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(In Development (Coming soon))
(In Development (Coming soon))
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* FPFaction
* FPFaction
** Updated the choice.
** Updated the choice.
* OgreUI
** Removed Ignore CAs Range and Ignore Beneficial range.
** Added an option to 'Disable OgreFly'. This tells OgreFollow to function like normal, but ignore flight.
*** However, keep in mind OgreFollow now specifically disables during flight.
== In Closed Testing ==
== In Closed Testing ==

Revision as of 05:49, 3 December 2013

Revision History


Any time there are updates, they will be posted below with what changed, and if any new files were updated.

Note: Any Versions with (Coming soon) are updates I am working on and not yet released.

---Change Log---

Early development items

  • Note: These are items I'm working on in the early stages and will NOT be released with the next update.
  • Development of OgreInventoryManager has started. Click Here for more information.
  • ***** Timewarp tab may be scraped completely... More details later *****
  • Added 'Timewarp' time. Full name is "Timewarp timing".
    • This tab is for people who KNOW HOW TO READ. I do not plan to support this tab in any way shape or form. If you wish you can post questions on the forums. Unless you have data and tests to back up your claim, I will not respond to the thread at all. Do not send me emails or private messages. I will not respond, and probably get annoyed!
    • Options on the Timewarp UI:
      • Enable - Turns on or off the use of this feature.
      • Duration (sec) - Duration of timewarp in seconds.
      • Timeout (sec) - Normally timewarp should hit approximately every 60s... However there may be times where the illusion just can't cast (or not there) etc. This is the total amount of time you will wait from the last time warp, before you ignore this option and just cast like normal (until another time warp is cast, then it kicks back in).
        • I would recommend at least 70 seconds. This gives your illusionist a 10s window. If you put it below 60s, more than likely you're just being dumb... Just saying! :)
    • Options on the CA/Named CA UI:
      • [TW] Time warp
      • This enables time warp timing for that specific ability.
    • The following 4 things need to happen, or all of this is completely ignored.
      • Have Enable checked.
      • Have a value of > 0 for duration
      • Have a value of > 0 for timeout
      • Have an ability with TW on it.
    • How it works:
      • It checks the amount of time until TW will be up again, and compares it against your SPELL EXPORT recast time. If the recast will be back up before TW, it casts the ability. If it won't be back up, then it skips the ability and waits for TW before casting that ability.
        • Incase you missed the caps, it is important to have an up to date spell export for this. I recommend running it out of combat in your current group set up.
    • Oddities
      • If you have been out of combat for > your Timeout, TW timing is ignored... So the very start of fights may not be the best (IE: same as they are now). May look into changing his some how.

In Development (Coming soon)

  • OgreFly (May be renamed)
    • Completely rewritten from the first round.
    • Still currently a standalone object, but I plan on integrating it into OgreFollow.
    • This will NOT work with water (it's now designed specifically for flight).
    • Priority #1 is to equal flight status.
      • What this means is, if you are NOT flying, and the person you are following is, you will stop what you are doing, and get into the air.
      • Likewise, if you ARE flying, but the person you are following is not, you will stop what you are doing to land.
        • This last one is important, lets say you are flying reallllllllly far, and your guys are 100m behind you. You make it to some ledge (lets assume over lava), and you land immediately. Your other toons (100m away) will STOP flying forward, to land.... in this case, in the lava and die. When you land, make sure you are ready for everyone to land.
    • Movement is semi based on how OgreFollow works, but not quite as nice because of limited support for height. In short, it will move forward and up and down as it needs too.
    • When OgreFly is 'active', it temporarily disables OgreFollow (otherwise they would fight).
    • Campspotting while OgreFly is active will probably have... interesting results. It will be coded to react the same way as OgreFollow (IE: just stop and let CS be active). Campspot does NOT support height, which could lead to rather odd issues.
    • Hold up/Lets go - Should work the same as with OgreFollow.
    • OgreFly will use the Forward key, AutoRun key, FlyUp key, and FlyDown key, that is set in your eq2chars.inc file.
      • If these aren't set, it uses the defaults, Num Lock, HOME, and END.
      • Note: As of the day this is patched, if you wish to use a custom FlyUp/FlyDown key, you will need to add them to your eq2chars.inc file. See [Need wiki page to show how to add them] here.
    • Overall OgreFly seems to work pretty well. You do need to use your head and pay a little bit of attention. For example, if you get far enough ahead of your bots, then you go up over a ledge, then quickly dive down, the bots will see they need to fly DOWN to get to you, when the correct way would be to go over the ledge, then down. However, this type of navigation is not needed (as it would cause a huge performance drop), so the correctness in this situation, falls to the user. Be smart with your bots :)
    • When ever the bot has to "land" or "take off" (change flying states), there IS a short delay. Keep this in mind while you are flying. If you like to "land and jump" off every single rock, hill, house, tree, and flagpole, you WILL end up losing your bots, because they will stop to land, then stop to take off, and do this every single time you want to "play". Again, just something to keep in mind while flying around.
    • If you are on a ledge, and want to immediately fly down, let the bots get away from the ledge first, then fly down. The reason is, they will do forward motion AND upward/downward motion at the same time. If you immediately fly down, your bots will try to fly down, and "land". Which will cause them to stop, start flying (remember, mirror state is priority #1), then they will move forward and down, which will hit the ledge again and land.... It will rinse and repeat until they finally make it off the ledge. Again, be smart.
    • If you are flying, and target an NPC for your toons to kill, that will immediately turn OFF Ogrefly. Even though you cannot do aerial combat. If you land, and clear their kill target (IE: target yourself) Ogrefly will kick back in, and mirror states. (IE: Land, then you can engage).
      • Example: You're flying in ToV, and get shot by a sharpshot. Since you have it targeted from getting hit, your scouts will try to 'move into melee range' on it, and cause all kinds of issues.
    • As a fix to the above, Move into melee range/move behind/campspot/move to area/etc are NOT performed if you are in the air on a mount.
    • While flying, if the lead person starts flying at a downward angle, the followers will check to see if there is anything below them. If there is, they will NOT fly down, but will continue forward (if appropriate). Once the ground is removed, they will start moving downward.
      • Example: If you were at the top of a hill, and started flying 2-3 meters off the ground DOWN the hill, the bots would be flying down too early, and land. Which would cause them to stop, and fly again, then land, in a silly cycle of not really moving. This *should* resolve most of these issues. It's still not perfect, so you should continue to use common sense and take care of your bots :)
  • Ogrebot
    • May have fixed error: Error:Unparsable in Calculation of "-1.#IND00": '#' @Retval:Set[${Math.Acos[${Retval}]}]
      • For those wondering, screwed by floating point precision! :(
    • Fixed an issue with using an item on someone else. Previously it would detarget, then fail to cast the item.
    • Removed special coding for Coercer's Banner of War since it is no longer needed (see Item_Effect_Pairs).
    • Captain Stanis (SP?) - Changed the clear curse campspot to the middle of the circle instead of outside of it.
    • Gangel
      • Updated self targeting routine a bit. Will now only self target when he is more than 1/2 done casting. Then waits 7s, then waits for the detriment to be gone, THEN retargets.
      • Does a pet off for the group when self targeting, and a pet attack when retargeting. P.S. I hate pets.
    • ChangeCAListBoxItem now supports "Toggle". TRUE/FALSE are now case insensitive.
    • ChangeNamedCAListBoxItem now supports "Toggle". TRUE/FALSE are now case insensitive.
    • ChangePriorityListBoxItem now supports "Toggle". TRUE/FALSE are now case insensitive.
    • Error: No such 'int' member 'Cursed' @Me.${RaidOrGroup}[${Obj_CastIt.sPCTargetName}].Cursed
      • Added some additional checks to try to prevent this.
  • OgreFollow
    • OgreFollow is now DISABLED when the person you are following is flying. (Thus to allow OgreFly to take over).
  • Updated EQ2chars.inc.blank
    • Now includes FlyUp/FlyDown default key settings.
  • Added new file: EQ2OgreBot/ItemInformation/Item_Effect_Pairs.xml
    • This file provides Ogrebot with information about items and their effects.
    • For example: The Coercer's myth cloak has an effect you have to click to activate, but if you click it again, it turns it off. I had to hardcode this into Ogrebot so it would not click it off. At the time, this wasn't a big deal cause it was only 1 item. Now with millions of items, with click effects, this can cause more issues.
    • Generally speaking, Ogrebot will handle most item clickies without any issues, as is. But there are SOME where it causes issues, such as the cloak from above. Using the cloak as an example, you need to add an entry to the file.
      • <Setting Name="Coercer's Banner of War">Psychic Link</Setting>
        • Coercer's Banner of War
          • Is the item name.
        • Psychic Link
          • Is the name of the effect, as it appears in your maintained window.
    • SPELLING IS IMPORTANT HERE. The names must be EXACT. (Hint: Don't have eq2bob type them in for you). However, they are case insensitive (Meaning CaSe does not matter).
    • When to use this file. When you click an item, and it puts an effect on you in your maintained window, but does not start the cooldown timer. This makes it so Ogrebot can't tell it cast, so it immediately recast.
  • Ogrecraft
    • Added some new options to assist with commissioning and repeating "Rune:" recipes, including when you are commissioning.
    • Added support for "War runes". The above assist works for ONLY Runes. The exception is the commission accepting.
  • FPFaction
    • Updated the choice.
  • OgreUI
    • Removed Ignore CAs Range and Ignore Beneficial range.
    • Added an option to 'Disable OgreFly'. This tells OgreFollow to function like normal, but ignore flight.
      • However, keep in mind OgreFollow now specifically disables during flight.

In Closed Testing

Test dll

Test DLL download

Remember to back up all of your customized scripts

Released Versions

Patch Version 243 (Current)

Versions: ISXOgre-2013.11.22, Patch Version-243, OgreBot-16.007, OgreCraft-1.030

  • Grind Options
    • High Keep
      • General
        • Removed code that moves the tank if he gets the detrimental. Non-tanks will still move.
        • Changed automatic campspot to be within 35m instead of 50m
    • High Keep: The Pickclaw Depths.
      • Bolgin
        • Reworked the self target based on him poping the drink. So far this has been more successful...
    • Temple of Veeshan
      • Captain Stinas
        • Command: set up for Captain
          • Puts people in a circle, when they get an uncurable curse, they run together, then return to their spot.
      • The Experiment
        • Command: set up for experiment
          • Just campspots where I like to place. Nothing else.
      • Fherin The something
        • Command: set up for Fherin
          • Just campspots where I like to place.
    • Nexus
      • Modules
        • Moved the starting campspot to the center.
      • Luminox (Keep in mind anything changed here effects Prime also)
        • Changed up the campspots... again.
      • Luminox Prime
        • Completely reworked this fight. It's still not perfect, but greatly improved on what it was.
        • At this very moment, there isn't a tank campspot (I just set it same as the raid). When I have more time I may make a tank camp spot also.
  • Added a work around for an ogrebot crash and camp to login issue when ISXEQ2 UIPage fails and returns faulty data to Ogrebot.
  • OgreCraft
    • Commission crafting of Runes now supported. I believe this is actually for crafting Runes vs anything else, but I was doing commission so that's what I tested.
    • Broke craft...
      • Fixed craft... I don't believe this ever got pushed, not even to dev.

Patch Version 242 test patch 229-242 rollup

Versions: ISXOgre-2013.11.19, Patch Version-242, OgreBot-16.006, OgreCraft-1.027'''Manual update needed

Updated to use ISXDK33 and new patcher

  • ISXOgre
    • Added the /interface/ folder, so new users get the black UI option instead of only the red one.
    • Displays version information when it first loads, and when it becomes enabled, so old man primalz doesn't have to scroll up anymore.
    • If you have an "isxogre.dll" in the /innerspace/ folder, it will be renamed since this will cause problems. It also puts an error into the console.
    • Can now display multiple 'errors' and 'notices' from the server.
      • Note: If you have an invalid username/password, it more show any additional errors until that one is corrected.
    • Added an additional alias to 'ogre info'. There are now three (they all do the same thing).
      • ogre info
      • ogre options
      • ogre config
    • Fixed LoadExecute from crashing when adding new items in.
    • When adding an item to LoadExecute, it is executed when you do it. This way if it doesn't work/crashes Ogrebot because of a typo, you can't save it into the profile and cause an error.
    • Autohunt now has a slight Y axis (height) applied to it. This should help pull mobs that are on a very slight grade from you.
    • Authenticates on a new file with different authentication process.
    • Turned into a complete rewrite of authentication... both client and server side.
    • Added the ID to casting Debug for :use
    • Fixed Sorcerer Ambidex not auto-casting.
    • Camping with Ogre revamped. Camp (via MCP or group tell 'camp time') now works the following:
      • Pauses the bot
      • Does a /camp login then waits 25s.
      • If you are not at login scene, tries again, does a /camp login and waits 25s.
      • If you are at login screen, it closes the client down. This should prevent the pesky crashes people have... and the other annoying thing that happens when you close a session... :)
      • Note: If you wish to prevent the closing of the client, simply RESUME the bot.
      • Note2: Resuming the bot at all, will prevent any more of the camp code from functioning, however, if there is a camp currently in progress, it will not be interrupted. That's up to you.
    • If ISXOgre is set to remove the awesomiun thingy, it will now also remove "wws_crashreport_uploader.exe" since it CAUSES FUCKING 20-40 SECOND DELAYS IN LOADING THE FUCKING GAME.
      • Thanks to "Scoops" for finding this.
    • Predators
      • Should ignore stealth when Predator's final trick is up.
    • Rangers
      • 'Wreak Havoc' will allow abilities that require invis to be cast without casting invis
    • Added AutoLoginSettings.xml
      • This stores the Gamename/profilename/etc.


  • Increased the default session list from 8 to 12.


  • Removed some console spam
  • Removed the defaults from this file. Moved them into xml.

New patcher!

  • Ogre patcher
  • Changed ISXOgre:Patch - To patch using the new patcher.
  • Removed the following commands.
    • Repatch
    • RepatchDev
    • PatchDev
  • Updated ISXOgrePatcherIgnoreList.xml with instructions on how to ignore/DoNotOverWrite files.
    • Note: This file doesn't patch itself unless the file doesn't exist.
    • IgnoreList is now case insensitive.
    • Added a message when it tries to load the Ignorelist, so the 'unable to read' message makes more sense if the file doesn't exist afterwards.

Ogre info

  • Added new options to the "ogre info" screen.
    • Always Patch
      • When checked: Force the extension to check for new patches every time it's loaded, even if it's already patch during that session.
      • When unchecked (current behavior): Extension will only check for a new patch when initially loaded, and not again if it's unloaded and reloaded during that session.
    • Patch on all sessions
      • When checked: All sessions will try to patch when they are loaded.
        • When unchecked: Only IS1 (first session to be loaded) will try to patch.
    • Leave awesomium_process
      • When checked: ISXOgre will not remove awesomium_process for those wishing to use the in-game browser.
        • When unchecked (current behavior): ISXOgre will remove this extra process that is not needed and give you a bit more CPU juice.
      • Fixed leave awesomium_process to work properly (it was doing the reverse, so without it checked, it was leaving it, and with it, it was removing it)


  • Ranger: Added Cancel Focus Aim


  • Fixed a loot check that wasn't checking for Ogrebot properly.


  • Removed an exploit in OgreCraft that allowed "too many writs" to happen. Special thanks to Raudkoer for bragging about it in IRC.


  • Added missing rares and reactants.


  • If you "ogre osa" into the console with Ogrebot running, it will use the scan radius set by Ogrebot.


  • Added a bunch of values that will be used in the future. Most of it is refactoring existing items to make them slightly faster.
  • Concussive Blast (Sorcerer) is now forcefully labeled as an AE nuke instead of an encounter nuke (I tested on training dummies to confirm it is indeed an AE nuke, but is mislabeled).
  • Made Scout AA Dragonwrath range to 5 (same as shadowstep etc).


  • MCP save file is now sorted alpha.
  • Removed a layer of escaping from *space* and *nospace* that was messing with quotes.
  • Fixed 'Hail' not /facing.


  • Removed __TestRawC, as it was used for internal testing...
  • Changed RawCommand to remove the "execute" since it wasn't needed.


  • Made the MCP Edit screen bigger, so you can see buttons with a lot of parameters easier.


  • Added the following commands. (They already existed in MCP, but I forgot to add them to IRC lib)
    • ChangeCampSpotForWho | ChangeCSW | CCSW
      • Parameter 1: ForWho
      • Parameter 2-4, x y z cords.

Grind Options

  • The Nexus Core [Heroic]
    • Luminox
      • Chat command: Set up for Luminox
        • Sets campspot positions, kind of towards the zone in... Just do it and you'll see.. :)
      • On Red text, everyone moves to opposite side avoiding the missles.
    • Amalgam of Engery
      • Chat command: Set up for Amalgam
        • Sets campspot near the doorway. To funnel all the mobs. Note: This isn't the "quickest" way to do the mob, but it sure is easy if you're being lazy.
        • Also loads an autotarget list on "fighters".
    • Modules ( Energy Delivery Module/Force Absorption Module )
      • Chat command: set up for modules
        • Not sure how useful this is... just campspot near the Energy one.
      • On red text, everyone joust out and change their campspot to behind the named. 8 seconds later, does a joust in.
      • Loads autotarget list on fighters. (Yes, I'm that lazy some times!)
    • Luminox Prime
      • Chat command: Set up for luminox
        • It is named identical to luminox... .. cause it sets up in the same place. Also does the exact same thing.
      • When he starts lazers, does the same thing as Modules, moves behind.
      • Note: I'm missing something about when he hits 60%, because he does the get far away, then he takes a few steps towards you and lazers.. I just DP'ed it to ignore it, but I suspect there's something else you're suppose to do....
  • High Keep
    • General ... (the boss)
      • Turning campspot on within 50 meters of him will activate campspots.
      • When anyone gets the 'stay 9m or further away' they move back 15'ish meters.
      • I couldn't make any sense out of the other stuff happening on this fight, so I just ignored it and killed him. If someone has a real strat and any of it requires coding let me know.
  • High Keep: The Pickclaw Depths.
    • Bolgin Serillis
    • When he drinks too much and lays down, targets yourself for 10s, then re-targets him.
    • Everyone will cancel their spellcast when when drinks too much. To ensure no nukes land "after" he has laid down.
    • Note: I accidentally killed this mob before I could really test this. I'm not sure if 1) it even works, or 2) 10 seconds is enough time.
  • Stratum of the Protectors
    • A Warrior Construct
      • Chat Command: Set up for Warrior
        • Sets campspots. You should be campspot and "behind" him when you do so, so you don't fall into the pit.

Raid Options

  • Secret(private testing only)
    • Greatly reduced the amount of duplicate IRC debug spam.
  • Exxoodus
    • Cancels cleric ability "Exorcise" on redtext
    • Cancels defiler ability 'defile' on redtext
  • Oligar
    • Swapped sides.. so raid/tanks are on left, and joust spot is on right.
    • Oligar HM joust is now 6 sec. Oligar EM joust will remain the same. If it's off someone will need to report it.
  • PoW -> Commanders
    • saying 'no crystals' and 'do crystals' in group chat should now work again.

Patch Version-228

Versions: ISXOgre-2013.09.04, Patch Version-228, OgreBot-16.003, OgreCraft-1.027 (Available from autopatcher) - Kannkor

  • OgreBot
    • Decrease the time between turning on/off auto attack (from 1/2s to 1/5s)
    • Grind Options
      • SG Talan
        • Updated 'Study Tactics' timer to be 70s instead of 90s.
    • Raid Options
      • Fixed a crash in the new zone.

Patch Version-227

Versions: ISXOgre-2013.09.04, Patch Version-227, OgreBot-16.002, OgreCraft-1.027 (Available from autopatcher) - Kannkor

  • Changed files: LoadOgreMCP
  • LoadOgreMCP
    • Fixed *nospace* not working as intended (it was putting a space in). (which was breaking runscript)
    • Added a face to the 'hail' function.

Patch Version-226

Versions: ISXOgre-2013.09.03, Patch Version-226, OgreBot-16.002, OgreCraft-1.027 (Available from autopatcher) - Kannkor

  • Changed files: Spellexport, IRCLib, Ogrequiver, MCPCommands, LoadMCP, OgreCommon, UIXML
  • Raid Options
    • Tunare
      • Added 'set up for tunare'
      • Places the tank in front of where Tunare spawns, scouts behind, mages / priests 20m from the tank in a triangle thingy.
      • Note: This was meant to be in the previous release... but I forgot to remove the internal flag.
    • Commanders
      • Right side set up change - Only tanks in G1 will be at the 'tanking' spot. (Vs non-G3 tanks).
    • Fitzpitle
      • Changed room 4 campspots based on Jgarza00 locations. If they don't work, hate on him not me :)
  • Grind Options
    • Talan
      • Added on-screen timer for Study tactics. (Code to target self was implemented prior).
  • Spell export
    • Reminder: Anytime a change is made to this file, if you wish for the changes to be updated in your spellexports, you must run new exports.
    • At the time of writing this, none of this is *required* and is purely for making peoples lives easier going forward, or for internal testing.
    • Added more information about abilities (stuns).
    • Warlocks
      • Auto cancels Negative void prior to running the spell export.
    • Assassin
      • Shadow Step is now set to 5m max cast distance.
    • Inq
      • Interrogation is now set to 5m max cast distance.
  • IRCLib
    • Minor verbage changes
    • added -gear | -checkgear
    • Reports back level of gear for everyone.
      • Note: It's equal to hitting the MCP check gear, and reports back locally only, NOT to IRC. I may add this in the future.
  • OgreQuiver
    • Changed up some delays to try to make it not get an extra stack, and not re-open the depot after it was closed.
  • MCP
    • If the first 9 characters of the [CODE] line to execute are "*nospace*", the first parameter is applied immediately without a space. Each subsequent parameter is added with a space after that.
      • Example: "RunScript" now has the *nospace* before it.
        • Select Command: RunScript
        • Parameter1: Test (name of the script to run)
        • Parameter2: aa
        • Parameter3: bb
        • Results: Script: Test runs with parameters "aa" and "bb". (runscript innerspace/scripts/test aa bb).
      • Note: This new version is aware of how many parameters you entered, and will NOT pass extra "NULL"s to your script.
    • If the first 7 characters of the [CODE] line to execute are "*space*", all parameters, including the first, are applied WITH a space.
      • At this moment I haven't used it... but if you understand the above, you'll understand this.
    • To clarify, when using *nospace* or *space*, you do NOT need to specify ${Parameter1} inside of the XML file.
    • You can mix and max parameters also. For example: *space*relay ${Parameter1} Something Something
      • Then if you added 3 parameters total. Lets say the parameters were All, abc, def. The resulting command would look like this:
      • relay All Something Something abc def
    • Worth noting: When it's applying the parameters, it does so until one doesn't exist.
  • MCPCommands
    • Updated "RunScript" to use *nospace*
      • This allows it to have up to 100 parameters, but any that don't exist, aren't passed (no more NULL) being passed.
    • Updated "RawCommand" to use *space* (Which you can ignore, because the code is simply 'execute' so it needs a space to execute what you want after it).
      • This allows it to have up to 100 parameters, but any that don't exist, aren't passed (no more NULL) being passed.
  • OgreCommon
    • Changed some ints to uints
    • Enabled [MAX] for assassins for Carnage
      • Added an 'Execute' portion on the right side.
      • When a profile is loaded (including on initial load), it will go through and "execute" each command in here.
      • It simply does an innerspace execute. You can include things like:
        • radar off
          • Admittly this is a bad example, since there are radar on/off checkboxes on the left... :)
        • ogre afk
        • eq2execute ics_playercombatautoface 0
          • Turns Combat Auto face OFF
        • eq2execute ics_playercombatautoface 1
          • Turns Combat Auto face ON
  • OgreBot
    • Ogrebot is now aware of the Troubador PoW Myth cloak proc, and will cast abilities while the proc is up (Currently supporting offensive and defensive abilities, which includes Priority, CA, NamedCA, Chain tabs, Power Heals). I believe this should cover 99% of any ability the bot attempts to cast ever.
    • Minor tweaks to how items work with the ca/namedca tab. Made a slight delay before attempting to use the item (to make up for the 'recovery' period from the previous cast). This should help with the clicking on/off of items that some items experience.
    • Coe's Myth cloak should now work properly on the CA/NamedCA tab. (Previously it was turning on and off again immediately, thus doing nothing).
    • Changed item range from 30m to 25m.
    • Removed the ability to heal/buff NPCs because it was causing issues. This was implemented YEARS ago for Gozak.
    • Dispell requests are now handled by all mages, not just enchanters. (Two mobs in HE use this, the first two named).

Patch Version-225

Versions: ISXOgre-2013.08.18, Patch Version-225, OgreBot-16.001a, OgreCraft-1.027 (Available from autopatcher) - Kannkor

  • Properly patched out v16 (notes in patch 223, where this patch was suppose to happen).

Patch Version-224

Versions: ISXOgre-2013.08.18, Patch Version-224, OgreBot-16.001, OgreCraft-1.027 (Available from autopatcher) - Kannkor

  • Attempt to properly patch v16... (which failed).

Older Revisions

Patch Notes 240-Current: 2013.11.19 - Current

Patch Notes 230-239: 2013.09.11 - 2013.11.19

Patch Notes 220-229: 2013.07.19 - 2013.09.11

Patch Notes 210-219: 2013.05.01 - 2013.07.19

Patch Notes 200-209: 2013.02.15 - 2013.05.01

Patch Notes 190-199: 2012.11.21 - 2012.02.11

Patch Notes 180-189: 2012.11.14 - 2012.11.21

Patch Notes 170-179: 2012.09.22 - 2012.11.08

Patch Notes 160-169: 2012.06.28 - 2012.09.13

Patch Notes 150-159: 2012.04.18 - 2012.06.07

Patch Notes 140-149: 2012.03.20 - 2012.04.13

Patch Notes 130-139: 2012.01.11 - 2012.03.09

Patch Notes 126-129: 2012.01.01 - 2012.01.11

Version 15 Patches 110-119: 2011.10.25 - 2011.11.09

Version 15 Patches 100-109: 2011.09.29 - 2011.10.17

Version 15 Patches 90-99: 2011.08.16 - 2011.09.29

Version 15 Patches 77-89: 2011.07.28 - 2011.08.14

Version 14: 2010.08.17 - 2011.07.03

Version 13

Version 12

Version 11

Version 10