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Versions: ISXOgre-2011.05.09, Patch Version-69, OgreBot-14.063 (OgreBot-14.064a development) (Available from autopatcher) - Kannkor

  • Changed files: Ogreuixml.xml
  • Ogreuixml
    • Fixed not being able to toggle maintained on the combat tab.
  • Ogrebot(development release accessed via ogre dev)
    • Completely overhauled how many of the events work. Greatly reduced the processing of events by probably 80%. Will see if this has any affect on FPS...
    • Removed the El'Arad tell window. Can add this back in if anyone needs it... although it didn't actually "do" anything other than tell you it's time to click the pilliars.

Versions: ISXOgre-2011.05.09, Patch Version-67, OgreBot-14.063 (Available from autopatcher) - Kannkor

  • ISXOgre - Started doing a pretty major overhaul to update to support multiple games (Rift).
  • For now, ISXOgre will auto-patch both Rift and EQ2 files. This is just easier for the time being while I make large changes.
  • Item Database - Remove Weight / weight reduction
  • ItemDatabase - (released prior)
    • Created directory: /scripts/EQ2OgreItemDatabase/
    • General Information
      • The concept changed a few times, and unfortunately the code reflects this. I don't recommend using this as a script to learn, or use examples from.
      • None the less, everything should be functional. As you navigate the UI, different options will appear depending on what you click on.
      • There will be a LOT of spam in the console. This is intended.
      • If you find a bug, please be able to tell me exactly how to reproduce it.
    • Known issues
      • Examining an item with an adornment that duplicates a stat will cause issues. For example: You have an item with 300hp. You add an adornment that gives +200hp. The item will then be reported as having 200 health, because the adornment is listed AFTER the actual health on the item.
    • Items
      • Item details - Incase an examine has extra information on it (such as from an adorn, or +mit increase etc), you can edit item information.
      • Adding item details - You can manually add item details. You will notice you can ONLY add an item detail that the item doesn't already have. If you wish to change the value of an item detail, use the editing function.

Versions: ISXOgre-2011.04.21, Patch Version-66, OgreBot-14.062a (Available from autopatcher) - Kannkor

  • Added missing file for tofsx2 for Cara pathing.

Versions: ISXOgre-2011.04.21, Patch Version-65, OgreBot-14.062a (Available from autopatcher) - Kannkor

  • Files added: TradeIt, FPFaction, qey_tradeskill01.LSO, qey_north.LSO, antonica.LSO
  • ISXOgre
    • Added command "ogre Trade <HowManyItemsToTrade>" (See below for more information)
  • New script Trade it added.
    • Accessed via: ogre trade
    • Accepts 1 parameter - HowManyItemsToTrade. Default is 12.
    • Trades stacks only (meaning it won't break them up).
    • You MUST have the person targeted who you want to trade with.
    • You MUST have the item you want to trade, examined.
    • It will trade the items, then hit accept.
  • OgreBot
    • When an authorized user accepts a trade with you, you will automatically accept it also (authorized = in
    • Raid Options
      • Re-added maestro code. Priests should only cast Cure curse on themselves when they are cursed. (Not tested).
      • Tweaked spider code. Now blow up the cocoon, instead of tanks targeting it.
      • Cara coded. Untested.. be warned if doing it with raid options on :)
    • If you pause while in the middle of a "come2me", the bot will stop and exit the routine. (So when you resume, he will NOT finish the come2me). Clearing your target also does the same thing.
  • FPFaction (Freeport faction) for when you betray.
    • Be at the quest giver in antonica, and "ogre fpfaction".
    • Nav files added for: antonica, qeynos north, and the special tradeskill instance.

Versions: ISXOgre-2011.04.17, Patch Version-64, OgreBot-14.061 (Available from autopatcher) - Kannkor

  • Changed files: OgreUIXML.XML
  • Removed "Load Harvest" since it currently doesn't work to load it. Will re-add it when I take the time.
  • OgreBot
    • Chain tab
      • When you uncheck ChainTab, it no longer prevents spells from casting.
      • When you "disable" items on the chain tab, they are equal as if they aren't even there.
      • Added a "Time out" on the chaintab prevention. This works in the following way..
        • When the "ChainTab" is encountered in the CA/NamedCA, it starts a 5second timer, and remembers which spells it has to hold back to prevent the chain from being held up. After 5 seconds without the ChainTab being "checked", it stops preventing the chaintab from holding back spells. This was done so if you have ChainTab in NamedCA only, and you are done fighting a named, it won't hold back your abilities infinitely until you come to another named.
    • Fixed a res bug while in a group

Versions: ISXOgre-2011.04.14, Patch Version-63, OgreBot-14.060 (Available from autopatcher) - Kannkor

  • Fixed more minor bugs with Chain tab
  • Fixed ID/IE/IAE so they save on the chain tab.

Versions: ISXOgre-2011.04.14, Patch Version-62, OgreBot-14.059 (Available from autopatcher) - Kannkor

  • Changed files: OgreUIXML,, OgreCustomArrayControllerScript.iss
  • OgreCustomArrayControllerScript
    • Changed refresh time to 1s instead of every .5s
    • Updated some objects
  • UI
    • Added Chaintab debug option. In short, it turns on debug casting while the chain tab is active, then turns it off when it's done. Allowing you to see why spells failed on the chaintab.
  • Ogrebot
    • Fixed AA timing breaking the chain.
    • Fixed some abilities not being held back by the chain.
    • Fixed a typo with Haraakat code that prevented it from running.
    • "Temporary" removed some VERY old code. I say temp because if I ever take the time to fix it and add it back in... but that is not a priority.

Versions: ISXOgre-2011.04.13, Patch Version-61, OgreBot-14.058 (Available from autopatcher) - Kannkor

  • House cleaning update!
  • Changed files: OgreUIXML, SpellExport
  • OgreBot
    • Grind options: Fixed corpsemongor
    • Raid options: Minor tweaks - previously some had if your range was > AE range you wouldn't joust, however this created issues on mobs with knockbacks. Any mob with a knockback now has a forced joust out.
    • Incombat resing should now use all 5, instead of just the first one.
    • Tweaked many checks to be less CPU intensive. (Doubtful any noticable gain will be seen, but hopefully many not noticable gains will result in a gain).
    • Tweaked Lootcorpses/chests code. Now exits the routine when distance is > 20. Shouldn't have any affect on looting, with the exception of some of the largest models (such as dragons).
    • Removed checks for: an enslaved shade and Disembodied Spirit
    • Consolidated a few various checks which should save a few CPU cycles. Very minimal.
    • Removed Defiler Mythical support (spell version will still work fine, just the RoK Mythical version will not).
    • Created new object for checking if offensive abilities are ready (needed for chain tab).
  • OgreUIXML
    • Added Wizard tab
      • Manaburn rotation text. Works the same way as potm/cob - when someone else casts manaburn, you won't for 40 seconds.
    • Defiler tab
      • Removed Myth option as support for it was removed.
    • Coercer tab
      • Removed: Mana flow, myth weapon buff. (Tab is now empty)
    • Illy tab
      • Removed: Mana flow, time warp (no longer needed, it is a group buff). (Tab is now empty).
    • Removed PCures tab
  • Added Chain tab - Note: This is a pretty advanced tab, and will take a lot of tweaking to use properly. Have patience while people figure it out and post screen shots.
    • When all abilities are available, and the first ability is "Ready" (meaning, the mob is in range etc), the chain is started.
      • Note Because the first ability has the Ready check, I recommend putting an ability that tests the validty of the mob. For example: Assassins should NOT put PFT as the first ability, because it is a self spell.
    • No ability on the CA/Combat tab will be cast if it would interfere with your chain. For example: Assassins may have a chain with PFT (4 min reuse). Within this chain, you may have Evirserate (50 second reuse). If PFT is at 3 minutes, Evis WILL cast because it will be back up before PFT is ready. When PFT is at 30 second reuse, Evis will NOT cast because it would delay the chain.
    • Chain tab priority is after ZoneSpecifics and Priority tab, but before everything else (including Combat). Note: The chain will NOT be started until it hits the "ChainTab" in the NamedCa or CA tab.
    • Tips for the chain tab
      • To "start" the chain, you need to add "ChainTab" into the CA or NamedCA list.
      • Everytime it hits the ChainTab (via the CA or NamedCA), it checks to see if all the abilities are available. It also updates the internal timer of all your other CAs reuse time to see if they are allowed to be cast.
      • Once the ChainTab has been activated (all abilities are ready to be cast, and the first one "is ready" (range etc), the ChainTab has priority over all tabs except the "Priority" tab.
  • ISXOgre
    • Opened up item database beta to everyone. Command to run: ogre item (will add a key to MCP also).
  • Spell Export
    • Removed the renaming of the illy spell Bewilderment

Versions: ISXOgre-2011.04.06, Patch Version-60, OgreBot-14.057 (Available from autopatcher) - Kannkor

  • Changed files: InCombatmovement, OgreMCP.iss
  • InCombatmovement/OgreMCP
    • Minor tweaks
    • Changed OgreFollow defaults to default to NOT break with no target.
  • Raid options
    • Prime-Cornicen Munderrad
      • Cure Curse has been disabled
      • Onscreen display of who has the curse needing to be cured
      • FULL: Curing of bad curse
  • Casting
    • Beneficial abilities - Changed the Y axis calc from +2 to +1.5. This should better represent the "middle" of a character.
  • May have finally fixed the res crashing bug (if you accepted the box prior to the bot dealing with it)
  • Added a 1/2 second delay after accepting a res, should help with lag crashes.
  • Fixed a queuing bug that would only clear 1 per second while dead or paused. Should now clear one per frame.
  • "Zone" on the MCP now works with
    • GD into the backdoor of Thurg city (under the waterfall).
    • Thurg city zone to GD (to under the waterfall) should now work 100% of the time.
    • GD into front door of Thurg city
    • Thurg city to GD front door.