adds all of your bamboo shoot, adepts, and masters into box #4
      • ogre im -b 5 -e -i adept -i master | - Adds all of your examined item, adepts, and masters into box #5