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Chains of Eternity

Harrow's End

Melanie Everling

  • 'set up for melanie'
    • Sets campspots for raid/tanks.
    • When she begins to weep, enchanters will dispell.

Caerina the Lost

  • 'set up for caerina'
  • When she begins to weep, enchanters will dispell.

Construct of Souls

  • 'set up for construct'
  • People will joust as the red texts come. It's 3 different points in the hallway.


  • 'set up for Fitzpitzle'
  • works in each of his rooms. The bot has an advanced algorithm that uses his height, weight, hair colour, and anger upon his face to determine which spot to go with (or.. it's based on where you are, one of the two).
  • When someone gets the uncurable curse - they will joust out and run away. Works in all the rooms.

Oligar of the Dead

  • 'set up for oligar'
    • Just sets cs off to the right. Tanks a bit further to the right.
    • People who get the red text will joust to the left for 10s, then return.
    • Guardians will cast recapture if they need to joust.


  • Cure Curse is disabled
  • People will ask for a cure curse 9 seconds into the curse, this leaves sufficient time for bots to handle the request.

Sleeper's Tomb: Unearthed

Drels Ma'Gor

  • When you get the charm curse, you will ask for a cure. Characters will be idle during this time.
  • When 'an abyssal assassin' spawns, scouts will target them. It's a one-time target. If it needs recurring I can add it in.
  • When 'an abyssal assassin' dies, scouts will resume targeting.
  • Same for mages with the sorc dude.

Gloust M'ra

  • Should no longer cure curse, unless specifically asked via raid.

Silis On'Va

  • You will now help free your raid members, like a good bitch.


  • 'set up for Sorrn'
    • When you get an uncurable nox, you run away, then return when the nox is gone.
    • When a tank gets Sorrn's run away det, they will turn off attack.

Ancient Sentinel

  • When the smash golem things spawn, campspot is moved closer to where it spawns.


  • When the warders say tail spike, move in front is turned on on everyone, then 12 seconds later, move behind is turned on, on non-tanks.
  • When the warders say frontal thingy, everyones move behind is turned on, then 12 seconds later move in front is turned on, on tanks.
    • 20130720/01:12 <Blammo> There is no set up info. If you camp-spot your bots, they don't move.
    • 20130720/01:12 <Blammo> So put them where you want and hit HoldUp so they stay there.
    • 20130720/01:13 <Blammo> Once the red texts start flowing the bots will move on their own
    • 20130720/01:13 <Blammo> And Pro Tip: Be prepared to turn on walk and crouch of your tank because the mob does a fear curse
    • 20130720/01:15 <Blammo> Also, the name of the adds are: a cimerrian shade

Temple of the Faceless: Alter of Abhorrence


  • When you are ported into one of the root things, you kill it.

The Enraged Imp


set up for Pharinich

  • Sets a camp spot to the entrance of his room for the raid.
  • When people get the uncurable curse, they will move to either side of his room.
  • When the red text happens, the raid will change campspot to the other side (near where he spawns).

Sarinich the Wretched

  • When he 'begins to feast on your power!', enchanters will dispell.