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Versions: ISXOgre-2012.11.08, Patch Version-178, OgreBot-15.072, OgreCraft-1.021 (Available from autopatcher) - Kannkor

  • Changed files: IRCLib, IRCSession
  • OgreBot
    • Lots of PoW Raid Options. Yes, I realize this is the most descriptive line in the world... :) Specifics will come later...
    • Avatar restriction changes
      • In a recent patch, I made Ogrebot not work on Avatars at all (for more details on why, please see the forums).
      • Because the intent was never to punish people 1-botting (someone using the bot to assist playing ONE character), but it was punishing them.
      • In very specific scenarios, the bot WILL fully function on Avatars. I'm not going to say the specifics.
      • Have only 1 session/bot loaded. Remember - the claim is (for most people that contacted me), they don't bot more than 1, so this 'restriction' shouldn't even be a restriction at all.
      • I will be tracking this to see if/who people are bypassing this, then decide what to do from there with their accounts.
    • When OgreBot loads the OgreIRC interface, it no longer places the cursor in the chat window.
    • If you press Control+~, it DOES still place the cursor in the chat window.
    • Fixed IRC/IRCSession from trying to load if it's already loaded (which did 'nothing' other than remove the messages like this: Script 'OgreIRC' already running, RunScript 'OgreIRC/OgreIRC' failed, Script 'OgreIRCSession' already running, RunScript 'OgreIRC/OgreIRCSession' failed )

Versions: ISXOgre-2012.11.02, Patch Version-177, OgreBot-15.071, OgreCraft-1.021 (Available from autopatcher) - Kannkor

  • Changed files: InventoryManager, OgreUIXML, QFaction
  • ISXOgre
    • Now turns 'lockforeground on' when the extension is loaded.
  • InventoryManager
    • -b (broker) now will put items in your quiver onto the broker when appropriate. IE: If you tell it to put all your arrows on the broker, it will include the ones in your quiver.
    • Fixed trading issue that was giving that item cannot be traded, and no item etc.
  • OgreBot
    • Pets can only be sent to attack once every 1/2 second when needed.
    • Mercs can only be sent to attack once every 1/2 second when needed.
    • Added merc debug code when running dev bot. (Same as pet code I added last patch).
    • "Play annoying noise from uplink" now has 2 different noises. If it is a TELL from someone, it is the very loud, annoying noise you've all grown to hate. If it's anything else (such as gear < 30%, or a raid update), it is a slightly quieter "ding" instead. If someone has a better .wav file they think is more appropriate, I'm open to it also.
    • Autohunt
      • Fixed Autohunt's movement only. (It was doing the exact same thing as Autohunt previously, now it's not pulling mobs).
      • Pause on Check Drop should now work when checked, not requiring you to zone first.
      • Added "Use IRC" option, this will do any commands via IRC instead of local network. (Requires OgreIRC to be set up and working). Examples: Campspot/CS-JO-JI options of Autohunt.
    • Make noise on chest drop - should now work when checked, not requiring you to zone first.
    • Ogrebot will no longer work when an avatar is engaged. It will resume working once the avatar is no longer engaged. For more information see:
      • For those who don't read it until it's too late and have the message boxes open on your screen, you can use the following to click them all at once if you want. relay all UIElement[ok@messagebox]:LeftClick
      • Note: The above doesn't make the bot work, it's just to clear the box off the screen.
  • QFaction
    • Slightly increased the delay before trying to delete quests
    • Now stops when max faction, rather than hailing until you stop it.

Versions: ISXOgre-2012.10.20, Patch Version-175, OgreBot-15.070, OgreCraft-1.021 (Available from autopatcher) - Kannkor

  • ISXOgre
    • Should no longer try to patch if it is forced to secondary auth. This should prevent it from not completing the startup.
    • If patching starts, but fails, it should update things correctly and allow functionality of the extension.
  • OgreBot
    • While running Development build (ogre dev), the bot will output every time it has your pet back off, and every time it sends your pet to attack into the console with a timestamp. (This is primary to see if there is an issue in some specific zones).

Versions: ISXOgre-2012.10.16, Patch Version-172, OgreBot-15.070, OgreCraft-1.021 (Available from autopatcher) - Kannkor

  • Changed files: OgreUIXML, AHMovement, InventoryManager, OgreIRC, OgreIRCLib
  • OgreUIXML
    • Added some additional options to AutoHunt tab
    • Most options now work for raid also. IE: Check health/mana/dead
    • Campspot
      • Turns campspot on prior to pulling
    • CS-JO-JI
      • Turns on CS-JO-JI ( CS - all, JO - casters, JI )
    • Prebuff
      • Targets yourself and turns on auto attack for a brief period (3 seconds as of this moment).
    • Ignore collision checks
      • Ignores collision checks (IE: can target things under the world/in caves etc. You'll want to be careful with this, since if it's behind a wall, you'll have to pet pull it).
    • Short delay after combat
      • When combat is finished and AutoHunt is ready to take back over, it waits a brief period (3 seconds as of this moment) to allow people to get caught up etc.
    • Pause on Exquisite Chest drop
      • The bot will not continue autohunting until the most recent exquisite chest is looted. Note: It will only keep track of the most recent chest. So if you happen to get 2 chests, it will only pause on the most recent chest.
    • Added 'make noise when exquisite chest drops' on loot tab.
  • OgreBot
    • Logic for AutoHunt
    • Tweaked curse spot for Vallon when under the domes.
    • REALLY made 'raid invite me' not check if you're in the same zone.
    • Added some better loot support for when the bot has been running for extended periods of time. (Previously it would miss looting chests because it thought it already had. It is now reset every time you zone).
  • AHMovement
    • Changed some variables
  • InventoryManager
    • Seems the only scan inventory was some how still pulling from the bank. now specifically avoids them.
  • OgreIRC
    • Now self-auth on startup.
      • Note: This means no one else will have control via IRC until they get authorized, or you unauth (-unauth name) yourself.

Versions: ISXOgre-2012.10.01, Patch Version-171, OgreBot-15.069, OgreCraft-1.021 (Available from autopatcher) - Kannkor

  • Changed Files: Quiver
  • ISXOgre
    • Added some additional debugging when primary auth fails.
  • OgreBot
    • Raid options:
      • Paldar NOTE: This fight is especially stupid and long for absolutely no reason. This is why this level of automation exists. It won't be this way for all mobs.
        • set up for paldar - positions all toons make sure move to area and CS JO
        • Added red text counter for sentry.
        • If you're a tank in Group 2, your campspot will be off to the south side. (Idea is you are tanking the Sentry).
        • <Sentry> <Group 2 Tank> <Raid>
        • When the Sentry does his red text, G2Tank will move out of the red text, and reposition the Sentry.
        • If Group 2 Tank gets the curse, he will ask for it to be cured, no need to move (Since no one is usually around him).
        • Non-G2 tanks (tanks in G1, G3, and G4) have a campspot beside the raid. If they get the curse, they run to get it cursed, and return to this position.
        • Keep in mind, for tank movement to happen, you have to have 'Move to Area' turned ON, and your campspot ON also. Without these, tank movement will be up to you. (Which is a good thing for those that want to control their tanks).
        • Things to watch out for on this fight. Tanks tanking Paldar - if they get the curse, they will run out to get it cured and come back. Due to Padlar's odd movement, he usually doesn't end up 'correctly' positioned. So you will want to pause, position him, and unpause if the tank tanking him gets the curse. If you're afking this fight, then who cares, cause it'll just add a few minutes. If you're doing it for real, then repositioning once, or twice in a fight shouldn't be a big deal.
      • Milas
        • While targeting the dopplegangers, Named CA is turned off. When your turn is done for the dopples, it turns Named CA on (regardless if it was on originally).
        • If your doppleganger spawns, it will turn Ignore NPC HP 100% on if it's off (will not turn it back off).
        • Made targeting of doppleganger more reliable.
        • Made targeting of dopplegangers even more reliable. Added 1/2 second then queued the command after they spawn, for better checking if they are yours.
        • Added on screen timers for red text from bird, and birds AE.
      • Eudoxxus
        • When he starts his ritual, the follow abilities will be canceled if currently being maintained.
          • Pally - Consecrate
          • Wizard - Furnace of Ro
          • Fury - Ring of Fire
        • Many classes will use the correct AE ability to break the ritual if it is available. Note: It is up to YOU to ensure the abilities are available, or complete the ritual yourself.
        • Added an On-screen display with some cute messages. You're welcome.
        • Tanks will re-target named when ritual is blocked
      • Vallon (in Tower Of Tactics)
        • Removed majority of EM raid code, in place for HM code.
        • Changed campspot, changed curse cure spot.
        • Request a cure curse now happens in raid.
        • G3 moves to the totems, and to where the commanders are. Still requires something external to click the totems at the same time.
        • Full support for getting under the correct domes (make sure you're jousted out prior to them spawning!).
        • Some on screen timers. Note: These are not accurate at this time. I'll be tweaking them as time continues on.
        • Added auto-joust out for G3 when totems and commanders spawn.
        • Added auto-joust out when the domes spawn (although you SHOULD already be jousted out, by this stage).
        • Changed dome campspots slightly, as there is no need to be in the center. Should help for blowing up one of the domes if certain (bad) conditions exist.
        • If you get cure cursed while the domes are up, you should now return back into the dome, rather than chilling outside waiting for impending doom to hit.
    • Fixed "raid invite me" and "raid invite:name" options to not check if you're in the same zone.
  • Quiver
    • Should now more reliably work on the first try.

Versions: ISXOgre-2012.09.22, Patch Version-170, OgreBot-15.068, OgreCraft-1.021 (Available from autopatcher) - Kannkor

  • Changed files: OgreIRCLib, OgreUIXML
  • ISXOgre
    • New auth
    • Added new command: PatchDev
    • Added new command: RepatchDev
      • Will patch development files if any exist. Unless you are told specificially to use this, you should not.
  • OgreBot
    • Removed "Comet! After move:" debug spam.
    • Ragebourne. Changed how the priest debuff works. Should allow people to 2 group him.
      • Previously: G1 and G2 debuff the real.
      • Previously: G3 and G4 debuff the fake.
      • Now: G1 and G3 debuff the real.
      • Now: G2 and G4 debuff the fake.
    • Added following Sleepers Tomb raid options:
      • Master Of The Guard
        • set up for motg
          • Sets a camp spot (Spot1).
        • On red text, changes between Spot1 and Spot2, based on where you currently are. Note: It will switch to the other campspot no matter what. Be smart with placement.
      • Paldar Bladesoul
        • set up for paldar
          • Sets a camp spot (Spot1). When you enter the room, it's on the right. I don't know why there, just happened to be where it is.
        • If you get a curse, toon will joust out, you move to Spot2, then ask for a cure curse. Once the curse is gone, you return to Spot1. Note: you will not re-joust back in.
        • Cure Curse is disabled on this fight for priests, except when directly asked for it.
      • ( Ingolfa Arnar )
        • When a physical phantasm spawns, scouts will target him.
          • Yes, I'm aware that fighters can kill them too, however, most people use a fighter as an assist. If you want your fighters to kill, target them manually, or use AutoTarget.
        • When an arcane phantasm spawns, mages/priest will target him.
        • When said mob dies, assists will revert back to what they were prior to the mob spawning.
      • Eudoxxus
        • When he starts his ritual, everyone will target themselves. It's up to you to complete the ritual.
      • Milas the Ancient
        • set up for milas
          • Sets a camp spot (Spot1).
        • On Red text, if within 21 meters of bird, changes between Spot1 and Spot2.
        • If fighter in Group2, will auto target the dopplegangers.
        • Auto-targeting and killing of the dopplegangers. Note: This isn't working 100%, but seems to work 'okay' for the time being. One can always pause the bot and take over manually if needed.
  • OgreIRCLib
    • Added new commands: auth, unauth, unauthall, authlist
    • When auth is active, it overrides all ignore settings. When all auth is removed, it reverts back to the ignore settings.
      • -auth [IRCBotName]
        • Adds the IRCBotName to the auth list.
        • -auth Kannkor_IRCBot
      • -unauth [IRCBotName]
        • Removes the IRCBotname from the auth list.
        • -unauth Kannkor_IRCBot
      • -unauthall
        • Removes everyone from the auth list.
      • -authlist
        • Lists everyone on the auth list.
  • OgreUIXML
    • Loot tab
      • Added War Rune and Draconic Phylactery options.