Ogre TrackShiny

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Ogre TrackShiny

New script built into Ogre to help you track shinies. This takes a 3rd parameter to narrow down colors, very helpful for those unique epic shinies! Please note the default with no parameters is purple. Also if you want to swap what color you are looking for please end the script (ogre end trackshiny) and restart it with the new value.

To Start: 'ogre trackshiny <colour>'

To End: 'ogre end trackshiny'

Example: 'ogre trackshiny purple'

  • If it finds a purple shiny, it will notify you (message to OgreConsole), and put a waypoint on top of the shiny for you.

Current valid options are:

  • White (normal shinies)
  • Purple (Epic 2.0 class shinies)
  • Red (Tradeskill shinies)
  • Green
  • BlueShimmer (the ones found in Plane of Magic. They are not black, zoom in!!)
  • Blue (the no-trade ones found in instances)