
From ISXOgre
Revision as of 14:46, 28 June 2012 by Kannkor (Talk | contribs)

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Revision History


Any time there are updates, they will be posted below with what changed, and if any new files were updated.

Note: Any Versions with (Coming soon) are updates I am working on and not yet released.

---Change Log---

Early development items

  • Note: These are items I'm working on in the early stages and will NOT be released with the next update.
  • Development of OgreInventoryManager has started. Click Here for more information.

In development (Coming soon)

In Closed Testing

Released Versions

Versions: ISXOgre-2012.06.28, Patch Version-160, OgreBot-15.059, OgreCraft-1.021 (Available from autopatcher) - Kannkor

  • Changed files: OgreUI, OgreCustomActorArray,
  • OgreBotUI
    • Changed design of Precast tab slightly (less wasted space).
    • Added Postcast tab (same layout of new Precast tab).
  • OgreBot
    • Added Postcast.
      • Will cast an ability AFTER another ability if it's available.
      • This was designed for the new presitge abilities that make certain abilities clear other times.
      • Using this example: When Ability_Y is cast, it has a 30% chance to reset Ability_X. You may ONLY want to cast Ability_Y after Ability_X is cast. You would do the following:
        • Postcast tab -> Ability_Y -> (after) Ability_X
      • This would cast Ability_Y after Ability_X if it's available. If Ability_Y is not available (on cool down, for example), Ability_X will still be cast.
  • OgreCustomActorArray
    • Removed a debug line
    • Minor tweaks

Versions: ISXOgre-2012.06.07, Patch Version-159, OgreBot-15.058, OgreCraft-1.021 (Available from autopatcher) - Kannkor

  • ISXOgre
    • Fixed a crash that could happen when hitting the secondary auth.

Versions: ISXOgre-2012.06.06, Patch Version-158, OgreBot-15.058, OgreCraft-1.021 (Available from autopatcher) - Kannkor

  • ISXOgre
    • Added debugging and server logging when the primary authentication server is down. Should help to find out why it is continually going down.
    • Note: As an end user, nothing should change at all.

Versions: ISXOgre-2012.06.02, Patch Version-157, OgreBot-15.058, OgreCraft-1.021 (Available from autopatcher) - Kannkor

  • ChangedFiles: ProcessorLockingEditXML, OgreOverFlow, HireX
  • HireX
    • WARNING While it is coded to ONLY delete raws, I don't recommend you use/run this script on a real toon. If an item gets deleted by mistake, it's not my issue.
    • Added an -all option, that does hirelings, depots, and destroys any remaining raws. Example usage: ogre hirex 0 -all
    • Added option -r to remove (destroy) raws. Example usage: ogre hirex 0 -r (the 0 is required because it's an old script that hasn't been converted to use an .. Arg system)
  • OgreOverflow
    • Script ends if "Overflow items can only be put in a free, unlimited slot. Upgrade to raise your limit!" happens.
  • OgreCraft
    • "Sathirian Alchemists Table" should now find "Sathirian Alchemist's Table" correctly. (Used for assassin epic)
  • OgreBot
    • Tweaked looting a bit, to help prevent "can't loot right now" and to speed up looting on corpses with no loot window (IE cash only, or nothing at all)
  • ISXOgre
    • New command added: ogre proc
      • Loads an interface to modify OgreProcessorLocking
  • OgreProcessorLocking
    • Note: ISBoxer has this option also. This is for those of us who don't use isboxer.
    • Sets sessions to a specific core (thread).
    • Is automatically done only when isxogre is loaded. (Remember this the very first time you set it up, because it won't kick it until you reload isxogre).
    • Option to skip proclocking when isboxer is enabled (checks by looking for isboxerui running).
    • Example of when to use.
      • When you have Hyperthreading
    • Example of usage. Assumes an i7 (4 physical cores with HT, resulting in 8 threads, or 8 CPUs as per displayed in innerspace). Keep in mind, CPU1 and CPU2 are Core0, CPU3 and CPU4 are Core1, CPU5 and CPU6 are Core2, CPU7 and CPU8 are Core3. For absolute maximum performance, you want 1 session per Core. Realistically, you can run 1 session per thread (CPU). However, on an i7, if you're not running 8, you may be able to get a slight improvement on some sessions.
      • By default, if I load 4 sessions, it results in the following: CPU5-8 being used. This means I have 2 cores sitting idle, and 2 cores (4 threads) running at 100%.
      • By setting processor affinity, we can specify the first 4 sessions will be loaded on CPU2, 4, 6, and 8.
      • We can refine this more if you run 6. This means 2 of the 4 cores (6 of the 8 threads) will be used. That means 2 Cores will each run a single session, and we can specify which 2 sessions those are. Lets say we want our tank (Session1) and Priest (session2) to get a bit extra performance and be on a core by themselves. We could set the following.
        • is1 = CPU2
        • is2 = CPU4
        • is3 = CPU5
        • is4 = CPU6
        • is5 = CPU7
        • is6 = CPU8
    • Important to note
      • During my testing, I set is1=cpu2, is2=cpu4, is3=cpu6, is4=cpu8, but set no more. Then, I loaded is5, and (eq2? windows?) put it onto cpu6! This means I had 2 sessions now sharing ONE thread (which halves performance). Therefore, if you do use this, I recommend you put in an option for all available threads. For an i7, do 8. I guess if you plan on exceeding 9, it may be advisable to specify so it doesn't place 3 sessions on a single thread.
      • Do NOT have EQ2s in-game "Multicore support" enabled, or it will cut your FPS by about 75%. Yes, I went from 120 fps to 25fps by having this enabled, by accdient.
    • This is exactly how I personally have mine set up.
      • is1 = CPU2
      • is2 = CPU4
      • is3 = CPU6
      • is4 = CPU8
      • is5 = CPU7
      • is6 = CPU6
      • is7 = CPU3
      • is8 = CPU1
    • It loads the first 4 on different cores, then starts doubling up on cores (not threads) in reverse. So IS1 will always have maximum prefermance until you hit 8 sessions.

Versions: ISXOgre-2012.05.25, Patch Version-156, OgreBot-15.057, OgreCraft-1.020 (Available from autopatcher) - Kannkor

  • Changed files: MCPCommands.xml, OgreIRCLib, InCombatMovement,
  • MCPCommands
    • Added: DoV_RaidDebuff
      • Casts the raid debuff
      • Parameter 1 = Who to cast
      • Parameter 2 = ID or name of who to cast the debuff on
      • Note: If you use ALL - everyone will cast it
  • OgreIRCLib
    • Added -RaidDebuff with 2 parameters. Same as MCPCommands above.
  • OgreBot
    • Ogrebot will now only try to cast raid debuffs on Named NPCs and NPCs. (This probably only effects my testing on training dummies, but figured it was worth mentioning).
    • Tweaked a bunch of calculations for when you are in melee range or not. This has a larger effect on mobs that were taller. "Normal" sized mobs there should be no change.
    • Ogrebot now forcefully handles turning on melee/ranged attack, based on distance. This means, if you are within melee range, it sets the "Auto Attack mode" to melee. If you go out to ranged, it sets it to ranged. Please note, YOU must be smart about the usage of this. If you turn "Ranged attack" on, and your character is unable to make a ranged attack, it is going to spam and try to turn it on. If your priest/mage has a wand, turn it on. If you get rid of the wand, turn it off.
  • OgreCommon.Inc
    • Tweaks for ranged calculations (see ogrebot notes above)
    • Changed a very large component of melee/range/ability casting checks, while the change itself is minor, it could have a serious impact (it should be even more accurcate, but keep an eye out for issues).
  • InCombatMovement
    • Raid debuff now cancels MoveToArea. This will prevent "ping ponging" in rare situations (such as doing a come to me, then a raid debuff needing to be applied, they would previously fight for movement).
    • Raid debuff now temporarily suspends Ogrefollow. This will prevent ping ponging.

Versions: ISXOgre-2012.05.23, Patch Version-155, OgreBot-15.056, OgreCraft-1.020 (Available from autopatcher) - Kannkor

  • Changed files: OgreFillQuiver
  • ISXOgre
    • If my primary auth server only half craps out, it should now switch to the secondary auth server.
      • Previously, it only switched to the secondary auth server if the primary one was down completely (as opposed to just throwing an error).
  • OgreBot
    • Fixed a rare bug with ressing where it would try to res a dumbfire pet if the res was specifically on that toon.
      • Example: My defilers name is Kannkor_Defiler. On my dirge, I had a res set specifically for Kannkor_Defiler. When the dumbfire pet died ( Kannkor_Defiler Spirtual something ) it was attempting to res it. This should be fixed.
    • Resing now requires you to be in the group or raid to res. (Not even sure you could res outside of group and raid previously, but you certainly can't anymore).
    • Dozekar's head should now auto loot.
    • On Malteor (raid), when you have to kill the add, it now flags a "skip priority tab" flag, which should allow priests to kill it more reliably. Note: You should turn ON Ignore NPC HP 100%, if you want them to fight when the mob is 100%.
  • OgreFillQuiver
    • Added check for "sack" - Thanks primalz.

Versions: ISXOgre-2012.04.30, Patch Version-154, OgreBot-15.055, OgreCraft-1.020 (Available from autopatcher) - Kannkor

  • Changed files: Resourceinfo.xml(OHarvest), OgreHarvestMain, HireX
  • ResourceInfo.xml
    • Thanks again to primalz for the updates
    • butcherblock mountains added
    • odus corrections
    • withered lands added
  • OgreHarvestMain
    • Special thanks to UniqueIdentifier, debugged and added some fixes.
  • OgreBot
    • Added mender "A Dracurion mender" to the repair
    • Cure potions have been updated to T10. This means T9 potions will no longer function (support for non-max level potions isn't ever planned).
      • Any T9 potion in your priority tab will automatically be converted to the T10 version.
      • Previously, it was saving the full name "Focused Arcane Remedy", now it saves "Arcane Remedy". However, it will still show up in your list as Robust Arcane Remedy (this makes it easy to find them).
      • Unimportant, but worth noting for some people. Until you save your profiles, the /save/ file itself, will still contain "Focused Arcane Remedy", once it is saved, it will be as "Arcane Remedy". The bot automatically converts anything with "Arcane Remedy" into the top tier of potion for display/use. This has no effect on usage, it's only here for complete sake of changes/details.
    • Added some various Tell Broadcasts for raid mobs.
  • HireX
    • Really changed the default to tier 10

Versions: ISXOgre-2012.04.22, Patch Version-153, OgreBot-15.054, OgreCraft-1.020 (Available from autopatcher) - Kannkor

  • Previous release of Ogrebot was only in dev bot, moved it to live version, bumped the version to avoid confusion.

Versions: ISXOgre-2012.04.21, Patch Version-152, OgreBot-15.054, OgreCraft-1.020 (Available from autopatcher) - Kannkor

  • Craft
    • Fixed sorting by name
    • Navigation Tab now saves properly instead of loading "0".

Versions: ISXOgre-2012.04.20, Patch Version-151, OgreBot-15.053, OgreCraft-1.019 (Available from autopatcher) - Kannkor

  • Changed files: Transmute.xml
  • OgreCraft
    • Any recipe that calls for a "Woodworking table" - Will check if a "Sawhorse" exists, it will use that. If no sawhorse exists, it will change to looking for a woodworking table instead.
    • Commas in recipe names now display properly (they always worked, just didn't display)
  • Transmute.xml
    • Increased max level of items to 100.

Versions: ISXOgre-2012.04.18, Patch Version-150, OgreBot-15.052, OgreCraft-1.018 (Available from autopatcher) - Kannkor

  • Changed files: OgreBagManager.Inc, OgreFillQuiver, Hirex, Hire, Resourcelist
  • ISXOgre
    • Added commands: ogre quiver and ogre end quiver
      • Runs OgreFillQuiver (see below)
  • OgreBagManager
    • The "7th" bag is now your quiver.
  • OgreFillQuiver
    • Fills up your quiver with arrows, or your pouch with shurikens. Starts in Bag1 and works through to bag 6 (note, it doesn't move them in ORDER in the bag, but will empty bag 1 prior to moving to bag 2)
  • OgreBot
    • Added support for cast on tell without the :
      • cast:Spell name (still works)
      • cast spell name (should now work also)
  • HireX, Hireling
    • Default is now tier 10 instead of tier 9
  • Resourcelist
    • Thanks to primalz for updating this. If any are missing please report

Versions: ISXOgre-2012.04.13, Patch Version-149, OgreBot-15.051, OgreCraft-1.018 (Available from autopatcher) - Kannkor

  • Changed files: Ogreuixml.xml, AutoTarget, AntiAFK(forgot to patch previously), IRCLib
  • Ogreuixml.xml
    • Removed the "Spew Actor" button from the AutoTarget UI (was for debugging).
    • Fixed the "Edit Actor" button, so it actually works.
    • Added "Use Target Actor" - puts your target into the Actor Name box.
  • AutoTarget
    • Only targets if you're in combat or hated (IE: you're trying to kill something OR something is trying to kill you).
  • IRCLib
    • Updated to work with new isxim

Versions: ISXOgre-2012.04.12, Patch Version-148, OgreBot-15.050, OgreCraft-1.018 (Available from autopatcher) - Kannkor

  • Changed files: OgreUIXML, OgreAutoTarget, OgreMoveNoTarget, MCPCommands, OgreIRCLib
  • OgreIRCLib
    • Added command:
      • -uplinkoption Param1 Param2 Param3
        • Param1 = For Who
        • Param2 = Object Name
        • Param3 = New Value. Note: TRUE is different than true. (TRUE is correct).
  • MCPCommands
    • Added "Uplinkoption_Change" *x2*x6
      • Changes an option on the "Show Uplink". This should work for any option that does NOT require changing something in the priority tab (IE: Cure Curses, and cure pots will NOT work).
      • This will actually work for ANY checkbox, textentry, or commandbutton, button that is a "OBUI_" interface object (which is 99.9% of all of Ogrebot). YOU need to look up the name of the option you want to change. You can do this by opening "ogreuixml.xml" inside of /eq2ogrebot/ folder. Navigating (yes, it's huge), and finding the name of the object you want to change.
  • OgreMoveNoTarget
    • Exact same as "ogre move" but instead "ogre movent" doesn't require a target, and does NOT stop if your target is cleared.
  • OgreBot
    • When loading a profile via MCP that doesn't exist, it should no longer change the profile to "NULL"
    • AutoAssist is disabled when AutoTarget is enabled.
  • OgreUIXML
    • Removed the s from "Single Target Buffs that appear on others" FOR squareroot cause he's a girl and complained.
  • OgreAutoTarget
    • NOTE: This is an advanced option. I don't plan on supporting it in any way shape or form. You are free to ask questions and make suggestions, but it is a "use as-is". It is NOT part of Ogrebot, other than the fact the UI is inside of OgreBot.
    • AutoAssist is disabled when AutoTarget is enabled.
    • Saves list by zone. Saved list auto refreshes when you zone (or restart the bot).
    • Automatically picks targets based off of the list.
    • HP options to only target above a certain HP threshhold.
    • Some BASIC examples of uses: Keep in mind, the below is all ONE example
      • a diako > 50 HP
        • Will only CHANGE target to "a diako" if it's health is above 50%
      • If it makes it this far, it means all the "a diako" are at or under 50% health
      • Tormax
        • Since there's no health requirement on this one, it will target him if nothing above in the list exists.
    • Example 2:
      • a diako > 75 HP
      • a diako > 25 HP
      • Tormax
        • Will get all diakos down to 75% or lower, then get them to 25% or lower, then focus on tormax.

Versions: ISXOgre-2012.04.08, Patch Version-147, OgreBot-15.049, OgreCraft-1.018 (Available from autopatcher) - Kannkor

  • Changed files: LoadMCP, OgreIRCLib, OgreIRC OgreAntiAFK, OgreOverflow, QFaction,
    • Changes that allowed passing of a PC corpse in group/raid.
  • ISXOgre
    • Added new commands: ogre overflow, ogre end overflow
      • Ogre Overflow -- Empties your overflow into your inventory. Will stop when no more items in overflow, or your bags are full. Special thanks to Noob536 for the initial code.
  • LoadMCP
    • Removed the numbers from blank buttons.
  • OgreBot
    • Fixed: Tell Window (xml) won't become visible. Report error: TellBroadcastreceived Error #2
    • The tell window will ALWAYS pop up the first time it is used, regardless if it's authorized or not (it has to create the window). But once you close it down, it will ONLY pop up for unauthorized tells (those not in your list).
    • When using the "Profile" button, it now updates the UI that a new profile has been loaded.
    • Announce now works on player corpses. This is intended for rezzing only... If it has any side effects please report them.
    • Fixed error: "Incomplete variable at '${Options2.Find[Raid](exists)' (recoverable error)"
  • OgreIRC
    • When you "ogre end irc" it now actually disconnects the uplink from the irc server.
  • OgreIRCLib
    • Added join/leave/quit events.
  • OgreAFK
    • Will now accept invites from authorized members.
  • QFaction
    • Updated QFaction and corresponding zone files. Special thanks to BJCasey for the update.

Versions: ISXOgre-2012.04.03, Patch Version-145, OgreBot-15.048, OgreCraft-1.018 (Available from autopatcher) - Kannkor

  • OgreBot
    • Authorized tells (such as 1 bot talking to another), will no longer force open the tell window, instead it will be sent there silenctly.
    • Tells from unauthorized parties will function as normal.
    • Moved the reporting on gear check to when you die, instead of when you revive/are resed. This should prevent the NULL gear NULL%.
    • Removed ArchMagistor debugging.
    • Fixed a bug with "Raid" in priority not checking range on certain abilities.

Versions: ISXOgre-2012.04.03, Patch Version-144, OgreBot-15.047, OgreCraft-1.018 (Available from autopatcher) - Kannkor

  • Changed files: MCPCommands, InCombatMovement, InGameInterface (OgreIRC)
  • ISXOgre
    • Implemented a secondary authentication server. This server will be for authentication only when the primary server is down. The secondary server will NOT patch.
    • Note: The secondary server will be kept completely up to date when people use the automated system. Anyone who still isn't using the automated system and makes a payment, it will be updated on the secondary server nightly.
  • MCPCommands
    • OFol-Dft now accepts 5 parameters (previously 2)
      • (Unchanged) Parameter1 - Who should follow
      • (Unchanged) Parameter2 - Who to follow
      • Parameter3 - Min Distance(float). Default 8
      • Parameter4 - Max Distance(float). Default 100
      • Parameter5 - BreakWithNoTarget(bool). Default FALSE
      • If any parameter is omitted, it will use the default settings (thus, all existing buttons will continue to function exactly the same).
  • InCombatMovement
    • If OFollow is passed any NULL or 0 values, they are reverted to the defaults.
    • When using the OFol--- button, if you go to or below 0, it will set it to 1 (instead of stopping you). Keep in mind, that the default is 8, and decreasing the amount goes down by 2 each time. So if you lower it to 0 or below, and it sets it to 1, you will more than likely experience "ping ponging" where your guys have issues getting < 1 from your follower. But hey, it's useful for the odd spot with no latency.
  • InGameInterface
    • Make the window larger... Can edit the file to make smaller, everything is a % of the size of the main window.
  • Patch 143
    • Testing of secondary auth server

Versions: ISXOgre-2012.03.31, Patch Version-142, OgreBot-15.047, OgreCraft-1.018 (Available from autopatcher) - Kannkor

  • Changed files: LoadMCP, IRCLib
  • LoadMCP
    • Increased the display of parameters from 10 to 50 (buttons still worked, but you could only visually see parameters up to 10).
  • IRCLib
    • Added -sleep and -wake options
      •  !c Kannkor_IRCBot -sleep
        • Will make Kannkor_IRCBot ignore all future commands until -wake is given
      •  !c Kannkor_IRCBot -wake
        • Will remove the -sleep mode
  • OgreBot
    • Grind Options
      • Added more EoW support (specifically for HM. Please note, HM EoW requires a LOT of DPS, unless you have some HM Drunder gear, you're probably not doing it).
      • Added support for the 2nd named in EoW (3rd birds, Bloodclaw). When the knockback things spawn, you will move 14 meters away. If you end up at one end, it should move you down 20 meters, then go back across the other way.
      • Bonewing and Bloodclaw now use the same movement code (see below).
        • Set your own campspot (I recommend stacked in 1 spot). When something spawns (knockback/geyser), everyone will move to the right or left (starts with left), if you hit the left wall, you will move down 20 meters then start moving to the right. If you hit the right wall, you will up 20 meters and start moving left.
    • Any time you die, and your gear is equal or less than 30%, you will now get a tell message (if recieve broadcast is checked).
    • Added a LOT of debugging to Modfrost curing, for those claiming it doesn't work!

Versions: ISXOgre-2012.03.28, Patch Version-141, OgreBot-15.046, OgreCraft-1.018 (Available from autopatcher) - Kannkor

  • Changed files: OgreCraftMiniUI.XMl, Hireling, HireX, DepotInfo, IrcLib, MoveBagContents
  • ISXOgre - Added new command.
    • "Ogre MoveBagContents | MBC <parameters> -- Takes 2 parameters - Bag to from contents FROM and bag to move contents TO\n"
  • IRCLib
    • Fixed a typo for Joustin/out parameter
  • OgreCraftMiniUI.XMl
    • Removed an element that was preventing ogrebot pause button from visually changing (it still worked, just visually wouldn't change).
  • Special thanks to Noob536 for much of the Depot, Hireling, and HireX information/code.
  • DepotInfo
    • Added additional info (info about which items are prov etc)
  • Hireling
    • Now accepts additional parameters to specify tier per type.
    • Usage: ogre hire <int:defaulttier> <bool:Loop> <AdditionalParameters>
      • DefaultTier - the default tier to use (required if you wish to add additional parameters)
      • Loop - Default is TRUE, set to false to only run once (HireX). (Required if you wish to add additional parameters)
      • AdditionalParameters - Done in pairs. -m # -h # -g #
        • -m # - Sets the miners to this tier.
        • -h # - Sets the hunter to this tier.
        • -g # - Sets the gatherer to this tier.
    • Example: ogre hire 9 TRUE -m 5 -h 6
      • This would tell Hireling to run with miners at tier 5, hunters at tier 6, and gatherers would default to tier 9.
  • HireX
    • Added the option to pass 0 as a tier, which will determine which tier you need based on the first depot.
    • Example: Ogre hirex 0
      • Logs in the hirex toon, and goes into GH#1, it checks the depot, and sees which tier of resources it needs and sets them specifically. It ONLY checks GH#1. If you don't need anymore resources (20k on all tiers), it will default to the max tier (9).
  • OgreBot
    • Added some VERY basic support for Dungeon Maker dungeons.
    • AutoTargetWhenHated will no longer target players in your group
    • AutoHunt will no longer target players in your group
    • OgreFollow works (nothing was changed, just thought it was worth mentioning).
    • If someone on your auth list ( invites you to a DM group, you will accept it.
    • The DM rewards at the end can be accepted via MCP-> AReward (stands for accept reward)
    • Lockforeground is now turned ON every single time Ogrebot is run.
    • FINALLY tracked down and FIXED the cancelling a group cure, to cast a group cure bug!
    • "Joust In" now clears "NoMove". Did this so you didn't have to "LetsGo" to clear it (and wipe your campspot).
    • Changed the way "Combat" (on the priority tab) works with Group abilities and targets outside of your group. Many people (me included), use Combat buffs as "prewarding", as more and more people are playing more than 1 group, it was very difficult to have the second group preward, because group abilities wouldn't preward on the tank if he was outside of the group (cause... it's a group ability). Group abilities will now fire, when set to someone in the raid. Note: This only effects when you select a single person (via name, alias, or PCTarget). Should have no effect on "GroupOnly".
      • If this has any negative side effect please report it.

Versions: ISXOgre-2012.03.20, Patch Version-140, OgreBot-15.045, OgreCraft-1.018 (Available from autopatcher) - Kannkor

  • Changes to support OgreIRC.
  • Changed Files: ZoneReset(all files), MCPCommands, LoadMCP, MCPEdit
  • LoginOnly.iss
    • No change to the file, but the one on ISXEQ2 SVN was out of date and many people updated it... so pushing this to fix that.
  • ZoneReset
    • Redid the layout, you should be able to see the zones easier
    • Removed the Reset MY Zones button... as why would you load the Zonereset window to only reset your own zones. Instead, replaced it with reset via IRC. You obviously have to be running OgreIRC already for this to work.
    • Added a very dirty method of having toons ignore reset commands. Edit the EQ2OgreZoneReset.iss file.
  • OgreBot
    • Fixed Ragebourne's timer from not disappearing
    • LetsGo can now accept 1 parameter, CommandForWho (IE: All, shaman, toonname, G1) etc. Default is "All".
    • Holdup can now accept 1 parameter, CommandForWho (IE: All, shaman, toonname, G1) etc. Default is "All".
    • Joust-Out can now accept 1 parameter, CommandForWho (IE: All, shaman, toonname, G1) etc. Default is "All".
    • Joust-In can now accept 1 parameter, CommandForWho (IE: All, shaman, toonname, G1) etc. Default is "All".
    • Added atom: aSpecial that will click the nearest special. (This is to allow OgreBotAtom to avoid toons/clients clicking shit when you only want the bot to do it).
    • Added some colour to tells when they are recieved. Different colours for tells from auth and non-auth.
    • If OgreIRC is loaded, the tells go to the OgreIRC window, if OgreIRC is not loaded, they go to the TellWindow.
    • Fixed Pet issues.
  • MCPCommands
    • Added parameter for LetsGo
    • Added parameter for HoldUp
    • Added parameter for Joust-Out
    • Added parameter for Joust-In
    • Added Command: Reld_bot: Reloads any ogrebots running (does NOT load Ogre if a session does not have Ogre currently on it).
    • When you add a parameter, it now deletes the text entry box.
    • You can now press <enter> in the parameter box to automatically add parameters.
    • Changed Apply_Verb parameter, you now have to use an Actor search instead of the ID. Example: Parameter1: Mailbox, Parameter2: Check Mail
  • ISXOgre
    • Added command: ogre reloadbot
      • Only reloads the bot if Ogre is active on a session.
  • Re-development of OgreIRC
    • REQUIRES ISXIM TO FUNCTION - This can be obtained from and scroll to the bottom. This is free.
    • Bug - If the text expands past 1 line, any additional lines lose their colour coding (and become white). This is an innerspace bug.
    • Generally speaking, it's to allow other people to control your toons, without interfacing through the in-game chat, and doing it via IRC instead.
    • Control+~ will toggle the IRC console. (Is hidden by default).
    • Any tells recieved will go to the OgreIRCConsole window ingame.
    • Any message sent to IRC that contains NULL, will be cut off at the NULL. For example: If you had a message that read: "Hello there NULL NULL NULL", it would only output "Hello there". Likewise, if you have a message that read "Hello NULL NULL there NULL", it would only output "Hello".
    • All commands to be sent interpted by the bot, must start with "!command [For who]" (a space after the d), or for the lazy, "!c [For who]" works fine too. Following this, any -command <parameter> will work. IE: !c All -available kannkor
      • For who possibilities
        • All - All bots will listen.
        • Bot_Name - Only the specific bot will listen. Note: This is NOT the name of a toon, it is the name of the IRC bot.
    • Commands. Note, majority of these are identical to how their MCP counterpart works.
      • -available | -a [toonname] - Checks to see if a toon is logged in.
      • -LetsGo [CommandForWho] - Does a "LetsGo" for the specified target
      • -Holdup [CommandForWho] - Does a "HoldUp" for the specified target
      • -OgreFollow | OFol [CommandForWho] [WhoToFollow] - OgreFollow.
      • -Ofol-- | OFol--- -Decreases the distance of OgreFollow
      • -OFol++ | OFol-++ -Increases the distance of OgreFollow
      • -campspot | -cs [CommandForWho] - Sets campspot for the specified target
      • -CS-JO-JI [CommandForWho] [WhoShouldJoustOff] - CampSpot -JoustOff-JoustIn (Same as MCP -CS-JO-JI)
      • -Jst-out | -joustout [CommandForWho] - JoustOut for the specified target
      • -Jst-off | -joustoff [CommandForWho] - JoustOff for the specified target
      • -jst-in | -joustin [CommandForWho] - JoustIn for the specified target
      • -Pause - Pauses the bot
      • -Resume - Resumes the bot
      • -Cast [CommandForWho] [SpellToCast] -Casts a spell. Remember to quote SpellToCast!!!
      • -CastOn [CommandForWho] [SpellToCast] [WhoToCastSpellOn] -Casts a spell. Remember to quote SpellToCast!!!
      • -UseItem [CommandForWho] [ItemToUse] -Uses an item. Remember to quote ItemToUse!!!
      • -UseItemOn [CommandForWho] [ItemToUse] [WhoToUseItemOn] -Uses an item. Remember to quote ItemToUse!!!
      • -ImmRes [HowManyDeadToCast] - Use Clerics Immaculate Ressurection.
      • -FFollow | -F-Follow - Forces Auto-Follow to turn on.
      • -PetOff - Forces pets to back off.
      • -Evac -Cast Evacuate on any toon that has one.
      • -Come2Me | -ComeToMe [PersonToMoveToo] [CommandForWho] [Precision] -Have specified target move directly to you.
      • -Move2Area | -MoveToArea [XCord] [ZCord] [CommandForWho] [Precision] -Have specified target move directly to the XZ coordinate.
      • -Res -Removes the "StopRes" flag.
      • -StopRes -Sets the "StopRes" flag so no res abilities can be cast until the "Res" command is given.
      • -Revive -Forces toons to revive. (Note: You should die less).
      • -NoTarget -Clears everyones target.
      • -NoMove -Sets the NoMove flag. Removed by using "LetsGo"
      • -Test -Test script for Kannkor.
      • -WarMyth -Toggles Warlock Mythical
      • -Repair | -RepairGear -Repairs gear.
      • -GetFlag -Gets a rally banner (flag).
      • -UseFlag -Uses the rally banner (flag).
      • -CallGH -Calls to GH
      • -ClsWdw -Closes the most recently opened in-game window.
      • -Mount -Toggles mount on or off.
      • -Zone -Clicks the zone object if available.
      • -Door | -DoorX [Door#] -When you are zoning into a location and it gives you an option, this is considered a "door". Example: Going to Great Divide 1, 2, or 3.
      • -Special -Clicks the nearest special. Note: This only fires if OgreBot is loaded.
      • -Run | -Walk | -RunWalk -Pressed "Shift+r" to toggle run/walk.
      • -AReward | -AcceptReward -Accepts a quest reward. Note: Only works if there is NOT an item choice.
      • -Profile | -LoadProfile [ProfileName] -Loads the OgreBot profile.
      • -Main -Toggles OgreBot Main window
      • -ResStone -Casts priest res stone.
      • -Jump -Relays press space (default jump).
      • -Disband -Disbands everyone from their group/raid.
      • -AutoRun -Presses the OgreBotAutoRunKey found in eq2chars (default is num lock).
      • -LoadBot -Loads the bot on all sessions.
      • -ReloadBot -Reloads the bot ONLY if Ogrebot is active already.
      • -DevBot -Loads the dev bot on all sessions.
      • -EndBot -Ends ogrebot on all sessions.
      • -Camp -Any session running ogrebot will camp to desktop.
      • -LoadExt -loads isxogre.
      • -Unloadext -Unloads isxogre.
      • -Connect -Runs the connect uplink script.
      • -Disconnect -Runs the disconnect uplink script.
      • -Assist | -Ass [PersonToAssist] [CommandForWho] -Changes assist
      • -ChangeCampSpot | -ChangeCS | -CCS [XCord] [YCord] [ZCord] -Changes campspot.
      • -ApplyVerb [ActorID] [Verb] -For right clicking on actors and selecting an option. Verb IS CASE SENSITIVE!!!
      • -EndScript [ScriptName] -Relays endscript.
      • -PortalToGuild | -ToGuild -Clicks on the portal to guild house (Generally from your house).
      • -Target [CommandForWho] [TargetName] -Specified Target targets the TargetName
      • -CancelMaintained [AbilityName] -Cancels an ability with the specified name.
      • -Raid [Message] -Fires the OnChat event for each session. Any script monitoring this event can handle it however they desire. Example: !c all -raid "set up for legatus"
        • Note: This does NOTE send a message into the game, it only sparks the event.
      • -Group [Message] -Same as raid, but passes the message with chattype group instead of raid.
      • -Tell [From] [To] [Message] -This will ONLY send the message from the "From" character, to the "To" character, with the "Message". If the message contains the word "NULL" it will fail. If the message fails because of a NULL, it returns an error message to IRC. No error if the To name is typed incorrect or doesn't exist.
  • MCP Buttons not implemented at this time. Most of these require special coding, or require infinite Parameters, which isn't possible (yet).
    • ZoneReset
    • Fly up
    • Fly Down
    • Trak-HUD
    • Turt-HUD
    • RelayRunScript
    • RawCommand
    • OgreBotAtom
    • OgreBotAtomRelay
    • ExecuteAtom
    • OgreCommand

Versions: ISXOgre-2012.03.09, Patch Version-139, OgreBot-15.043b, OgreCraft-1.018 (Available from autopatcher) - Kannkor

  • Changes to support OgreIRC.

Versions: ISXOgre-2012.03.04, Patch Version-138, OgreBot-15.043, OgreCraft-1.018 (Available from autopatcher) - Kannkor

  • Changed files: ZoneReset, ZoneResetXML
  • OgreBot
    • Cast Raid Debuff on Ragebourne Gregor Haldane
      • Did some tweaks to how priests debuff work
      • When they get the message Ragebournes debuff is wearing off, an internal flag is triggered.
      • If the flag is 1, clerics in G1 and G2 will cast their debuff on the real named.
      • If the flag is 1, clerics in G3 and G4 will cast their debuff on the doppleganger.
      • If the flag is 2, shamans in G1 and G2 will cast their debuff on the real named.
      • If the flag is 2, shamans in G3 and G4 will cast their debuff on the doppleganger.
    • AutoTargetWhenHated should now work when your pet has aggro
  • Zone reset
    • If a zone has [Challenge] beside it, it should now reset properly. Exception is Kraytoc, because both are labeled "Kraytoc.." and you can't see a difference.

Versions: ISXOgre-2012.02.27, Patch Version-137, OgreBot-15.042, OgreCraft-1.018 (Available from autopatcher) - Kannkor

  • Changed files: Hireling, HireX, OgreBotUIXML, MCPCommands
  • Changing Heroic HM Idol script...
    • Changed the position to the center and how everyone moves.
    • Recommended to have your tank campspot also.
    • Requires the chat command "Set up for idol"
    • Recommend you use "ogre idol" to handle the targeting.
  • Craft
    • If the bot can't find fuel on the fuel merchant, it will now wait 3 seconds and check again.
    • If the fuel merchant isn't "opened", it will now wait 3 seconds and check again.
  • Hireling
    • Smart wait for rendering of hirelings up to a max of 20 seconds.
  • HireX
    • Added delays after zoning, this should help reduce crashing while zoning (thx SOE), and help to allow rendering (which is nearly moot with the changes to Hireling.. but whatever).
  • OgreBot
    • Class is now acceptable when specifying things (CommandForWho). Example: Defiler will now work if you are a defiler.
    • Started coding for dirge confront fear -- Special thanks to Poulet for the initial code.
    • Dirge Confront Fear
      • Priority order is: Fighters, Priests, anyone else.
      • Within the above categories, it is alpha.
      • For "Confront Fear text to listen for from other dirges: Example: Casting confront fear on" the LAST word must be the toon name, preceeded by a space.
      • Following examples would work:
        • Casting Confront Fear on Kannkor
        • CF for Kannkor
      • Following examples would NOT work.
        • Kannkor here comes your Confront Fear
        • Confront Fear:Kannkor <--- Does not work because of no space.
      • If you revive manually, the bot WILL still ask for a Confront fear, as it can't tell the difference between the revive sicknesses. If you revive via the MCP, it knows it's an uncurable, and it won't ask for a cure.
  • OgreBot UI
    • Started adding UI requesting for dirge confront fear
  • MCPCommands
    • Added Cast..x2 and CastOn..x2
      • Both work exactly the same as Cast... and CastOn.. but accept twice the parameters.

Versions: ISXOgre-2012.02.17, Patch Version-136, OgreBot-15.041, OgreCraft-1.017 (Available from autopatcher) - Kannkor

  • Changed Files: MCPCommands, TSA, ZoneReset, DepotResourceInfo, HireX, Depot
  • Craft
    • Increased the wait before buying fuel. This should help with fuel not available at the merchant.. when it is.
  • MCPCommands
    • Added Assistx2 and Assistx3
    • These work identical to the "Assist" command, except it accepts additional parameters so you can set more than 1 person at a time. In the example below, it sets everyones assist to "SomeoneElse", then sets your priests, and coercer back to "you". This is just one of the examples you can use (and happens to be the specific reason I made the button).
      • Param1: SomeoneElse
      • Param2: All
      • Param3: ${Me.Name}
      • Param4: Priest
      • Param5: ${Me.Name}
      • Param6: Coercer
  • OgreBot
    • BL - Will only try to cast Feral primals if you are in feral stance, same with spiritual.
  • TSA
    • Increased the wait after zoning from 2s to 5s to help shit rendering
  • ZoneReset
    • Exits if no character is logged in instead of crashing the instance
  • DepotResourceInfo
    • Added T8 Cockatrice meat
  • HireX
    • Now only depots if it has items to depot. IE: If you have 10 halls in your rotation, but you depot everything into the first 3, it will no longer continue into the 4th-10th depot for depoting (it will still run hirelings on them all)
    • -n for no loop now works. Keep in mind, the arguments for this script are dumb, but it's been out so long I don't want to change them... it's tier, then args (with no spaces). IE: ogre hirex 9 -d-h-n
  • Depot
    • Added early exit on no more unique items allowed.

Versions: ISXOgre-2012.02.13, Patch Version-135, OgreBot-15.040, OgreCraft-1.016 (Available from autopatcher) - Kannkor

  • Changed files: TSA
  • TSA
    • Only checks the 3 required tables instead of them all.
  • OgreBot
    • Fixed some missing BL stuff (chain+sav) stuff.

Versions: ISXOgre-2012.02.13, Patch Version-134, OgreBot-15.039, OgreCraft-1.016 (Available from autopatcher) - Kannkor

  • Changed files: MCPCommands
  • MCPCommands
    • Added "Target___"
      • Accepts 2 parameters
        • Parameter 1: For who. Accepts all the standard ones. Toon names, classes, archetypes, G# etc
        • Parameter 2: Search string. IE: Add_Named_01
      • If the search string is found, dynamic assist is turned on with the current toons name (thus, turning off assist). You can turn off this dyanmic assist by using "off" with Assist/AssistUI. (IE: AssistUI --> Kannkor -> off)
  • OgreBot
    • Dyanmic assist now accepts "off" as a assist target, which instead turns off dynamic assist.

Versions: ISXOgre-2012.02.13, Patch Version-133, OgreBot-15.038, OgreCraft-1.016 (Available from autopatcher) - Kannkor

  • Changed Files: TSA, Spell Export, OgreUIXML
  • TSA
    • Supports having the item pre-made
    • Now uses appentices having the EXACT same name as your toon. This way you can have Kannkor and KannkorAwesome as toon names.
    • Makes Quality level 1 item, and resets quality level back to max (4) when it's done.
  • SpellExport
    • Many changes for Beastlords
  • OgreUIXML
    • Moved some BL stuff around.
    • Added Savagery levels to the CA tab. I know the slider isn't "resetting" properly, I don't have a work around for it yet... so deal with it :) (Using it works fine, it simply doesn't reset when you click another CA like the text box beside it does).
  • OgreBot
    • Broke Heroic HM Idol script...
    • Added some code to help keep mercs fighting. (Thanks Noob536).
    • BL primals can now be cast directly off the CA/Named CA tabs. Note: You NEED TO RUN A NEW SPELL EXPORT FIRST
    • primals require level 1 or higher of savagery to cast for now. May look for a better fix in the future.
    • Technically any ability can be marked to only cast at a savagery level.
    • If you want to specify a required Savagery level for a chain tab you can do that also by setting the Sav level on the "Chain#Tab" entry in the CA tab.
    • Stealth primal abilities now work
      • HOWEVER - I do not have a method of seeing if you have actually selected the stealth ability on the beastlord ability window selector thing. This falls onto YOU the user to determine. Simply put, if you tell the bot to cast a stealth ability, but not give YOU the ability to cast it, the bot will get stuck.
    • Added Diminsional storage option to Conj/Necro specific tab. You must have Dimionsional storage active, be incombat with a valid target, and not have a pet.
    • Diminsional storage will only cast if you have a pet up.
    • You can now [ID] group abilities on the CA tab and it will force them to be recast (IE: BL group buffs) if you so desire. This should have no change at all to any abilities, unless you have a group AE (beneficial) ability with ID checked.
    • Conj - Planeshift won't cast while Soulburn is active.
    • Conj - Soulburn will cancel planeshift to cast.
    • BL primals can now be used in beneficial areas (priority/power heals).

Versions: ISXOgre-2012.02.05, Patch Version-132, OgreBot-15.037, OgreCraft-1.016 (Available from autopatcher) - Kannkor

  • Changed files: LoadOgreMCP, MCPCommands, TSA
  • LoadOgreMCP
    • The entire left row now does frame changing. This means button 5 and 6 (and more if you increased the size of it to produce more buttons) will now also be blank frames of buttons. If you had something in those buttons, it is lost.
    • Added code to allow for Portal to GH
  • MCPCommands
    • Added "Portal to GH" - With the addition of TSAM, people always end up in a house, so added this button that will click "Portal to Guild Hall" item in your house.
  • TSA
    • Increased delay between hailing and choosing an option, should help for not turning in quests.
  • OgreBot
    • Added to "Setup" tab
      • Targets for Smart AEs - # of targets that "Smart AE Nukes" will use. Default previously was 0. Any value equal or less than 0, will be read as 2 (thus having it blank upon release, will still use 2). If you do a typo, such as "3asdf", which isn't a number, it will use 2.
      • Targets for Smart Encounters - # of targets for Smart Encounter nukes. Everything above applies to this also.
    • Fixed a rare bug with priority tab cure curses in the follow specific scenario.
      • You moved the "Cure Curse" entry in the priority tab (be up or down in the list), then used the uplink to disable Cure Curse, it would disable the ability in the Cure Curse original location. (Thus, not turning off Cure Curse at all, but disabling some other random ability). If you loaded a profile (including saved then loaded, or restarted the bot) this bug didn't exist, it was only when it was moved, followed by an immediate change in the uplink. Fixed either way!

Versions: ISXOgre-2012.01.14, Patch Version-131, OgreBot-15.036, OgreCraft-1.016 (Available from autopatcher) - Kannkor

  • Changed files: Hireling, TSapp/Manager
  • Hireling
    • Added Face
  • TSAppManager
    • Fixed not being able to load from login scene.
  • TSApp
    • Checks for tables before loading craft.
  • OgreBot
    • Disabling (blacking out) items in the ChainTab now really disables them.

Versions: ISXOgre-2012.01.11, Patch Version-130, OgreBot-15.035, OgreCraft-1.015 (Available from autopatcher) - Kannkor

  • Changed files: TSApprentice
    • Uses real craft now

Versions: ISXOgre-2012.01.11, Patch Version-129, OgreBot-15.035, OgreCraft-1.015 (Available from autopatcher) - Kannkor

  • Changed files: TSApprentice, TSAManager
    • Added Lavastorm Winter Retreat as a last resort to get to your house.
    • Fixed a crash when it errored out.
    • Fixed a typo with being too far away from the apprentice
    • Removed the requirement to have a target to nav

Versions: ISXOgre-2012.01.11, Patch Version-128, OgreBot-15.035, OgreCraft-1.015 (Available from autopatcher) - Kannkor

  • Changed files: ReactionArts.xml, HireX, HireXResourceDepot
  • ISXOgre
    • Added: ogre end hirex
      • so it actually closes hirex.
    • Added: ogre tsapp (script isn't completed yet)
      • Loads the Ogre Tradeskill apprentice script
    • Added: ogre end tsapp
      • Ends...
    • Added: ogre lm | list | listmanager
      • Loads the List Manager (in development for some things.. to come later)
    • Added: ogre end lm | list | listmanager
      • Ends...
  • List Manager
  • TSApp (OgreTradeskillApprentice)
  • TSAM ( OgreTradeskillApprenticeManager)
  • ReactionArts
    • Added a missing reaction.
  • Craft
    • Fixed "Liquid" not working for primary components.
    • Added a "timeout" to crafting. There has been a few very, very rare occurances where you could cause craft to freeze. Going to take more time to find out exactly what is happening. For now, there is a 10second timeout. Crafting rounds happen every 4 second, so you would need to have a full 10 second+ lag spike before this would effect you.
    • Now supports parsing apprentice scripts (for OgreTradeSkillApprentice script)
  • Craft API (Accessed via OgreCraft TLO). Like always, these are meant for advanced scripters (or more realistically, for me to use in other scripts).
    • member:bool QueueUpdated()
      • Returns TRUE if the queue is up to date. FALSE if it's in the process of updating the queue.
    • member:bool MissingResources()
      • Returns TRUE if you are missing resources.
      • Note: While the queue is being updated, this will bounce between TRUE and FALSE depending on what is happening. This shouldn't be used while QueueUpdated is FALSE.
    • member:int RecipesInQueue()
      • Returns the total number of recipes in the queue.
      • This shouldn't be used while QueueUpdated is FALSE.
    • method DumpMissingResources(string VarToDump)
      • Requires a global variable name with type collection:string to be passed.
      • Clears the variable ( :Clear )
      • Then sets Resource/Fuel Name as the key, and the missing amount as the value.
      • This shouldn't be used while QueueUpdated is FALSE.
    • method DumpRecipeIDList(string VarToDump)
      • Requires a global variable name with type collection:string/int/int64 to be passed.
      • Clears the variable ( :Clear )
      • Then sets RecipeID as the key, and the quantity as the value.
      • This shouldn't be used while QueueUpdated is FALSE.
  • HireX
    • For real this time, fixed the /camp to /camp login.
  • HireXDepot
    • Added "rough" to lumbered ebony.

Versions: ISXOgre-2012.01.01, Patch Version-127, OgreBot-15.034, OgreCraft-1.014 (Available from autopatcher) - Kannkor

  • Version change to confirm people are patching from the new system.

Versions: ISXOgre-2012.01.01, Patch Version-126, OgreBot-15.034, OgreCraft-1.014 (Available from autopatcher) - Kannkor

  • Changes users to the new auth/patching system.

Old Revisions

Version 15 Patches 120-129 2011.11.14 - 2012.01.11

Version 15 Patches 110-119: 2011.10.25 - 2011.11.09

Version 15 Patches 100-109: 2011.09.29 - 2011.10.17

Version 15 Patches 90-99: 2011.08.16 - 2011.09.29

Version 15 Patches 77-89: 2011.07.28 - 2011.08.14

Version 14: 2010.08.17 - 2011.07.03

Version 13

Version 12

Version 11

Version 10