Ogre Boat

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Ogre Boat

Credit for this add-on goes to Icyfeverr.

Ogre Boat takes you through the Memories of The Frillik Tide - Timed key quest in Obulous Frontier.

This lovely script takes you through the pre-requirements before zoning you in. Then it will zone you in and start tackling the obstacles and continues the dialogues where necessary. Occasionally will hang up in a spot, but very very rare (personally happened only a single time out of 100’s of runs), but you can quickly make an adjustment and still finish on time! This finishes it with almost a full minute left every single time so plenty of time to catch a hang up and correct it.

The requirements to start this script are as follows:

  • Must be *in* OF next to a broken barrel on beach at Slaver’s Point (/way -323, -242, -896). Do not click to go in, this starts in OF!!!
  • Ogre Key Binds are used used so default keys no longer matter.
  • Must have these items in your inventory:
    • Mystic Moppet Billy
      • obtainable by Veteran Rewards
      • using a few of those Loyalty Tokens on the marketplace!)
    • Totem of the Deadly Sabertooth
      • crafted
      • depot
      • bought off broker

Running the Script

  • To run on a single instance you would type in the Innerspace Console ‘Ogre Boat’
  • To run on multiple instances at once you would type in the Innerspace Console ‘relay all Ogre Boat’


  • Success timer lockout: 6h
  • Failure timer lockout: 20m

No longer turns off [x] Hide my illusion form

Write up by LittleOgress