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(In development (Coming soon))
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== In development (Coming soon) ==
== In development (Coming soon) ==
* OgreCraft
** Added support for "Wholesaler"'s as fuel merchants. (Freeport).
== In Closed Testing ==  
== In Closed Testing ==  

Revision as of 19:11, 7 November 2011

Revision History


Any time there are updates, they will be posted below with what changed, and if any new files were updated.

Note: Any Versions with (Coming soon) are updates I am working on and not yet released.

---Change Log---

Early development items

  • Note: These are items I'm working on in the early stages and will NOT be released with the next update.
  • Development of OgreInventoryManager has started. Click Here for more information.
    • Trading
      • Added command line parameters that will bypass the UI from loading.
        • -e | -examine
          • Will trade the examined item.
        • -i <text> | -item <text>
          • Will trade any items containing the text. Example: -item adept -item master would trade ALL adepts AND masters. Special note: anything with spaces MUST be enclosed in quotes. Example: -item "big heavy rock"
        • -t <toonname> | -target <toonname>
          • Will trade the items to the toonname listed. If omitted, uses your current target.
        • #
          • Will trade this many items TOTAL. If this is omitted, it will trade all of them. Example: If you had 8 adepts, and 500 masters, and you did 10, it would trade 10 items total. (There's no way to tell which items would be counted first, since it's based on an internal EQ2 array).
          • No prefix required, and can be anywhere in the parameters. Example: -item adept 10 -item master would work fine.
      • Examples:
        • ogre im -item arrow -target toonname 20
          • Trades 20 stacks of "arrows" to toonname
        • ogre im -i arrow -t toonname 20
          • Trades 20 stacks of "arrows" to toonname (same as above, just using the abbrev versions)
        • ogre im -i master -i adept
          • Trades all your masters and adepts to your current target
        • ogre im -e 1
          • Trades 1 "stack" of what ever you have currently examined, to your current target.

In development (Coming soon)

  • OgreCraft
    • Added support for "Wholesaler"'s as fuel merchants. (Freeport).

In Closed Testing

Released Versions

Versions: ISXOgre-2011.11.07, Patch Version-117, OgreBot-15.027 (Available from autopatcher) - Kannkor

  • Changed files: OgreNav_Lib, OgreMove, OgreCraftMove, CustomWrits, WritCount
  • OgreCraft
    • Tradeskill instance writ agents are now supported.
    • Tradeskill instance clipboards are now supported.
    • Tradeskill instance fuel merchants are now supported.
    • Added new tab: Navigation Options
      • No Map - allows for moving with no map. (This is how the bot has previously moved when no map was present)
      • Basic Map - allows for moving with a basic map with no names. (This is how the bot has previously moved when a map was present)
      • Custom Map - allows for custom named locations of where items are. For example: You could specify the "RushOrderAgent" is here, the bot will move to that spot, and assume it is in range to deal with the rush order agent. This will be useful if there are "counters" in front of merchants etc.
  • OgreNav_Lib
    • Added member:bool RegionExists(string)
      • You can check if a region exists with ${Nav.RegionExists[name]} - results is TRUE or FALSE.
    • Added member:bool LocMapped(float _X, float _Y, float _Z)
      • You can check if a location is mapped with ${Nav.LocMapped[x,y,z]} - results is TRUE or FALSE.
    • Added method: List
      • Doing Nav:List will output the results to the console.
    • Added Nav variable: AllowOffMapMovement
      • Default is TRUE. If set to false, disables direct off map movement. Note: Movement to get back onto a path is still permitted.
    • Worth noting: Nav is a script level variable, so these commands won't work from the console.
    • Added some additional checks with collision. One method the navlib tries to use when moving if all else fails, is to move along the path as far as it can, then use direct movement to get to it's destination. Collision is based off of in-game things being rendered. If something is not rendered, then it basically doesn't exist. Previously this collision check was done once to determine if this was a valid option. Which it may have been when in a different room because objects or walls were not rendered. It now does another check before trying to move off the path. If it fails you will get: "OgreNavLib: At the end of our nav, and we are now reporting collision so we cannot continue."
      • This isn't a new, merely explains some odd behaviour that was happening previously.
  • OgreMove
    • If you pass the parameter "list" it will output the list of possible locations.
  • OgreCraftMove
    • Added support for RegionExists to passthrough to OC.

Versions: ISXOgre-2011.11.01, Patch Version-116, OgreBot-15.027 (Available from autopatcher) - Kannkor

  • Changed files: ReactionArts, OgreCraftUIXML
  • ReactionArts
    • Fixed Aracna Favor of Innovation being incorrect.
  • OgreCraft
    • Fixed Alchy's "Essence of " from not working.
    • Removed some extra debugging
    • Added a check for "s" to recipes. This should help with "hammers" etc that aren't labeled with the S, but the recipe is.
  • OgreCraftUIXML
    • Fixed "Buy Tinker Recipes" button not doing anything.

Versions: ISXOgre-2011.10.29, Patch Version-115, OgreBot-15.027 (Available from autopatcher) - Kannkor

  • Changed files: OgreNav_Lib, WritCounts, CustomWrits, OgreCraftMove
  • OgreNav_Lib
    • Added: PrecisionToDestination to Nav. This way we can maintain the Precision (for traveling) along the path, and have a larger precision for the destination.
    • When naving to a mapped area, now follows the following logic when dealing with Hops
      • If the Precision is < current Hop Center point to your position, move to the next Hop OR
      • If the PrecisionToDestination is < Destination hop center point to your position, move to the next Hop (which will inheritly skip all the remaining hops)
      • When you are on the last hop (or Desination hop), it will not exit until PrecisionToDestination is < Destination Hop center point to your position.
      • This means you can have your toon follow a path with a precision of 2, but end up within 1 of it's destination.
  • OgreCraftMove - to take advantage of PrecisionToDestination

Versions: ISXOgre-2011.10.29, Patch Version-114, OgreBot-15.027 (Available from autopatcher) - Kannkor

  • OgreNav_Lib, Object_UIManagement
    • Added zoning logic. When you zone, it should now unload the old zone map and load the new zone map.
  • OgreCraft
    • Fixed recipes with an added "s" for provisioners.
    • Fixed for realz recipes with an "s" for provisioners.
    • Any time you switch toons, OC now reloads it's settings. At this time, I'm unsure how it will affect the queue... Feedback needed.
    • Fixed an issue with LLL crashing.
    • Fixed LLL not stopping when you hit level 9 or 19, but instead waiting until the queue was empty. Should now stop as soon as you hit 9 or 19.
    • Updated some debugging spew.
  • OgreBot
    • Having "ForcedNamedCA" selected, will now affect Verdict also.
  • Added object file for UIManagement. This is used in Ogre IM.

Versions: ISXOgre-2011.10.28, Patch Version-113, OgreBot-15.026 (Available from autopatcher) - Kannkor

  • Changed files: MCPCommands, OgreCraftUIXML
  • MCPCommands
    • Added another descriptive line to Cast.. and CastOn..
  • OgreCraft
    • API available via: OgreCraft
      • method AddRecipeName(int _Quantity, string _RecipeName)
      • method AddRecipeID(int _Quantity, int64 _RecipeID)
      • method AddRecipeListFromFile(string _FileInfo)
      • method Start()
      • method ShowMainWindow(bool TorF=TRUE)
      • method ShowQueueWindow(bool TorF=TRUE)
      • member:bool Crafting()
      • method BuyTinkering
        • Requires the following:
          • 3pp or more
          • Be in Steamfont
          • Be within 10 meters of the tinker merchant
          • Recommended that you already learn tinkering, since this will scribe things for you.
    • LLL now sorts from levels 1-19, should prevent it picking up odd spells from high level quests etc.
    • Fixed many (all?) provisioner issues with how the quest tells you to make items.
    • When you update customwrits or writcount via the in-game input box, it now broadcasts to any other sessions on that current machine only, that an update was made and they should reload the file. Yes, it's just that slick.
    • If the bot fails to see the proper writ option, it now waits an additional second and tries again, this should help anyone with a bit of latency, however, shouldn't affect the speed of anyone with a real connection :)
    • Fixed writs getting stuck on the tiers.
  • OgreCraftUIXML
    • Added a button on the Tinkering page that will buy recipes for you. (This simply does a call to BuyTinkering, so you must meet that criteria).

Versions: ISXOgre-2011.10.27, Patch Version-112, OgreBot-15.026 (Available from autopatcher) - Kannkor

  • OgreCraft
    • LLL - when you level to 9 or 19, it should stop your queue immediately, instead of waiting for it to finish.
    • Refined how the search works. It's now a partial search based on words being separated by spaces. Note: Quotes do not work (never did). Examples:
      • If you searched for: acid
        • It would show you any recipe with the word "acid" in it.
      • If you searched for: jug sli
        • Results would be: Any recipe that contains "jug" and "sli", such as, Jugular slice.
      • If you searched for: j o u r n e y m a n
        • You'd be a retard, but it would return any recipe that contained all the letters (the order wouldn't matter).
      • Worth noting, the more search parameters you give it, the longer the search will take. While I was testing, searching a single term (such as acid), resulted in 1-2s for the results to fully populate. When I searched for j o u r n e y m a n, it took 3-4 seconds.
    • Advanced adorning recipes should now be listed under adornments, instead of advanced.
    • Drunder reforging (or whatever you call breaking down that shit is), now works, HOWEVER, you MUST be positioned beside the forge or it will fail. The bot will not (and can not) move to the forge for you. You must get your own fuel also.

Versions: ISXOgre-2011.10.26, Patch Version-111, OgreBot-15.026 (Available from autopatcher) - Kannkor

  • OgreCraft
    • Added facing the mob prior to talking to the writ merchant. Should correct some unable to find the correct conversation errors.
    • Fixed buying recipes for level 11-19 for "outfitters" instead of "outfitter"
    • Tweaked the amount of time craft is permitted to use skills to help with crafting (reduced by .5 seconds). This should help let them refresh for the next round.
    • Added "Over-seasoning" to the reaction list.
    • Added "serve Over-seasoning" to the reaction list.
    • Fixed craft not buying recipes when doing writs.
    • Added support for "Tailored " recipes in writs. Includes checking removing "a " and "an "
    • Fixed Light armoring "Favor of Innovation" being incorrectly assigned
    • Fixed when you level to 9 or 19, it doesn't tell you 19.000000... It's just 19 now.
    • Added support for "Rune of " recipes in writs.
    • Added (untested) "Rune of Jugular Slice (Jourenman)" to the customwrits. It's a unique spell in that it has extra spaces. It's possible this spell (level 20 writ) simply won't work. It's 1 of 2 spells like this, and the other one is level 14.
    • Added support for being the next tier when you level to it doing writs. For example: If you are 29, and hit level 30, it should now buy the level 30 recipe and scribe it prior to getting the next writ, thus making tiers seemless.
    • Added ${OgreCraft.Crafting} so you can tell when crafting is in action.

Versions: ISXOgre-2011.10.25, Patch Version-110, OgreBot-15.026 (Available from autopatcher) - Kannkor

  • ISXOgre
    • Completely redesigned how authentication works, and how it's handled within the extension.
    • Changed "ogre ?" a bit, so it has a few more categories etc.
  • OgreCraft
    • Low Level Leveling - Now sells the items it makes.
    • Writs
      • Now removes any period at the end.
      • Now removes "a " at the beginning, if needed.
      • Now removes "an " at the beginning, if needed.
    • If you run out of materials while doing LowLevelLeveling or AutoTinkering, it now stops crafting, instead of getting into a loop.
  • OgreCraft
    • Can now choose to use a Custom save file. This will make that character use the custom settings.
    • Fixed writs that have "an " but not in the recipe name.
  • OgreCraft
    • Added the ability to buy from broker with a maximum price limit.
      • NOTE Even though it has the ability to buy from the broker, I HIGHLY recommend you have the required resources available to you prior too.
      • Note Fuel isn't an issue, ONLY items from the broker.
    • Added support for Great Forge in drunder.
    • [REMOVED] ( Removed the specific code for these, since they should automatically work) Added support for Sootfoot Forge and Blood Iron Forge (as regular forges, as opposed to the special drunder forge which is called by specific recipes).
    • Added "CustomWrits.xml" file, HOWEVER, you should NEVER, EVER need to edit this file. If a recipe in a writ is incorrect, you will get an IN-GAME pop up window asking you to type in the recipe name. Once done, it updates CustomWrits for you. DO NOT USE YOUR CUSTOMWRITS.XML FROM CRAFT FULL OF GARBAGE.
    • Updated a typo in Alc's reaction list that caused a failed reaction.
  • MCP Commands
    • Added Jst-in-Who and Jst-Out-Who - both accept a parameter so you can specify who will joust.
  • OgreBot - Added functions for Jst-(In/Out)-Who

Versions: ISXOgre-2011.10.17, Patch Version-108, OgreBot-15.025 (Available from autopatcher) - Kannkor

  • Added Othmir.iss. Accessed via ogre othmir <optional parameters>
    • Go to Great Divide near NPC Aqua and type "ogre othmir start 1" in the console
    • This will get you far enough in the timeline so you can do the repeatable quests (GD only).
    • Once finished you can type "ogre othmir repeat" to start the repeatable quests.
  • Added OgreInventoryManager. Access via ogre im <optional parameters>
    • Note: Only trading has been coded.
    • Click Here for more information.
  • Hotfixed in 15.024a: Fixed Dynamic Assist so the target of the assist disables their assist.
  • Removed debugging for monks combination.
  • Added no CAs/Named CAs while Monk superior guard is active.
  • While OgreBot is loaded, if you examine a Lore and Legend item you need, it will automatically study it.
  • Added some checks to skip casting on someone right as they start zoning, or finish.
  • Added LOS check to resing.

Versions: ISXOgre-2011.10.07, Patch Version-106, OgreBot-15.024 (Available from autopatcher) - Kannkor

  • Changed files: OgreUIXML, OgreCommon.inc
  • OgreBot
    • Made CastFromUplink always remove quotes.
    • Invis abilities are no longer affected by auto attack timing (fix for chain tab).
    • Converted "ChainTab" code to support 3
    • Changed a press s to press backwardkey from the eq2chars.inc (which is s by default)
    • Updated Jesters cap tab to not have a immunity timer.
  • OgreUIXML
    • Reordered tabs a little bit
    • Renamed "ChainTab" to "Chain1Tab"
    • Added "Chain2Tab" and "Chain3Tab"
    • Added Accept Dunger Finder option. Accepts the pop up that asks you if you wish to join it when it's ready.
    • Added Auto accept Raid ready checks. There is a built in 1/2 second delay. (Note: This is a queued command, so it's a 1/2 second once the bot is idle, IE: after you are finished casting a spell).
    • Fixed typo: Indepentent... oops.
  • OgreCommon
    • May have finally fixed the error message: Error:Unparsable in Calculation of "-1.#IND00": '#' @Retval:Set[${Math.Acos[${Retval}]}]

Versions: ISXOgre-2011.10.02, Patch Version-104, OgreBot-15.022 (Available from autopatcher) - Kannkor

  • Added: MCPCommands
    • Added command: ExecuteAtom
      • Relays an OgreBotAtom
      • Parameter 1 = ForWho
      • Parameter 2 = AtomName
      • Parameter 3-11 = Parameters
  • Changed how Raid options for Proto work.

Versions: ISXOgre-2011.10.01, Patch Version-103, OgreBot-15.021 (Available from autopatcher) - Kannkor

  • Added: OgreMoveInCombat, MCPCommands
    • Added stop on curse to OgreMoveInCombat, and if campspot is turned on.
  • MCPCommands
    • Added End_Script_Relay

Versions: ISXOgre-2011.10.01, Patch Version-102, OgreBot-15.020 (Available from autopatcher) - Kannkor

  • Added: OgreMoveInCombat, MCPCommands
  • OgreMoveInCombat
    • You will probably never need this. It's used for some specific fights to allow ogrenaving while in combat. Defaults (would have to edit the script, or copy it and make your own) are:
      • Stop if anyone in group has a detrimental, if you have one, you will cure it.
  • ISXOgre
    • Added command: Ogre MoveInCombat (location / loc x y z)
  • "NotSelf" will now work with reses. Is equal to "Raid" (which does your group if you aren't in a raid).
  • MCPCommands
    • Added 2 new commands
    • OgreBotAtom
      • Executes an atom within ogrebot if ogrebot is loaded.
        • Param 1: atom name - case sensitive.
        • Param 2-11: Parameters
    • OgreBotAtomRelay
      • Same as above, except it: relay all
  • Removed OgreBotForSages from the patcher, and put OgreMoveInCombat in it's place.. it's the same thing.

Versions: ISXOgre-2011.09.30, Patch Version-101, OgreBot-15.019 (Available from autopatcher) - Kannkor

  • Changed files: InCombatMovement, UplinkController
  • Cleaned up the new raid debuff options a bit.
  • Removed all Kraytoc raid code (so you shouldn't sucide over the edge, it's not that bad of a fight, I swear).
  • UplinkController
    • Added the new raid debuff options.

Versions: ISXOgre-2011.09.29, Patch Version-100, OgreBot-15.018 (Available from autopatcher) - Kannkor

  • Fixed new raid debuff options from working.

Versions: ISXOgre-2011.09.29, Patch Version-99, OgreBot-15.017 (Available from autopatcher) - Kannkor

  • Fixed new raid debuff options from working.

Versions: ISXOgre-2011.09.29, Patch Version-98, OgreBot-15.016 (Available from autopatcher) - Kannkor

  • Changed files: OgreUIXML
  • Renamed tab "Extra" to "Raid options"
    • Added options: Cast raid debuff and Move to cast raid debuff. These were REMOVED from "Raid options" and added here for those not wanting to use raid options.

Versions: ISXOgre-2011.09.28, Patch Version-97, OgreBot-15.015 (Available from autopatcher) - Kannkor

  • Changed files: OgreMove, OgreNavLib, OgreTradeIt, InCombatMovement
  • OgreTradeIt
    • Now works for any stack of items, including non-stackable items.
  • OgreNavLib
    • Minor tweaks to how it determines if you are stuck. :Start now clears the stuck flag.
  • OgreMove
    • Changed parameters from ints to floats.
  • OgreBot
    • Out of combat reses should no longer try to cast while in combat.
    • Removed requirement for dirges/troubs to be on the auth list just so the rotations work.
  • InCombatMovement
    • Added some code I need to test. Shouldn't affect anyone.

Versions: ISXOgre-2011.09.16, Patch Version-96, OgreBot-15.014 (Available from autopatcher) - Kannkor

  • Added a secret command for a tester.

Versions: ISXOgre-2011.09.16, Patch Version-96, OgreBot-15.014 (Available from autopatcher) - Kannkor

  • Changed files: Ogrecommon.inc, Spellexport, Qfaction, MCPCommands, added Object_LavishSettings and Object_Timer to OgreCommon also.
  • Ogrecommon
    • With the influx of double exp weekends, it means people have been creating alts at an alarming rate. It seems that the 200 character limit in eq2chars.inc was too low. It has been increased to 500.
  • OgreBot
    • Changed EoW grind code for the end boss, the setup is now powered with MOAR LEFT... (You now start further on the left side). Do a "/g set up for bonewing" to activate the script.
    • CS-Dft now also does a joust out.
    • Added script level atom: atom_OgreBotChangeCampSpot. This will work with AtomOgreBot command so it only sends it if the bot is running.
    • Raid options now prevent the bot from curing the curse on Cara.
  • ISXOgre
    • Fixed parameters not passing to spell export
  • Spellexport
    • Various minor changes that would probably only fix having to run the spell export twice with custom option (which wasn't possible before).
  • QFaction
    • Updated pausing/resuming to work with V15.
  • MCPCommands
    • Added: Change_Campspot
      • Changes campspot... accepts 3 parameters, x, y, z coords.
    • Added: Apply_Verb
      • Relay all the apply verb [id] [case sensitive verb]
      • Parameter 1 = ID - can be a variable such as Actor
      • Parameter 2 = verb - case sensitive
      • Note - This is an advanced button.

Versions: ISXOgre-2011.08.29, Patch Version-95, OgreBot-15.013 (Available from autopatcher) - Kannkor

  • Changed files: InCombatMovement, AHMovement, OgreCommon, MCPCommands
  • InCombatmovement
    • Changed Campspot to be 2D instead of 3D.
  • Added chat commands:
    • invite _____ for gsay and tells. Only activates if there is only 1 space in the messaage. Meaning if someone said in group chat.. "should we invite primalz?" it wouldn't fire.
      • Will invite the name after "invite".
  • OgreBot
    • Fixed Mezzing
    • Added built in Alias "PCTarget" which will always resolve to your target, or your targets target (whichever is a PC).
  • AHMovement
    • Fixed looping not working
  • Ogrecommon
    • Added Name to PCTarget
  • MCPCommands
    • Added "RawCommand".
      • This executes all the parameters in the console. This is a good use if you do commands often. Few examples below:
        • Ogre idol
        • Ogre end idol
      • Note: It will pass 10 parameters. NULL for any not filled in. This must be handled by the script.

Versions: ISXOgre-2011.08.27, Patch Version-94, OgreBot-15.012 (Not Available) - Kannkor

  • Changed files: MCPCommands, OgreUIXML, UPlinkController
    • Fixed "Assist".
  • Ogrebot/UI
    • Added the option to "Cancel abilities to group cure.". It does the following
      • Works for priests only
      • If you are casting an ability with "Cure" in the name, it will NOT cancel it (such as Cure Curse, or Cure).
      • If you are already casting a group cure from the priority tab, it will NOT cancel it (cause that would be silly).
      • While you are casting any abilties, the bot will constantly check any cures on the priority tab, that have a > 1 amount (which means a group cure).
    • Added "Crowd Control Tab" - CC = Crowd Control.
      • Yes, this is a fucking mez tab.
      • You can put any crowd control spells you wish in here. Single target mezes, group mezes, even roots.
      • It will NOT CC whomever you would normally assist' target. It is aware if you have a temporary assist (such as via the AssistUI button on the MCP). It will mez anything else that is aggro on you or your group (if it's aggro on a pet, it will only mez it if the pet has the same name as a group member).
      • It will re-CC any target with < 10 seconds left on the duration.
      • Upon further checking.. I don't think this is true... It will overwrite it if it needs too with a different spell. [OLD **This applies to the SAME ability only. For example: If a single target mez has 9 seconds left, it will NOT cast group mez on that target.**]
      • Will not try to mez epics.
      • Be aware, if you do not have an assist on, and you have CAs on, you will nuke after you mez.
      • Feel free to feedback information about this tab. I will add more options if it seems necessary (such as the ability to change the 10 seconds etc).
  • Uplinkcontroller
    • Made Force NamedCA work if you used the "update All melee" button.
    • Added CrowdControl to Misc

Versions: ISXOgre-2011.08.22, Patch Version-93, OgreBot-15.011 (Not Available) - Kannkor

  • Changed files: MCPCommands, InCombatMovement
  • MCPCommands
    • Fixed Pet_Off
    • Added Move2Area - See description for details
  • InCombatMovement
    • Tweaks to Move2Area
  • Raid option updates

Versions: ISXOgre-2011.08.21, Patch Version-92, OgreBot-15.010 (Not Available) - Kannkor

  • Changed files: Idol, OgreUIXML, UplinkXML
  • Idol movement only happens if Grind options is checked.
  • Switched DPS and "the rest" (bard/chanter) camp spots
  • Idol script now pauses when Ogrebot is paused also.
  • Made Prime Hammermud (or whatever his name is, second last boss in Heroic Zek) much more reliable for jousting the red text.
  • UI / Uplink
    • Added "Force NamedCA" option. This makes the toons use the NamedCA tab regardless if you are fighting a named mob. (For cases like statue/idol who are NPCs and not NamedNPCs).
  • Added wiz, pally, warden, zerker sample profiles. (These will only patch on a Repatch[1]] or a fresh install).

Versions: ISXOgre-2011.08.18, Patch Version-91, OgreBot-15.009 (Not Available) - Kannkor

  • Changed files: MCPCommands
  • Updated necro sample profile.
  • Ogrebot
    • Added atom:
      • globalatom_SetBotPauseStatus(bool Paused)
    • Grind option added for temple HM.
      • Prime Imperium Hammarmund the Destroyer
        • Chat command added: set up for prime
          • Sets campspots. You need to have campspot on PRIOR to using this command. This may need some tweaking.. Timing seems solid unless it lands on the bard... then it fires off way too early.
      • Idol
        • chat command added: set up for idol
          • Sets campspots. You need to have campspot on PRIOR to using this command.
          • There are 4 sets of campspots available.
          • Two for priest_01 (automatically determined)
          • Two for priest_02
          • Two for DPS (sorcerers, predators, rogues, summoners)
          • Two for the rest (bards/chanters)
          • Throughout the fight they will move to which ever camp spot of their 2 is the most safe. The longer the fight goes on, the more rocks, meaning the less "safe" spots. Higher DPS is key to victory.
    • CommandForMe now accepts base classes. IE: warrior, druid, shaman etc.
  • MCPCommands
    • Changed description text on OFol-Dft
  • ISXOgre
    • Command added: ogre idol / ogre end idol
      • Loads the automated target changer for Heroic The Temple of Rallos Zek idol fight.

Versions: ISXOgre-2011.08.16, Patch Version-90, OgreBot-15.008 (Not Available) - Kannkor

  • Changed files: MCPDefaultSettings
  • MCPDefaultSettings
    • Added missing parameter to "CS-Dft" so it now works. If you have a custom MCP (if you've ever saved any button it's now a custom), you can add in the missing parameter of "All".
    • Added a ton of sample profiles, these will ONLY patch on a full repatch[1]] or a fresh install. This is to ensure sample profiles do not overwrite custom sample profiles.
  • Reses with "Raid" will now work on "Group" when you are not in a raid.
  • Heals with "Raid" will now work on "Group" when you are not in a raid.
  • Cure Curse --> Raid remains unchanged. It works if you have Raid selected, it checks the entire raid. If you are not in a raid, it checks your group.
  • Cures with "Raid" will now work on "Group" when you are not in a raid.
  • Fixed Ranger Exploit Weakness not working/saving.

Versions: ISXOgre-2011.08.14, Patch Version-89, OgreBot-15.007 (Not Available) - Kannkor

  • Changed files: MCPCommands, Incombatmovement
  • INcombatmovement
    • Fixed typo that prevented precision with come2me
  • Ogrebot
    • Fixed chain tab options not working at all (IS, ID, IAE, IE all didn't work). All fixed.
  • Updated Monk spell export (Thanks Canno). Note: This will note re-download unless you do a new install or a repatch (same with all spell exports, so they don't overwrite them).
  • MCPCommands
    • RelayRunScript was changed.
      • Parameter1 = relay ____ (such as All, All Other, Kannkor.IS1)
      • Parameter2 = Scriptpath and/or name (previous Parameter1)
      • Parameter3-12 = Parameters passed to the script.

Versions: ISXOgre-2011.08.11, Patch Version-88, OgreBot-15.006 (Not Available) - Kannkor

  • Changed files: OgreUIXML, MCPCommands
  • ISXOgre
    • NOTE: The script for this is not released yet. added command: ogre othmir <parameter1> <parameter2>
      • Parameter1 options: start, repeat. Default is repeat.
        • Start - Does the first few quests in the series.
        • Repeat - Does the 2 repeatable quests.
      • Parameter2 options: 1 or 2. Default is 1. This is which quest to start on.
        • Start 1
          • Does the first starter quest line, then then second.
        • Start 2
          • Only does the second quest line (used more often if something goes wrong when doing the first quest and you have to finish it manually).
        • Repeat 1 (default)
          • Does both repeatable quests. Starting with the eel one.
        • Repeat 2
          • Does only the second repeatable quest (the crab one).
  • OgreUI
    • Changed CA/NamedCA so when you double click it adds them with no options instead of retaining the currently selected options.
  • OgreBot
    • More optimizations
    • Fixed crash on checking hp/mana on AH
    • Corpsemongor changed to Raid options instead of grind options (to make use of existing methods) and fixed to work.
  • MCPCommands
    • Autorun now works and doesn't crash.
    • Added RelayRunScript - Parameter1 = scriptname. Parameter2-11 = Parameters passed to the script. Note: If parameters are excluded they will be passed to the script where they can be dealth with (or ignored). Default path is /scripts/. First parameter is the rest of the path (if required) then the script name. Few examples:
      • Parameter1: MyTestFile
        • Would run the script "MyTestFile" located in the scripts directory.
      • Parameter1: eq2ogrecommon/MyTestFile
        • Would run the script "MyTestFile" inside of the scripts/eq2ogrecommon/ folder. You will note there is NOT a leading / because the default path is the /scripts/ folder.
    • Added RunScript - Same as above but with no relay.
  • MCP
    • Rewrote how much of the MCP code is executed. Added special execution for Script:QueueCommand. If any button doesn't work let me know.
    • Fixed Lord bob load/unload/dol-to-me. You will probably need to re-make those buttons (right click-select it again and hit apply).
    • When using the profile button, the text "Profile ( profilename ) - Loaded." now goes to the appropriate console instead of the console running the MCP.

Versions: ISXOgre-2011.08.06, Patch Version-86-87, OgreBot-15.005 (Not Available) - Kannkor

  • LoadMCP
    • Changed Trak and Turt HUDs to 1 decimal place only.
  • OgreBot
    • Removed the curse prevention on the following mobs. If you are still doing any of these, manually turn off curses (or via the uplink). These were removed to save CPU time. I'll be removing checks that are possible via easy on/off options already in the bot for any OLD xpacs. All current ones will work as intended.
      • Thet (TSO)
      • Byzola (Uhh.. super old?)
      • Qxectus (TSO)
      • Maalus (SF)
    • Changed how Corpsemongor clicks work. From a user point of view you shouldn't notice anything. It now checks actors that spawn instead of pulse checks while in that zone.
    • Same changes as above for the following:
      • Widow in ToFS(x2)
      • Statue
      • Few others I can't remember

Versions: ISXOgre-2011.08.04, Patch Version-85, OgreBot-15.004 (Not Available) - Kannkor

  • Changed files: Ogrecommon.inc, Incombatmovement
  • OgreBot
    • It has come to my attention, that we don't need 6 decimal places on the Mob/Priest info. I have reduced it to 1 decimal place.
  • OgreCommon
    • Changes to ability ranges etc.
    • Added caching of sizes
    • Added caching of some mob info

Versions: ISXOgre-2011.08.02, Patch Version-84, OgreBot-15.003a (Not Available) - Kannkor

  • Fixed a crash related to precast that was introduced in 15.003

Versions: ISXOgre-2011.08.02, Patch Version-83, OgreBot-15.003 (Not Available) - Kannkor

  • Changed files: LoadOgreMCP.iss, Ogrecommon, OgreUIXML, Incombatmovement
  • A LOT of small optimizations
  • MCP
    • Changed "Fly-Dn" to actually fly down, instead of flying up... :)
  • OgreBot
    • Fixed a bug on the combat tab so it wouldn't try to cast abilities when people don't exist.
  • Assist tab now reorder correctly
  • Invis spells (On the Setup tab) now reorder correct
  • Self buffs now reorder correctly
  • Non-Combat buffs now reorder correctly
  • Precast now reorders correctly. Note: The order of precast doesn't really matter, it's more if you want it to look pretty since it's based on a spell being passed to it, and not the list itself.
  • Troub JCap now reorders correctly.
  • Dirge Gravitas now reorders correctly.

Versions: ISXOgre-2011.07.30, Patch Version-82, OgreBot-15.002 (Not Available) - Kannkor

  • Changed files: OgreuiXML, Added samples.. see below
  • OgreUIXML
    • Fixed Pets showing in drop downs when the option is selected.
    • Fixed POTM/COB rotation text. They now accept more than 4 characters.
  • OgreBot
    • If Enable Aliases is NOT selected, they won't work (previously they wouldn't show in the drop downs, but would still continue to work).
  • Added following samples. All at Patch 2
    • Warlock
    • Sorcerer
    • Mage
    • Troubador
    • Bard
    • Scout
    • Inquisitor
    • Cleric
    • Priest
    • Coercer
    • Enchanter
    • Defiler
    • Shaman
    • Shadowknight
    • Crusader
    • Fighter

Versions: ISXOgre-2011.07.29, Patch Version-81, OgreBot-15.000h (Not Available) - Kannkor

  • Fixed Turbo
  • Fixed Gravitas
  • Fixed spells so it allows conversion for different level toons. Any profile prior to this update will need to be re-saved (Just load it, hit save, and that profile will be "fixed").

Versions: ISXOgre-2011.07.28, Patch Version-80, OgreBot-15.000a-g (Not Available) - Kannkor

  • Changed files: Ogreuixml.xml, ogreminiuixml.xml, Ogrecommon.inc, Incombatmovement, checktoons, MCP (and related files), OSA, OSAXML, AHMovement, OgreMoveForSages, FPFaction.iss
  • Riftbot strikes again! Err.. wait.. Starting a MAJOR overhaul of Ogrebot (EQ2) to use much of the (way more efficient) code I created for Riftbot. This process will more than likely take a while (months?). The plan is to implement it now, and all new tabs will use this method, and I can convert the old tabs as I get time.
  • New tab: Aliases - Used for defining Aliases...
    • You can add things like: Tank1 == Kannkor
    • Then you can select Tank1 in the drop down boxes. This will make PUG much easier as you will only have to change 1 box for the tank and it will "update" all of Ogrebot, so to speak.
    • The following are considered reserved and NOT valid and will be ignored.
      • Your own name
      • GroupOnly
      • Raid
      • Target [Since it uses your implied PC target]] - Not coded yet
    • Only supports people in group or raid. If there is a logical need to add support for people outside of group/raid contact me and we can discuss. It is very possible, but would need to see if the logic outweights the resources.
  • Removed tab: Cure
    • Use the "Priority" tab. Cure wasn't using the new code and was getting old and outdated.
  • Removed tab: Heals
    • Use the "Priority" tab.
  • Removing Combat tab
    • Use the "Priority" tab when it is implemented.
  • Removed items tab
  • Debug tab now saves
  • Removed some old SoH code for maestro.. don't think it worked anyways...
  • Temporary removed navigation saving/loading from Autohunt. Will add it back in when I get time. Targeting of autohunt should continue to work.
  • OgreCommon
    • Updated to work with new UI
  • Incombatmovement
    • Updated to work with new UI
  • The following were added to the CommandForMe object and will resolve correctly. (Example: when using the assist button, or CastFromUplink etc).
    • Scout / scouts -- True if you are a scout
    • Fighter / Fighters -- True if you are a fighter
  • Moved "Come to me"'s and other movement from OgreBot thread to the Movement thread. This should allow bots to cast when you do a "Come to me" (or when the bot does one via raid/grind options).
    • Note: Campspot isn't affected, it was always in the movement thread.
    • Note: Movement for raid debuff to move in is NOT in the movement thread. It remains in OgreBot to prevent casting (so it doesn't interfere).
    • Note: Come to me will now work differently. Previously if you did a come to me, moved, and did another come to me, they would finish their first come to me. Now, they will immediately change to the new come to me.
  • If you have campspot turned on, then do a "Come to me". At any time if you do a Joust out, the come to me will end and the campspot will take over.
  • Doing a "Lets go" in the middle of a "Come to me" should cancel the come to me.
  • Better perservation of of campspot status. Examples: If raid options are checked and you debuff, you should end up in the same camp spot status (jousted in/out etc)
  • Checktoons.iss
    • Updated so it uses /camp login
  • [REMOVED]] Changed "aJoustOut" and "aJoustIn" to be global[Reverted back to script level]] so there isn't any reason to specify the script.
  • Redesigned MCP
    • Buttons with toggles (like Fly-Up Fly-Down) - When clicked will change the text of the button. It won't change back to your customname (if given) until the MCP is reloaded.
    • Moved "InfoOn" from the MCP to Ogrebot. It's now called "Mob/Priest Info" and is located on the Settings tab.
  • Updated OSA and OSAXML to work with new OgrebotUI
    • Reworked OSA a bit, should be MUCH more reliable.
  • New ISXOgre command added: ogrebotatom <parameters>
    • Allows for relays to only be executed if ogrebot is running. Examples to come..
  • Autohunt is a very tricky tab. I did a hack job so it's functional. When I get more time (when this big rewrite is done and testing is complete) I'll rewrite all of autohunt.
  • FPFaction
    • Changed runscript ogre.. to ogre to use the extension

Released Versions

Versions: ISXOgre-2011.03.07, Patch Version-76, OgreBot-14.068 (Available from autopatcher) - Kannkor

  • Changed files: Uplinkcontroller, Ogrecommon.inc
  • Curable disables now "casts" instead of trying to cast on yourself. This should allow it to cast when you are forced to a target (or to no target).
  • Fixed a missing verdict option on the uplink.
  • Login
    • Fixed a crash with "ogre login toonname" while you were already logged into another toon, and cancelled the current toon from camping.
  • Ogrebot
    • Completely rewrote the casting code. Will be in development versions for testing shortly.
    • New casting code - Follow functions now use the new casting code
      • Curable disables (things like Aura of Crusader that go into the Other tab)
      • Verdict
      • Buffs
        • Self/group
        • Non-combat
        • Single target
        • Single target on others
      • Priority
        • Group cures
        • Single target cures
        • Heals
        • Cure Curses
          • Single target checks
          • Group checks
          • Raid checks
          • Triggered cure curses
      • Chain tab
      • Named Combat arts
      • Combat arts
      • Custom RO
      • Custom VC
      • Custom DA (Warlock)
      • AH Pulling
      • Gravitas
      • Jesters cap
      • "Cure" tab
      • Every tab in ogrebot... :)
    • Buffs
      • Did some minor recoding.
      • Removed Warlock Mythical support (weapon version, spell version still works).
      • Removed Berserker Mythical support (weapon version. Spell version should be entered into self buff section).
      • Removed Conj Mythical support (weapon version...)
      • Removed Coecer Mythical support (weapon version...)
      • Removed WickedWand support (considering it was nerfed to not work like this... at least a year ago :P).
    • UI
      • Inq - Removed Inq Myth click option (Use priority tab)
      • Templar - Removed Myth click option (Use priority or heal tab)
      • Wizard - Removed Manaburn rotation information.
      • Removed a few other old Myth options (again, weapon version only).
      • Items: Removed Wickedwand option
      • Items: Removed Use HoT potions option.
      • Items: Removed Mortal coil option
      • Removed "Use Masters attack". There is no need for this extra option when you can put the spell into your CA/Named CA order fine... ... for the last 2 years.

Versions: ISXOgre-2011.06.22, Patch Version-75, OgreBot-14.067 (Available from autopatcher) - Kannkor

  • Changed files: Ogreuixml
  • Changed verdict so it ignores the fact it's an encounter spell.
  • Changed some spacing on the verdict tab (visual only)
  • Updated rezing code.

Versions: ISXOgre-2011.06.20, Patch Version-72, OgreBot-14.066 (Available from autopatcher) - Kannkor

  • Changed files: OgreUIXML, UplinkControllerXML, Ogrecommon.inc
  • OgreBot
    • Fixed Immaculate res to actually work if the cleric is dead.
    • Added a bunch more checks to prevent crashes when you type letters into boxes that only support numbers.
    • Added new tab "Other".
      • While I personally hate generic tabs like Other, I'll use this as a place to put early items in development that don't have a place on any other tab. At some stage these items will more than likely move to a different/new tab that makes more sense.
      • Added Curable Disable - This is for those abilities that can cure things like stuns/stifles. It only supports Self or group abilities (will only trigger if YOU have the detrimental on you, regardless if it's a group ability).
        • You WILL get false casts of this. Meaning you have a detriment on you that does something like damage, and you have an uncurable that is stunning you. There isn't a way to see the effects of these abilities without contacting the server, in which I won't do to check every single detriment you ever get.
      • Added Res anyone option. Without this, you will only rez people in your raid if they are on your authorized list (eq2chars.inc). With this option, it doesn't care.
    • Added support for bruisers self cure on the priority tab: Indomitable Will (all versions of it). Simply add it as a cure on the priority tab, select yourself as the target, and it will only cure Arcane and Trauma.
    • Added support for Paladins cure (AA) on the priority tab: Cure spells. Simply add it as a cure on the priority tab, select yourself as the target, and it will only cure Arcane, Noxious, and Elemental.
    • Bug Fix: Previously a Cure ability in the Priority tab was not checking if the cure was available to cast if YOU had the dot, and the target was GroupOnly.
    • Added four "Verdict" UI pieces to the Inquisitor tab
      • Verdict On Epic Named @ -- Will cast Verdict on Epic Named mobs when the mob is at, or below the health specified.
      • Verdict On Epics @ -- Will cast Verdict on Epic Non-Named mobs when the mob is at, or below the health specified.
      • Verdict On Heroic Named @ -- Will cast Verdict on Heroic Named mobs when the mob is at, or below the health specified.
      • Verdict On Heroic @ -- Will cast Verdict on Heroic Non-Named mobs when the mob is at, or below the health specified.
    • Bug Fix: Changed all(most?) text entry boxes to accept 3 digits (100 will now be 100 instead of 10).
  • UplinkController
    • Added Verdict on/off options to uplink.
  • ISXOgre
    • Added commands:
      • ogre Hypatia | ogre end Hypatia -- Loads an on-screen display of when Hypatia has her reflect up.

Versions: ISXOgre-2011.06.03, Patch Version-70, OgreBot-14.065 (Available from autopatcher) - Kannkor

  • Changed/Added files: Ogreuixml, OgreAntiAFK
  • OgreUIXML
    • Reverted the "fix" to the combat tab since it made it work incorrectly... oops.
    • Complete overhaul of the UI backend. Let me know if anything isn't working correctly (Removed over 4000 lines of excess code).
    • Reordered the tabs a little bit.
  • OgreBot
    • Fixed 1 raid mob (Proto) not using it's raid code in dev version.
    • Changed breaking stealth from sprint to transmute and esc.
  • See below for development release notes.
  • Added file: OgreAntiAFK
    • Randomly between 10 and 15 minutes does a non-visual server command to keep your session active.
  • ISXOgre
    • Added commands:
      • ogre afk - loads afk script
      • ogre end afk - ends afk script

Versions: ISXOgre-2011.05.09, Patch Version-69, OgreBot-14.063 (OgreBot-14.064a development) (Available from autopatcher) - Kannkor

  • Changed files: Ogreuixml.xml
  • Ogreuixml
    • Fixed not being able to toggle maintained on the combat tab.
  • Ogrebot(development release accessed via ogre dev)
    • Completely overhauled how many of the events work. Greatly reduced the processing of events by probably 80%. Will see if this has any affect on FPS...
    • Removed the El'Arad tell window. Can add this back in if anyone needs it... although it didn't actually "do" anything other than tell you it's time to click the pilliars.

Versions: ISXOgre-2011.05.09, Patch Version-67, OgreBot-14.063 (Available from autopatcher) - Kannkor

  • ISXOgre - Started doing a pretty major overhaul to update to support multiple games (Rift).
  • For now, ISXOgre will auto-patch both Rift and EQ2 files. This is just easier for the time being while I make large changes.
  • Item Database - Remove Weight / weight reduction
  • ItemDatabase - (released prior)
    • Created directory: /scripts/EQ2OgreItemDatabase/
    • General Information
      • The concept changed a few times, and unfortunately the code reflects this. I don't recommend using this as a script to learn, or use examples from.
      • None the less, everything should be functional. As you navigate the UI, different options will appear depending on what you click on.
      • There will be a LOT of spam in the console. This is intended.
      • If you find a bug, please be able to tell me exactly how to reproduce it.
    • Known issues
      • Examining an item with an adornment that duplicates a stat will cause issues. For example: You have an item with 300hp. You add an adornment that gives +200hp. The item will then be reported as having 200 health, because the adornment is listed AFTER the actual health on the item.
    • Items
      • Item details - Incase an examine has extra information on it (such as from an adorn, or +mit increase etc), you can edit item information.
      • Adding item details - You can manually add item details. You will notice you can ONLY add an item detail that the item doesn't already have. If you wish to change the value of an item detail, use the editing function.

Versions: ISXOgre-2011.04.21, Patch Version-66, OgreBot-14.062a (Available from autopatcher) - Kannkor

  • Added missing file for tofsx2 for Cara pathing.

Versions: ISXOgre-2011.04.21, Patch Version-65, OgreBot-14.062a (Available from autopatcher) - Kannkor

  • Files added: TradeIt, FPFaction, qey_tradeskill01.LSO, qey_north.LSO, antonica.LSO
  • ISXOgre
    • Added command "ogre Trade <HowManyItemsToTrade>" (See below for more information)
  • New script Trade it added.
    • Accessed via: ogre trade
    • Accepts 1 parameter - HowManyItemsToTrade. Default is 12.
    • Trades stacks only (meaning it won't break them up).
    • You MUST have the person targeted who you want to trade with.
    • You MUST have the item you want to trade, examined.
    • It will trade the items, then hit accept.
  • OgreBot
    • When an authorized user accepts a trade with you, you will automatically accept it also (authorized = in eq2chars.inc)
    • Raid Options
      • Re-added maestro code. Priests should only cast Cure curse on themselves when they are cursed. (Not tested).
      • Tweaked spider code. Now blow up the cocoon, instead of tanks targeting it.
      • Cara coded. Untested.. be warned if doing it with raid options on :)
    • If you pause while in the middle of a "come2me", the bot will stop and exit the routine. (So when you resume, he will NOT finish the come2me). Clearing your target also does the same thing.
  • FPFaction (Freeport faction) for when you betray.
    • Be at the quest giver in antonica, and "ogre fpfaction".
    • Nav files added for: antonica, qeynos north, and the special tradeskill instance.

Old Revisions

Version 14 Patches 60-69

Version 14 Patches 50-59

Version 14 Patches 40-49

Version 14 Patches 31-39

Version 14 Patches 13-30

Version 14 no patch numbers

Version 13

Version 12

Version 11

Version 10