Raid Instances

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Summary & Important Notes

Raid Options are there to assist with raid mobs. Generally speaking, these are built for bot raids, and not necessaily for you to afk at a real raid. There are also some HUD (on screen displays) of information that is valuable for everyone, include those at real raids. These include things like, AE timers, when adds will spawn, when mem wipes will happen etc.

Worth noting also, people don't like it when anyone else is "better" than them. If you bot raid, do not share your progress with ANYONE. People get very upset when a bot can kill raid mobs that they can't. You talk about it, you WILL get petitioned.

IMPORTANT NOTE: In order for most raid options to function properly, you MUST have EQ2s "Hits Mode" in FULL TEXT and not medium or minimal text mode. To check this, do the following:

  • EQ2 Button (in game)
    • Options
      • User Interface
        • Game Features
          • Hits Mode -----> Full Text

This tab is geared to assist players with raid mobs. There are 2 settings.

  • Raid Options
  • Limited Raid options

Raid Options does EVERYTHING Limited raid options does, plus more. So when you are reading what is done, if you are going to be using the full blown raid options, you must read what limited does, and what raid does.

How to use

Checking Auto Load Raid Options = All raid code (including what is in limited).

Checking Auto Load Limited Raid options = Only runs raid code marked as "Limited".

Note: You cannot have both checked at the same time, since Raid options does everything Limited does plus more.

Note: Full raid does everything limited does, plus this. If there is no "Full Raid" option, it does the same as Limited.

Note: All setup commands can be done via tell, group chat, raid chat, or OgreIRC.


These are generic pieces of code that help on multiple mobs.

  • Limited
    • When you get red text "You feel a powerful curse" - the bot pauses for 6 seconds. Generally speaking you get a curse afterwards and the bot deals with it then.
    • You will NOT cure curse on the following mobs:
      • Thet in TOMC
      • Byzola in SoH
      • Qxectus in MPS
      • Maalus in Palace of Roehn Theer
      • Arch-Magistor Modrfrost in Throne of Storms
      • Statue of Rallos Zek in Temple of Rallos Zek (Note: You need to be within 150 meters of him or so. I recommend you turn OFF cure curse on this fight, then the bot will cure the correct curse when needed).
      • Prime Cornicen Munderrad in Temple of Rallos Zek (150 meter range check)
      • Klaatuus in Drunder (Need which drunder he is in...)
      • Maalus Reborn in Vallons
      • Cara in ToFSx2
      • Zevitus in Tallons
      • Blazeclaw in Skyshrine Underdepths
      • Tyrax in Tallons
  • Full
    • When the DoV class debuff is wearing off if yours is available you will cast it.

Kunark Ascending

Arcanna'se Spire: Order and Chaos [Raid]

Shanaira the Powermonger - Tier 1

  • Set up for Shanaira
    • Some jousting

Botanist Heridal - Tier 1

  • Cast while moving

Guardian of Arcanna'se - Tier 1

  • Cast while moving

Ruins of Kaesora: Ancient Xalgozian Temple [Raid]

The Strathbone Runelord - Tier 1

    • Will stop casting (actually sits idle)

Lost City of Torsis: Ashiirian Court [Raid]

A Black Reaver - Tier 1

  • set up for Reaver (works with both black reavers, including the one that turns into Lord Ghiosk - Tier 2)
  • Jousts the uncurable

A Gyrating Green Slime - Tier 1

  • Jousts the slime

Crypt of Dalnir: The Kly Stronghold [Raid]

The Lumpy Goo - Tier 1

    • Priests will dispell

Vaedenmoor, Realm of Despair [Raid]


  • Portals: Campspot and stand within 30m of the portal you want to go through then use MCP button 'Special_ZoneSpecific'

Anaheed the Dreamkeeper - Tier 1

  • When a priest is distracted, they will turn OFF campspot, turn ON auto target, turn OFF healing, turn OFF combat.
  • When they are no longer distracted it resets all the above.
  • This fight will likely get changed a bit.... To be more automated for the priests with their movement.

GU68: Tears of Veeshan

Accursed Sanctum

Note: All the below are for Raid Options. Limit Raid Options does nothing at this time.

  • Accursed Custodian
    • Set up for Accursed
      • Moves everyone to a predefined campspot on the main area.
    • When a black thing spawns, if it's "near" them, they move to another predefined campspot.
  • Ageless Custodian
    • Nothing
  • Adherent Custodian
    • On-screen timers for when the add spawns and when the red text comes.
      • P.S. If you're wearing your big boy panties, you'll kill him before he red texts :)
  • Subsistent Custodian
    • set up for Subsistent
      • Moves everyone to a predefined campspot.
    • When a blue thing spawns near them, they will move.
    • If a gold thing spawns near them, the blue thing movement is blocked until the gold thing goes away.
      • (If you understand the fight, it'll make sense...)
  • Kaasssrelik the Afflicted
    • On-screen timer of when the adds will explode if they aren't dead.
  • Protector of Stone
    • Set up for protector
      • Moves everyone to a predefined campspot, in the middle of the bridge (non-agro).
    • When you pull, have the tank standing on top of the raid. The named will stop at 10 meters away. You can then move the tank out, so the mobs back is to the raid. Anyone with a campspot will change their campspot 10 meters back depending on how many stacks of the debuff they have.
    • If they have the curse, they move to the closer spot.
    • On-screen telling you if the add should be killed near the named, or far away.
  • Sesria and Denani (Sisters)
    • Nothing
  • The Legionnaires
    • Nothing
  • Sacrificer Buran
    • set up for buran
      • Moves everyone to a predefined campspot near Buran's spawn point (agro).
  • Matri Marn
    • Set up for Matri
      • Moves everyone to a predefined campspot. (Non-agro).
    • When black holes spawn, if someone is 'near' one, they move to another predefined location.
    • When the tree (??) spawns at 25%, everyone targets it. Defensive abilities are turned off for 5 seconds to do it's best to make sure they use an offensive ability to kill it.
    • Note: it is your responsible to take care of the stunning/messing/whatever you want to do with the adds at 75%.
  • The Crumbling Emperor
    • set up for emperor
      • Moves each group to a different predefined location (agro).
    • Based on internal timers, moves people into the 'cages' and out of the cages.
      • If you're looking at the on-screen timers. If you're in the outer position, it moves you back in with 20 seconds remaining. If you're at the inner position, it moves you out with 5 seconds remaining.
    • It is up to you to handle clicking the pillars at around 52%.

Temple of Veeshan: Guardian's Edifice

GU67: Darkness Dawns

The Fabled Pedestal of Sky

  • 'set up for dragons' | 'set up for Siamak' | 'set up for Barakah'
    • Puts Groups 1 and 3 on 1 side, and Groups 2 and 4 on the other (this way people can 2 group it if they wish).
    • When you have to run to the other side, bot will joust out and run to where the other dragon is. Once the detriment is gone, returns back to their campspot.
    • Note: It is still up to YOU to decide how you want to burn them down evenly. IE: You make a really long autotarget list and use it, or you do it on a MA etc.

Arena of the Gods

  • Tunare
    • 'set up for tunare'
    • Places the tank in front of where Tunare spawns, scouts behind, mages / priests 20m from the tank in a triangle thingy.

The Fabled Djinn Master's Prism

Scars of the Awakened

The Dreadcutter: The Pirate Kings



Omugra, Thazurus and Vuzalg

Siren's Grotto: Dissension

Priestess Denerva Vah'lis

Diviner Gelerin

Caella of the Pearl

Entrancer Lisha


Overlord Talan

Psyllon' Ris

Wurmbones End: Nox Incessit (X2)

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