From ISXOgre
Ogre Depot -- Loads the Depot script
- Completely redesigned it to make use of all the depot types.
- Added the following command lines. Note: These happen in the order in which you type them. You MUST have spaces between each one.
- Every flag below is defaulted to off until it is turned on.
- The -no options are there to turn things off that were turned on elsewhere.
- For example, if you wanted to depot everything except manas, you could -all -nomanas
- -all
- Turns on every single option EXCEPT the depot all options.
- -depotall | -da
- Uses all of the -depotall options. IE: harvestdepotall, lorelegenddepotall etc.
Harvest depot
- -allharvest | -allh
- Turns on all the options in the 'harvest' category
- -commons | -c
- Depots anything that is consider a common harvest, plus the imbued stuff (aka, anything hirelings return)
- -nocommons | -nc
- Turns off depoting common materials.
- -rares | -r
- Depots rares
- -norares | -nr
- Turns off depoting rares.
- -manas | -m
- Depots manas
- -nomanas | -nm
- Turns off depoting manas
- -infusions | -i
- Depots Infusions
- -noinfusions | -ni
- Turns off depoting infusions
- -powders | -p
- Depots Powders
- -nopowders | -np
- Turns off depoting Powders
- -fragments | -f
- Depots Fragments
- -nofragments | -nf
- Turns off depoting powders
- -harvestdepotall | -hda
- Uses the "Depot All" button. Note: If this flag is set, none of the other harvest options will do anything (since it's all going to be depoted here anyways).
Ammo Depot
- -allammo | -alla
- Turns on all the options in the 'ammo' category
- -arrows | -a
- Depots Arrows ( field point arrow | broadhead arrow | bodkin arrow )
- -noarrows | -na
- Turns off Depoting arrows
- -shurikens | -s
- Depots Shurikens
- -noshurikens | -ns
- Turn off depoting Shurikens
- -ammodepotall | -ada
- Use the Deposit all button
White Adornment Depot
- -WhiteAdornDepotAll | -wada
- Use the Deposit All button
Lore & Legend Depot
- -LoreLegendDepotAll | -llda
- Use the Deposit All button
Food & Drink Depot
- -FoodDrinkDepotAll | -fdda
- Use the Deposit All button
Collectible Depot
- -CollectibleDepotAll | -cda
- Use the Deposit All button
Fuel Depot
- -FuelDepotAll | -fda
- Use the Deposit All button