Item Effect Pairs

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This walkthrough will work for ANY item that gives a buff, but I'm going to use the Eye as an example.

The item I'm referring to is "Ahrmatal's Scorching Eye".

Items have very limited information about them available. So we have to do a bit of extra work to make it work.

If you just tried to add it to your caststack, you will probably have noticed, it just spam casts over and over. That's because it doesn't see a buff called "Ahrmatal's Scorching Eye".

We need to tell Ogrebot that the item "Ahrmatal's Scorching Eye" gives the effect of "Vigor".

Edit the file:

   (Your InnerSpace Directory)\Scripts\EQ2OgreBot\ItemInformation\Item_Effect_Pairs.xml

There are a few examples in there already. To be clear, you're adding the item name, followed by the effect name. For the eye, our entry will look like this:

   <Setting Name="Ahrmatal's Scorching Eye">Vigor</Setting>

Save the file. Reload Ogrebot. Now you can add the item to your caststack as a buff.

To add, the item name, and the effect must be exact matches. For example, say you had a Vigor II charm, it would look like this:

   <Setting Name="Vigorous Geode of Igneous Diversity">Vigor II</Setting>

While I'm at it.. here are a few others you may find useful..

   <Setting Name="Sigil of the War Prince">Warring Protector</Setting>
   <Setting Name="Stone of Benediction">Planar Benediction</Setting>

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