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Revision as of 11:02, 19 December 2013 by Kannkor (Talk | contribs)

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Instructions for testing. Note: You shouldn't do anything on this page unless you were specifically instructed to do so by Kannkor.

If you experience a bug, or different behavior that you believe is incorrect, please provide full and proper feedback. (Copy/paste any errors in the console etc, be exact with what you were doing/happened).

First thing to do, is to make a backup copy of your /innerspace/ folder and ALL it's contents. While no one has had a single issue yet, I prefer to error on the side of caution.

This is a VERY early beta of version 17. A few things to keep in mind:

  • THERE ARE NO SAMPLES AT ALL YET. YOU WILL NEED TO REBUILD EVERY SINGLE PROFILE FROM ABSOLUTE SCRATCH. At this stage, you absolutely, positively, are not permitted to ask or request sample profiles from anyone. If you are not prepared to build your own, do not download this file. This is an early beta, I want a few more testers.

A few other things to note:

  • It is possible that a major change will be made, and your newly built profile will no longer work. While this is extremely unlikely (because I don't want to rebuild mine :P), it is "possible".
  • It is HIGHLY possible, that you will need to delete your abilityexports and re-run them. (These are the same as a spellexport, just a little different). Because it adds a ton of extra information, if some of that information is incorrect, it needs to be removed(deleted).

URL: http://www.ogregaming.com/eq2/ISXOgre/v17/ISXOgre.dll

Save this file into your /innerspace/extensions/ directory. It will automatically update any files based on file integrity.