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New User Walkthrough - Page 8: Tips


Ready, set, GO!

At this stage, you are ready to go try Ogrebot!

The first thing I would do, is set up a training dummy in your guild hall, set it to immortal, and fight it. Watch what is happening. Remember, there are hundreds, if not thousands of available options in Ogrebot. If you find something you want, or don't want happening, review the Tabs page to see if it already exists here.

Setting yourself up for success

Try to use as much "Default" in-game options as possible. For example, using "WASD" and "Num Lock" for your movement keys, will avoid a LOT of problems.


If the bot appears to get "stuck" on an ability, try using the Debug tab. For now, just use the top option on the Debug tab. It will tell you, in the console, what ability it is trying to cast, and on who, and from what section of the bot.


Most default profiles, come with "pre-warding/pre-buffing/pre-combat" set up in them. What this means, is before you engage an monster, you may want your shaman to ward, your cleric to cast reactives, etc. To do this, on your tank, you target yourself (F1), then turn on your auto attack. This puts them into combat... with themselves. Your priests see this as 'O.M.G. combat!' and they will use any abilities marked as combat on your tank. In this example, wards/reactives etc. This is extremely important for more difficult encounters.


If you control more than 1 character, you'll want to look into using OgreMCP. It allows you to control all of the bots at once. The most common uses are, before a fight, you can hit 'Hold up', and everyone stops following your tank. This way your toons all stay in one spot. Once combat has finished, you hit 'Lets go', and everyone continues to follow. This is just the tip of the iceburg!


There are times when things go wrong, and the bot just isn't doing what you think it should. Check OgreFAQ to see if your problem and resolution are there. If you are still experiencing problems, please ask. You have many methods. Posting on the forums, or IRC is best. Here are other Contact methods.