Difference between revisions of "Tab:Setup"

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(Tab: Setup)
(2 intermediate revisions by one other user not shown)
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==New Layout==
rect 8 28 79 43 [[Tab:Settings|Settings tab, click me for more info.]]
rect 8 47 79 63 [[Tab:Assist|Assist tab, click me for more info.]]
rect 8 67 80 82 [[Tab:Loot|Loot tab, click me for more info.]]
rect 8 87 81 104 [[Tab:OSA|OSA tab, click me for more info.]]
rect 8 107 81 123 [[Tab:Auto_Hunt|Auto-Hunt tab, click me for more info.]]
rect 8 127 81 144 [[Tab:Other|Other tab, click me for more info.]]
rect 8 147 81 163 [[Tab:Load|Load tab, click me for more info.]]
rect 8 167 80 184 [[Tab:HUDs|HUDs tab, click me for more info.]]
rect 8 248 81 264 [[Tab:CastStack|Cast Stack tab, click me for more info.]]
rect 8 347 81 363 [[Tab:Key Binds|KeyBinds tab, click me for more info.]]
rect 8 367 81 383 [[Tab:Debug|Debug tab, click me for more info.]]
rect 92 27 166 44 [[Tab:Setup|Setup tab, click me for more info.]]
rect 93 48 165 63 [[Tab:PreCast|Pre-Cast tab, click me for more info.]]
rect 94 67 165 83 [[Tab:PostCast|Post-Cast tab, click me for more info.]]
rect 93 87 165 103 [[Tab:Announce|Announce tab, click me for more info.]]
rect 93 106 165 122 [[Tab:Alias|Aliases tab, click me for more info.]]
rect 93 127 165 143 [[Tab:CrowdControl|Crowd Control tab, click me for more info.]]
rect 93 147 166 164 [[Tab:Items|Items tab, click me for more info.]]
rect 93 246 166 263 [[Tab:AutoTarget|Auto Target tab, click me for more info.]]
rect 94 327 166 344 [[Tab:UplinkInfo|Uplink Info tab, click me for more info.]]
rect 93 347 166 364 [[Tab:EQ2Chars|EQ2Chars tab, click me for more info.]]
rect 93 367 165 382 [[Tab:Admin|Admin tab, click me for more info.]]
rect 192 40 347 53 [[Tab:Setup|Percent that you will attack target at, can be overidden by Ignore NPCHP in Settings tab.]]
rect 191 55 348 69 [[Tab:Setup|OgreBot won't case CAs if under this amount (useful for fights that require power management).]]
rect 194 105 403 122 [[Tab:Setup|Delay before accepting a rez, raise if you are lagging and it is causing issue.]]
rect 192 124 404 158 [[Tab:Setup|Won't use AEs unless X amount of mobs are in range.]]
rect 188 181 406 197 [[Tab:Setup|When within X meters of target, move into melee/move behind/move in front of.]]
rect 190 200 400 221 [[Tab:Setup|Will autofollow whoever is selected by default. Options listed are aliases, and group/raid members.]]
rect 191 225 401 243 [[Tab:Setup|Will attempt to autofollow when within X meters of AF target.]]
rect 191 245 378 263 [[Tab:Setup|When checked, tells/notifications will be sent to the uplink (visible from Tell Window and OgreIRC Window)]]
rect 190 263 386 280 [[Tab:Setup|Will recieve info from other instances that have Broadcast tells through uplink enabled.]]
rect 189 284 522 303 [[Tab:Setup|EEEEERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR]]
rect 189 306 675 330 [[Tab:Setup|Its not like the turbo button on old pcs, its more magical, and less well documented.]]
rect 382 246 575 264 [[Tab:Setup|Self explanatory.]]
rect 349 39 752 56 [[Tab:Setup|Can be bypassed in Settings tab via IgnoreNPCHP.]]
rect 351 56 595 68 [[Tab:Setup|Long live the Bloodthirsty Choker!]]
rect 665 111 867 304 [[Tab:Setup|For scouts/other classes with invis attacks, you can add abilities, then enable/disable each by double clicking on them.]]
== Tab: Setup ==
== Tab Summary ==
'''''Tab Summary'''''
This tab controls many various options. Generally a misc. page. Changing these options won't have any affect unless the option is checked on the Settings tab. For example, changing the % to use a mana stone will have no affect if you do not have Mana Stone checked on the Settings tab.
This tab controls many various options. Generally a misc. page. Changing these options won't have any affect unless the option is checked on the Settings tab. For example, changing the % to use a mana stone will have no affect if you do not have Mana Stone checked on the Settings tab.
== Options ==
* '''% NPC HP to attack''' - At what percent should you engage an NPC.
* '''% NPC HP to attack'''
* '''% NPC HP to move into attack range''' - At what percent should you move into attack range.
** At what percent should you engage an NPC.
* '''% NPC HP for pet to attack''' - At what percent your pet engages an NPC.
* '''% NPC HP to move into attack range'''
** At what percent should you move into attack range.
* '''% NPC HP for pet to attack'''
** At what percent your pet engages an NPC.
* '''% Mana req. to use CAs''' - Mana required to use items on the [[Tab:CAs|CAs]] tab.
* '''% Mana req. to use CAs'''
* '''% Healt req. to use CAs''' - Health required to use items on the [[Tab:CAs|CAs]] tab (No more choker deaths!).
** Mana required to use items on the [[Tab:CastStack|CastStack]] tab.
* '''% Healt req. to use CAs'''
** Health required to use items on the [[Tab:CastStack|CastStack]] tab (No more choker deaths!).
* '''% mana or below for ManaStone'''
* '''Wait __ 10ths/second to accept RES'''
* '''% mana or below for Shards/Hearts'''
** The amount of time before the bot clicks "Yes" to a res. 10 = 1 second. 15 = 1.5 seconds.
* '''Targets for Smart AEs'''
** The amount of npcs engaged to cast (Blue) aoe's.
* '''Targets for Smart Encounters'''
** The amount of npcs in an encounter to cast (Green) aoe's.
* '''Ask for Shards from _____''' - Put a conj name here and they will /t this person when you need a shard.
* '''Invis abilities for combat arts'''
* '''Ask for Hearts from _____''' - Put a necro name here and they will /t this person when you need a heart.
** For classes that require stealth before abilities. Will cast this first to get into stealth. Example: Shroud.
* '''Wait __ 10ths/second to accept RES''' - The amount of time before the bot clicks "Yes" to a res. 10 = 1 second. 15 = 1.5 seconds.
* '''Melee move when less (40)'''
* '''Invis abilities for combat arts''' - For classes that require stealth before abilities. Will cast this first to get into stealth. Example: Shroud.
** The MAXIMUM allowed distance the bot is allowed to move to get into melee range. Change to suit your needs. 10 means the mob has to be very close. 40 means they will run to a mob from a decent distance. 40 is my preferred number incase I need to move the mob, or for minor knock backs.
* '''Spell Range Extender (Not Combat Arts):''' - This will add range to any "spell". For example, if you are grouped with a troubador, you probably are receiving +5 spell range. This will tell the bot to add 5 to your spell range.
* '''Auto Follow'''
* '''Melee move when less (40)''' - The MAXIMUM allowed distance the bot is allowed to move to get into melee range. Change to suit your needs. 10 means the mob has to be very close. 40 means they will run to a mob from a decent distance. 40 is my preferred number incase I need to move the mob, or for minor knock backs.
** Whom you should be following when not in combat. This uses the in-game /follow command.
* '''Auto Follow''' - Whom you should be following when not in combat. This uses the in-game /follow command.
* '''Auto Follow within(35)'''
* '''Auto Follow within(15)''' - The MAXIMUM allowed distance the bot is allowed to activate /follow. My preference is 35. This gives you a decent distance, but not too far that walls interfere with it.
** The MAXIMUM allowed distance the bot is allowed to activate /follow. My preference is 35. This gives you a decent distance, but not too far that walls interfere with it.
* '''Broadcast tells through Uplink''' - When your character receives a private tell from an unauthorized user, it is broadcast through the Uplink.
* '''[x] Broadcast tells through Uplink'''
* '''Broadcast Guild talk through Uplink''' - When anyone talks in Guild (/gu) or Officer(/off) , it is broadcast through the Uplink.
** When your character receives a private tell from an unauthorized user, it is broadcast through the Uplink.
* '''Receive broadcast tells from uplink''' - When a tell is broadcast, this will display it on-screen for you to see.
* '''[x] Broadcast Guild talk through Uplink'''
* '''Play noise when receiving broadcast tells from uplink''' - Plays a "siren" noise when you receive a tell also.
** When anyone talks in Guild (/gu) or Officer(/off) , it is broadcast through the Uplink.
* '''[x] Receive broadcast tells from uplink'''
** When a tell is broadcast, this will display it on-screen for you to see.
User notes/comments/suggestions:
* '''[x] Play noise when receiving broadcast tells from uplink'''
** Plays a "siren" noise when you receive a tell also.

Latest revision as of 12:26, 27 June 2019

Tab Summary

This tab controls many various options. Generally a misc. page. Changing these options won't have any affect unless the option is checked on the Settings tab. For example, changing the % to use a mana stone will have no affect if you do not have Mana Stone checked on the Settings tab.



  • % NPC HP to attack
    • At what percent should you engage an NPC.
  • % NPC HP to move into attack range
    • At what percent should you move into attack range.
  • % NPC HP for pet to attack
    • At what percent your pet engages an NPC.

  • % Mana req. to use CAs
    • Mana required to use items on the CastStack tab.
  • % Healt req. to use CAs
    • Health required to use items on the CastStack tab (No more choker deaths!).

  • Wait __ 10ths/second to accept RES
    • The amount of time before the bot clicks "Yes" to a res. 10 = 1 second. 15 = 1.5 seconds.
  • Targets for Smart AEs
    • The amount of npcs engaged to cast (Blue) aoe's.
  • Targets for Smart Encounters
    • The amount of npcs in an encounter to cast (Green) aoe's.

  • Invis abilities for combat arts
    • For classes that require stealth before abilities. Will cast this first to get into stealth. Example: Shroud.

  • Melee move when less (40)
    • The MAXIMUM allowed distance the bot is allowed to move to get into melee range. Change to suit your needs. 10 means the mob has to be very close. 40 means they will run to a mob from a decent distance. 40 is my preferred number incase I need to move the mob, or for minor knock backs.
  • Auto Follow
    • Whom you should be following when not in combat. This uses the in-game /follow command.
  • Auto Follow within(35)
    • The MAXIMUM allowed distance the bot is allowed to activate /follow. My preference is 35. This gives you a decent distance, but not too far that walls interfere with it.
  • [x] Broadcast tells through Uplink
    • When your character receives a private tell from an unauthorized user, it is broadcast through the Uplink.
  • [x] Broadcast Guild talk through Uplink
    • When anyone talks in Guild (/gu) or Officer(/off) , it is broadcast through the Uplink.
  • [x] Receive broadcast tells from uplink
    • When a tell is broadcast, this will display it on-screen for you to see.
  • [x] Play noise when receiving broadcast tells from uplink
    • Plays a "siren" noise when you receive a tell also.