
From ISXOgre
Revision as of 14:34, 30 November 2017 by Kannkor (Talk | contribs)

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Revision History


Any time there are updates, they will be posted below with what changed, and if any new files were updated.

Note: Any Versions with (Coming soon) are updates I am working on and not yet released.

---Change Log---

Early development items

  • Note: These are items I'm working on in the early stages and will NOT be released with the next update.
  • Development of OgreInventoryManager has stopped. Click Here for more information.
  • Development of Timewarp has stopped. Click Here for more information.

In Development (Coming soon)

Development Build release

Released Versions

Patch Version 289 (Current)

Versions: ISXOgre-2017.11.28, Patch Version-289, OgreBot-17.160, OgreCraft-1.054

  • Ogre trackshiny
    • Added BlueShimmer as an option (the ones found in Plane of Magic. They are not black, zoom in!!)
    • Added Blue as an option (the no-trade ones found in instances)
  • Ogre NavLib (the new one)
    • Major tweak to how flying is done. It looks very close to a human flying now.
  • Quest Helper
    • Quest helper (ogre qh, ogre end qh) has completed 95% of the sig line. Just missing the CoValor zone, which I'll get to soon.

Versions: ISXOgre-2017.11.28, Patch Version-289, OgreBot-17.159, OgreCraft-1.054

  • OgreBot
    • Mercs will not longer be a valid alias for built in aliases.
    • Example: @DPS1 will never be a merc now. This was causing issues.
  • Ogre Transmute/Salvage
    • Increased default level to 110
  • Ogre Harvest
    • Added a bunch of new resources

Versions: ISXOgre-2017.11.28, Patch Version-289, OgreBot-17.158a, OgreCraft-1.054

Versions: ISXOgre-2017.11.28, Patch Version-289, OgreBot-17.158, OgreCraft-1.054

    • Added CoV
      • Uses the loyalty reward "Call of the Veteran" teleport item.
      • Takes up to 4 parameters
        • Parameter 1: ForWho
        • Parameter 2: Travel Option
          • Valid options are: Teleport or Summon. (Same as they are labeled on the window)
        • Parameter 3: Toon Name to interact with.
          • If you choose Teleport, to who?
          • If you choose Summon, who?
        • Parameter 4: Allow Same Zone. Default FALSE.
          • Most of the time you won't want people within the same zone, using CoV, so this is off by default. Pass it "TRUE" to allow it to use CoV within the same zone.
  • MCP only
    • Added CoV_InputWindow
      • Same as above, but opens input box (a pop up box) that you have to type the options into.
  • OgreConsole
    • Added a message to say it is loaded, so the last line in the console isn't 'Loading OgreConsole...'
  • OgreBot
    • Refactored Crowd Control tab (mezzing). Although I couldn't find anything wrong with it, I updated it to use more current/more efficient functions. Should also work better in a raid situation.
  • OgreNavLib
    • Some basic files/testing for a rewrite of OgreNavLib
  • OgreBot
    • ScrollOf
      • Pure Power now properly works. (Previously only prowess and pain would work)
  • MCP/OgreConsole
    • Added: Ogre_CommandRequiresOgreBot_AllParams <ForWho> <OgreCommand> <Paramaters>
      • Note: This one works a little differently. It will take ALL the parameters and pass them. So you can NOT stack this command.
    • Added: RunScriptRequiresOgreBot_AllParams <ForWho> <Scriptname> <Paramaters>
      • Note: This one works a little differently. It will take ALL the parameters and pass them. So you can NOT stack this command.
    • AcceptReward
      • Now accepts up to 2 parameters
      • Parameter 1: ForWho (no change)
      • Parameter 2: If the reward window has choices, which choice would you like?
        • Leaving Parameter 2 blank or 0, will NOT touch a choice window.
  • OgreBot
    • Removed automated tithe spending

Patch Version 288

Versions: ISXOgre-2017.09.28, Patch Version-288, OgreBot-17.157, OgreCraft-1.054

  • Lost City of Torsis: Reaver's Remnants [Expert Challenge]
    • Will now share it's quest upon zoning in
  • OgreBot
    • Illusion: Clockwork Calamity
      • Will now appear in the cast stack after an export.
  • OgreBot
    • Updated / added a bunch of higher end raid code.
  • Grind Options
    • Lost City of Torsis: Reaver's Remnants [All Heroic Versions]
      • A Spectral Beguiler
        • Mages/Druids will automatically dispel when appropriate

Patch Version 287

Versions: ISXOgre-2017.05.09, Patch Version-287, OgreBot-17.156, OgreCraft-1.054

  • Zone Resetter
    • Some minor tweaks to help handle when you open the zone window and it's blank, and you have to close it and re-open it (in-game bug).
  • Ogre PG_UD
    • Supports a moving portal zone in... (lol)

Versions: ISXOgre-2017.05.09, Patch Version-287, OgreBot-17.155, OgreCraft-1.054

  • Minor tweak to HQEarring to allow for DBG to ninja add in a 2 second cast time by "accident".
  • Minor tweaks to the process when you hit 'Repair gear'. Should get less false positives.

Versions: ISXOgre-2017.05.09, Patch Version-287, OgreBot-17.154, OgreCraft-1.054

  • OgreBot UI
    • Added the following to the Ascension tab
      • [x] Enable Glacial Freeze Announcing.
        • This is mostly for raiding. For higher tier raid mobs, you have to maintain GF on the mob most of the time, so knowing when it is going to fade is very helpful.
        • This checkbox enables or disables this 'section'.
      • [x] Only Announce in raid
        • Doesn't announce if you aren't in a raid. Since no reason if you are running heroics.
      • [x] Announce to OgreIRC instead
        • Send the announcements to OgreIRC instead of OgreConsole.
      • Add/text entry
      • For adding new durations to announce at.
      • Duration to announce listbox
        • When GF duration gets to this value, it will send a message to OgreConsole or OgreIRC with a message:
          • Glacial Freeze: training dummy -> 44s.
  • Ogre PG_UD
    • Updated for new portal location

Versions: ISXOgre-2017.05.09, Patch Version-287, OgreBot-17.153, OgreCraft-1.054

  • OgreBot
    • Removed some debugging related to casting an ability on an NPC via MCP
  • Ogre PG_UD (Proving Grounds)
    • Updated for 3 hours and other minor tweaks for this patch.

Versions: ISXOgre-2017.05.09, Patch Version-287, OgreBot-17.152, OgreCraft-1.054

  • OgreBot
    • On Settings 2: [x] Do not accept quests
      • Will now actually stop accepting quests.
    • Fixed a bug where, if you had an encounter nuke in the caststack, with a custom # of mobs, it would completely ignore it.
      • Note: this ONLY affected encounter nukes, AEs are functioning correctly.
    • Warlock's auto-myth buff changer also takes into account the caststack option.
      • Previous functionality for encounter nukes.
        • Setup: 3, Caststack: 2. If an encounter nuke was cast with 2 mobs, because the setup option was 3, it would turn Negative void ON, which would be wrong. If there were 3 or more mobs, it would have worked properly.
      • Current functionality
        • Setup: 3, Caststack: 2. If an encounter nuke was cast with 2 mobs, it would make sure negative void is off, since you specified 2 on the caststack entry.
    • Grind Options
      • The Shrouded Temple
        • The Meld of Haze
          • Now turns on Ignore NPC 100%
    • Added: CastAbilityOnNPC <ForWho> <AbilityName> <MobNameOrID>
      • AbilityName MUST be a base name, like everything else. For example: Stone Hammer, or Evade (but not Evade VI, it will cast the highest version you have automatically).
      • MobNameOrID - I highly recommend using ID when you can. This will handle mobs with the same name, and mobs with scary characters in their name, such as the dreaded coma. ${Target.ID} works really well for having someone cast it on your target. Likewise, you can do ${Actor[warden of nightmares].ID}.
      • If they are unable to acquire the proper target, they will NOT cast the ability.
  • OgreBot UI
    • Ascension tab
      • Glacial Freeze - Do not combo while in raid.
        • Stops Glacial Freeze from being combo'd while in raid. Generally only useful on T4 raid fights.
        • You can toggle this via MCP button if you for ease of use:
          • MCP Command: ChangeOgreBotUIOption
          • Paramater 1: ForWho, such as: all
          • Parameter 2: Name of object: checkbox_ascension_glacialfreeze_noraidcomboing
          • Parameter 3: Value to change it too: TRUE, FALSE, or Toggle.
  • ForWho
    • Now understands the following:
      • Thaumaturgist
      • Elementalist
      • Etherealist
      • Geomancer
  • Raid Options
    • Arcanna'se Spire: Order and Chaos [Raid]
      • Shanaira the Prestigious
        • It is assumed that you will have each type of ascension class in each of the 4 groups.
        • It is assumed that you will ensure you have no ascension abilities enabled in your cast stack, and you will not have ascension combos checked (combo's will likely be auto-disabled when I add a set up command).
        • I did not take the time to determine the difference between Magical and Physical, and Physical and Magical. If someone knows then I can tweak it. Otherwise right now it does both combos.
        • @ 80/40% group 1 will do 1 combo, and group 2 will do the other combo.
        • @ 60/20% group 3 will do 1 combo, and group 4 will do the other combo.
        • @ 5% Everyone will try to do combos, but she dies before we can actually finish it... so.
        • The tank stuff is up to the player to decide how to handle.
        • At this moment, it is up to you to place the raid where you want and correctly. However I will add a set up that gives good/proper positioning.
    • Vaedenmoor, Realm of Despair [Raid]
      • Terris-Thule
        • On-screen timers.
        • Handles the do-no-cast
    • Vaedenmoor, Heart of Nightmares [Raid]
      • Territus, the Deathbringer
        • Good luck.
        • Set up for Territus (will aggro).
        • When adds spawn, g2-g4 will move out a little to the adds and kill theirs.
        • When their add dies and they have the buff, g3-g4 will move back the named immediately. G2 will stay out until the named calls his next event.
          • WHen the named calls the frontal event, anyone WITH the buff will run behind the named. Anyone WITHOUT the buff will run in front.
        • After this event goes off, do a new set up for Territus, and everyone will move behind the named (doesn't matter where he is).
        • It is your responsibility to manage your aggro/hate.
  • Ogre Infuse
    • Items with random extra spaces in their name will now properly infuse instead of telling you no item selected.
  • Ogre IM
    • Fixed -i flag

Versions: ISXOgre-2017.05.09, Patch Version-287, OgreBot-17.151, OgreCraft-1.054

  • PG_UD
    • Tweaked a little how/when it starts to move towards portal (in pg lobby).

Versions: ISXOgre-2017.05.09, Patch Version-287, OgreBot-17.150, OgreCraft-1.054

  • Release of Ogre pg_ud
  • Ascension Combos
    • Removed a possible error message that would go to the console that meant nothing.
  • KACraftingWeeklyMats has been renamed to KACraftingMats, and now accepts parameters:
    • No parameters = -d -w OR: ogre KACraftingMats -d -w
      • Gets weekly and daily quest mats
    • ogre KACraftingMats -d
      • Gets daily quest mats only
    • ogre KACraftingMats -w
      • Gets weekly quest mats only

Versions: ISXOgre-2017.05.09, Patch Version-287, OgreBot-17.149, OgreCraft-1.054

  • Ogre Craft
    • Added a ton of OgreConsole messages for errors that happen. This is in addition to the ones that go only to their console. I kept most messages as short as possible, since you can tab over to them to see the full error in their console, but at least you will be notified.

Versions: ISXOgre-2017.05.09, Patch Version-287, OgreBot-17.149, OgreCraft-1.052

  • OgreBot
    • When issuing -Castability calls to OgreBot, if it requires an NPC target, it will skip said ability if you do not have one.
      • There are some super rare scenarios where this isn't wanted, if you come across one of those scenarios, you can use -CastAbilityNoChecks. It is identical to how CastAbility worked prior to this change.
        • Note: I did not add CastAbilityNoChecks to MCP because of how rare it would be used. It is available via MCP-> OgreConsoleCommand ( -CastAbilityNoChecks ForWho AbilityName ) or via API ( OgreBotAPI:CastAbilityNoChecks[ForWho,AbilityName]
  • ISXOgre
    • Added: ogre gg | goblin | gathergoblin
      • Basically is ADT, but for gathering goblin.
        • Logs in a character, summons Gathering Goblin, collects resources, sends goblin out, depots resources, and destroys any resources that didn't fit into the depot.
      • Accepts the following parameters.
        • -list | -l <listname>
          • Adds a list from list manager to be run
        • -toon | -t <toonname>
          • Adds a toon to be run
        • -nostart
          • When -l or -t is used, it will automatically start running the list immediately, if you don't want that, you would need to use -nostart
        • -level <level>
          • This accepts a number from 0 to 100. This is the LEVEL of the resource you want to gather, NOT the tier.
            • 1-9 (Tier 1)
            • 10-19 (Tier 2)
            • 20-29 (Tier 3)
            • 30-39 (Tier 4)
            • 40-49 (Tier 5)
            • 50-59 (Tier 6)
            • 60-69 (Tier 7)
            • 70-79 (Tier 8)
            • 80-89 (Tier 9)
            • 90-95 (Tier 10)
            • 96-99 (Tier 11)
            • 100 (Tier 12)
            • 0 - Auto determine tier based on lowest resource in depot box, if no depot box available, use highest level (100, tier 12).
      • Bot will change your view position to give it the highest chance of being able to see the conversation windows, then reset it to a reasonable view point before logging out.
        • Some.. oddities. There is a rare'ish bug (I'd guess 2%, happens to about 2 of my toons randomly out of over 100 that are being run). Where the bot can't zoom out via code. In these cases, the bot just tries to handle the conversations. In the grand scheme of things, this wasn't worth spending any more time on, because it happens so rarely.
  • UseItem should no longer look at the bank/shared bank
  • OgreCraft
    • Rewrote scribing recipes. I do believe I have finally got it to scribe every single recipe for every toon in all scenarios, including when you gain 2+ levels at a time.

Versions: ISXOgre-2017.05.09, Patch Version-287, OgreBot-17.148, OgreCraft-1.051

  • If you have [x] Disable CS_Buffs, the bot will no longer strip buffs if it hits max concentration, since this will assume you as a player did it on purpose... or something.
  • OgreBot UI
    • Added: [x] Try to keep Familiar up
      • Will cast familiar after you zone and after you die.
  • MCP
    • Added option: Force_MountOn
      • Takes 1 parameter: ForWho
      • This will recast your mount, regardless if you have it on or not, and you will end up on your mount! (Just don't move for a few seconds while it does it's thing and interrupt it).
      • Thanks Saha for the initial code.
  • Tweaked some code for checking death etc. Functionally this shouldn't be much different from an end user point of view. Other than if peoples gear is low while paused, it should now report it.
  • Rewrote anything that uses 'ForWho'
  • Weekly missions should now share in expert zones
  • Deity spending should now work on toons who get bonus tithe. (Why do only some toons get a bonus? Who knows!)
  • Updated summon familiar option to reflect the new ninja changes they made to how they work this past Tuesday.

Versions: ISXOgre-2017.05.09, Patch Version-287, OgreBot-17.147, OgreCraft-1.051

  • HQ Ear
    • Increased the time it uses the Fabled ear vs legendary ear.
    • Added: Summon_Familiar(ForWho)
      • Summons your familiar...
  • [x] Accept Dungeon is ready - Once again works in PGs.
    • Added: ProvingGrounds_Scoreboard_Close(ForWho)
      • When you complete a proving grounds and get the scoreboard up, this will close it.
    • Added: ProvingGrounds_Exit(ForWho)
      • Exits Proving Grounds
        • If in a match will exit the match.
        • If in the lobby will exit the lobby.
  • Spewstats currency should now work in PG
  • Special should now attempt to be a little smarter with what it clicks

Versions: ISXOgre-2017.05.09, Patch Version-287, OgreBot-17.146, OgreCraft-1.051

  • Patch 287 to live.

Versions: ISXOgre-2017.05.09, Patch Version-287, OgreBot-17.145k, OgreCraft-1.051

  • Proving Grounds
    • First off, let me say I do NOT recommend you bot in proving grounds. That is asking for trouble. However people keep asking me to make the bot work for proving grounds. So... use at your own risk.
    • This patch makes Ogre fully functional in proving grounds. If anything isn't working I'll need a bug report with as much specific information as possible.
  • OgreBot
    • Removed the Ascension combo spam.

Versions: ISXOgre-2017.05.09, Patch Version-287, OgreBot-17.145d, OgreCraft-1.051

  • OgreBot UI
    • Added a checkbox [x] Auto-Handle HQ Earring
      • You can have the earring equipped or in your inventory. It will use/(equip/use/reequip old ear) automatically for you. Will do so much more often than required just to make sure it's up.
  • MCP
    • Added: HQEar
      • Will use the HQEar on-demand, regardless if the bot just casted it.

Versions: ISXOgre-2017.05.09, Patch Version-287, OgreBot-17.145c, OgreCraft-1.051

  • Tweaked some of the loading features within ISXOgre to allow access to isxogre.xml sooner.
  • Added some additional customization for some specific innerspace options. More on this later once it's available/released/tested.
  • SpewStats
    • Added: "item_itemnamehere"
      • Only checks inventory. Not equipped or bank etc.
      • Example: -spewstats all "item_guided ascension"
        • Kannkor --> has item: guided ascension -> 26
      • Example: -spewstats all "item_earring of the icelord"
        • Kannkor --> has item: earring of the icelord
  • OgreBot
    • Raid Options
      • Xalgoz
        • Toons who are marked, and of the appropriate archetype, will use the control staff while every time it's available to try to maintain aggro.
        • Tanks will subtle strikes and not attack when it's not their turn.
    • Added some special code that will allow Call of the Hero to function outside of normal parameters (distance and collision is no longer checked).
  • Ogre ADT
    • Changed timer from 22 hours to 18 hours

Patch Version 286

Versions: ISXOgre-2017.01.10, Patch Version-286, OgreBot-17.145a, OgreCraft-1.051

  • OgreCraft
    • Fixed a duplicate variable which came from combining code from previous patch
  • Ogre Othmir
    • Now loops the repeatables indefinitely

Versions: ISXOgre-2017.01.10, Patch Version-286, OgreBot-17.145a, OgreCraft-1.050

  • ISXOgre
    • Renamed: 'ogre getquest_aleesia' to just 'ogre getquest'
      • 'ogre getquest' now supports panda repeatable quest from 'Wu Gang'
  • OgreCraft
    • Combined the old way and new way of scribing recipes, since we can't figure out what in-game option determines this.

Versions: ISXOgre-2017.01.10, Patch Version-286, OgreBot-17.145, OgreCraft-1.049

  • OgreCraft
    • (From previous patch) Removed an old fix for whitespace from years ago that appears to break ISXEQ2 now (likely has since the rewrite to how recipes work). Please report if this creates any new issues.
      • I had to re-add this as it did indeed break some recipes. Made it so both versions should work.

Versions: ISXOgre-2017.01.10, Patch Version-286, OgreBot-17.145, OgreCraft-1.048

  • OgreBotAPI
    • Added:
      • Announce_AddEntry(string _ForWho=all, string _Ability, string _AnnounceTo, string _AnnounceText="")
        • Ability MUST be the base ability name. For example: Bash is correct, Bash IX is INCORRECT.
        • Example: OgreBotAPI:Announce_AddEntry[all,intercept,Group,"Hi There *Target*"]
  • OgreBot
    • Fixed an odd bug related to trying to cast an ability that you didn't have. In this case it was tracked down from a ranger NOT having Hidden Assault. It should be fixed for all abilities (although this is the first time I've seen it).
  • OgreCraft
    • Removed an old fix for whitespace from years ago that appears to break ISXEQ2 now (likely has since the rewrite to how recipes work). Please report if this creates any new issues.

Versions: ISXOgre-2017.01.10, Patch Version-286, OgreBot-17.144, OgreCraft-1.047

  • OgreBot UI
    • Brigand Tab
      • [x] While Crimson Swath (Epic 2.0 buff) is up, cast Barrooms in cast stack ignoring # of NPCs.
        • While Crimson Swath is active, and it checks Barrooms in the caststack, it will ignore the # of NPCs.
        • I believe it will be best to set Barrooms as a postcast to Crimson Swath also. This way it will cast it immediately after (since it will likely take the UI/server a few frames to update that you have casted it).

Versions: ISXOgre-2017.01.10, Patch Version-286, OgreBot-17.143, OgreCraft-1.047

  • The Palace of Ferzhul
    • Exeter
      • Special_ZoneSpecific will now do the special Exeter code that previously was a MCP button.
  • MCP/OgreConsole
    • Added new button: GuidedAscension
      • Takes up to 2 parameters:
        • Parameter 1: ForWho. Default: All
        • Parameter 2: Must have less than this much vitality to consume scroll. Default: 3000000 (3 million)

Versions: ISXOgre-2017.01.10, Patch Version-286, OgreBot-17.141, OgreCraft-1.047

  • OgreBot UI
    • Added following to Settings 2 tab
      • [x] Do not check Research on load
    • Added the following to Settings tab
      • [x] Auto Complete Ascension Combos
        • This will attempt to finish ascension combos. Note: It does NOT start the combos. It monitors for a combo starter to happen, then will try to finish it.
        • For now, you will see messaging in your OgreConsole about what is going on.
          • 14:19:45: [Toon2] -> Player *Toon1* casted *Septic Strike* to combo use: *Glacial Freeze*
          • 14:19:48: [Toon2] -> Your Glacial Freeze surges with power.
        • (More on this later...) ---> Post here

Versions: ISXOgre-2017.01.10, Patch Version-286, OgreBot-17.140, OgreCraft-1.047

  • Export
    • Added an update for ranger epic 2.0
  • OgreBot
    • Epic 2.0
      • Ranger
        • Note: you must run a new export for the below to work
        • If you have epic 2.0 buff 'unfetter', the bot will ignore stealth requirements on all bow attacks and positional requirements on all bow attacks.
          • NOTE: The description of this buff is a complete fucking lie. The 'removes the .... for Bow attacks' means, 'we removed it from the highest version of the ability only. So if you try to use a lower level version (or a higher, say if a level cap increase comes later), this buff will do nothing at all. I'm telling you this because I did NOT account for it. If for some odd reason you want to use a lower level ability, then don't use your epic buff.
          • For the positional requirements, the message 'You must be behind or flanking your target.' will still show, but the ability will cast. Why? That's a good question, it's unrelated to using a bot. Clicking it in the UI does the same thing.
    • Added a 'fix' so everyone should more properly accept call of the heroes if the caster is in your eq2 chars list. Thanks to Mr. Tool for helping me find this bug.

Versions: ISXOgre-2017.01.10, Patch Version-286, OgreBot-17.139, OgreCraft-1.047

  • OgreBot
    • (Didn't get them all last time) All Heroic, Event Heroic, and Raid "Expert" zones should now share their code with the normal ones. If I missed any let me know which zones.

Versions: ISXOgre-2017.01.10, Patch Version-286, OgreBot-17.138, OgreCraft-1.047

  • OgreBot
    • All Heroic, Event Heroic, and Raid "Expert" zones should now share their code with the normal ones. If I missed any let me know which zones.
    • Fixed a bug/console spam when using Items as Heal/PowerHeals
  • Ogre Boat
    • Fixed trying to use/examine items with the name "rope" in them.

Versions: ISXOgre-2017.01.10, Patch Version-286, OgreBot-17.136, OgreCraft-1.047

  • OgreBot
    • Quest Sharing
      • A patch by Daybreak Games broke their own quest journal... IE: If you open your quest journal and click on 'Sort by Current zone', you will notice this no longer works.
      • I put a hack job fix in for this until they fix it. Then I will revert the fix.
    • Mission information double spewing.
      • This is an innerspace bug that I have reported to Lax. Once it is resolved it will automatically be fixed.

Versions: ISXOgre-2017.01.10, Patch Version-286, OgreBot-17.136, OgreCraft-1.047

  • Ogre QH (Quest Helper)
    • Now handles Brother Lika in Mara conversations.
  • ConsumeKrono -> Renamed it to RedeemKrono to be better suited to in-game text. Existing MCP buttons will still technically work but will not show any data as the old button has been hidden.
    • RedeemKrono, now handles the second pop up box that says if it was successful or not.
  • SpewStats
    • Added new alias: ascension_scrolls
      • Outputs how many scrolls people have in their inventory.
    • Changed alias: ascension
      • Now outputs how many scrolls you have also. Example:
        • Kannkor --> Ascension: Level 9 Thaumaturgist. 94.7% into level. Vitality remaining: 1596682. Scrolls: 3

Versions: ISXOgre-2017.01.10, Patch Version-286, OgreBot-17.135, OgreCraft-1.047

  • Fixed some very old raid code. Such as...
    • Exeter
    • LairoftheDragonQueen
    • MiragulsPlanarShard
    • PalaceoftheAncientOne
    • SirensGrotto
    • YkeshasInnerStronghold
  • ISXOgre
    • Added: ogre KACraftingWeeklyMats
      • If you are in a guild hall, will grab all the mats required to complete the weekly crafting stuff. This is more of a placeholder until I take the time to work on a real script that actually completes the weekly quests.
    • Quest Helper (qh).
      • Now accepts 1 as a parameter. If set ( ogre qh 1 ), it will choose option 1 even if there are more than 1 option, and it doesn't know the "proper" choice. This is very helpful for old quests, where the option is always #1.
  • MCP/OgreConsole/API
    • Added: -ConsumeKrono <ForWho>
      • Consumes/uses a krono...

Versions: ISXOgre-2017.01.10, Patch Version-286, OgreBot-17.134, OgreCraft-1.047

  • Ogre TrackShiny
    • Added support for Green shinies.
  • OgreBot
    • Crypt of Dalnir: Baron's Workshop [Heroic]
      • Haggle Baron Dalnir
        • set up for Haggle
          • General campspot for everyone.
        • Bards will automatically do the forges.
        • If you have Leader Only loot - the ore will be automatically assigned to the bard.
    • Lost City of Torsis: Ashiirian Court [Raid]
      • Lord Rak'Ashiir
        • set up for Lord
          • General placement
        • Non-tank groups will automatically run to music boxes.
        • Tanks will automatically stop attacking.
    • TLE will no longer try to check the research window since they don't have access.
  • Ogre Boat
    • No longer turns off [x] Hide my illusion form
  • OgreBot UI
    • Loot tab
      • Added a checkbox under 'FFA Loot Options'
        • [x] Loot everything
          • Will loot everything, including no trade items, heirloom. Everything does mean _everything_.
          • Note: You have to have Accept any tradable checked also.
      • Added: Leader Only Loot options
        • [x] Enable options below
          • [x] Loot Adepts
          • [x] Loot Masters
          • [x] Loot Ancients
          • [x] Loot illegible Scrolls
          • [x] Loot Tradables (which would include everything in the above list, as well as anything tradable)
          • [x] Loot everything.
  • OgreBot
    • Rewrote a lot of the looting routines while adding the options above.
  • OgreBot UI
    • Items tab
      • Rewrote 'Refresh' button.
      • It's nearly instant and should be much more reliable. If you have any issues please report the exact item name and I can look at it.
  • OgreBot UI
    • Cast Stack
      • Added 'Debuff' and 'NamedDebuff' as Type options.
      • These are identical to CA/NamedCA options, but will allow you (and the bot) to turn on/off debuffing.
        • Example of usage: You may put non-damaging abilities in here. Then when that character has to kill a mob by themselves, and you don't want them debuffing, just killing it, can now easily disable debuffs.
  • SpewStats
    • Will no longer spew anything if you are not logged into a character.
  • Ogre Collection Manager
    • Updated to work with multiple UIs. If it can't figure out how to loot it will give an error message and you can contact me.

Versions: ISXOgre-2017.01.10, Patch Version-286, OgreBot-17.133, OgreCraft-1.047

  • OgreBot
    • ForWho
      • Added: IRW:___ and IRWBN:___
        • In Raid With, and In Raid With But Not. These work identical to IGW (In Group With) except checks the raid. Falls back to IGW if you are not in a raid.
    • TravelSpires
      • Works in Barren Sky now
    • Caststack
      • RE:
      • Added NonNamedCA
        • This will only be used on non-named.
        • Note: If you use 'force named ca', these will also be used on named.
        • Example of usage: Are Deathtouch charms.
  • OgreBot UI
    • Mystic/Defiler tabs
      • Added: [x] Do not cast legbite
        • Doesn't automatically cast legbite...
    • UI changes
      • Quigly had this great idea to add more options to the CastStack.. which is already full. The fix was to make the UI bigger. This UI was a throw together many many years ago, and has had many bandaids applied to it.
      • I've increased the size of OgreBot UI by 25% (400 pixels to 500).
      • I've properly framed some of it so it's easier to move.
      • I'm going to start going through each window and re-organizing. However, some frames (tabs) just don't need to be changed for the sake of change. They will look a little odd with extra space, but I'm fine with that for now until they have a reason to be changed.
  • OgreConsole
    • Fixed -OgreCraft_CraftQueue
  • OgreCraft API
    • Added: ScribeRecipe <ForWho> <RecipeName>
      • Defaults are: all and all. This means it will scribe any recipe in your inventory.
      • Example: OgreCraft:ScribeRecipe
        • Would scribe all recipes
      • Example: OgreCraft:ScribeRecipe all "Some recipe book name here"
  • MCP/OgreConsole
    • Added: -OgreCraft_ScribeRecipe
      • Takes 2 parameters: <ForWho> and <RecipeName>. Defaults for both are "all".
  • OgreCraft
    • Should be more self aware that when you zone, some times the game needs a nudge to not break crafting.
  • OgreCraft
    • During a session, OgreCraft will try to keep track of the last recipe you have scribed.
      • During a 'session' means if you close ogre craft down, it will no longer remember the last scribed ability.
      • Intended usage: Get a quest that gives you 1 recipe book. Then you click 'OgreCraft_ScribeRecipe', then you click 'AddLastScribedRecipe'. Makes questing easy!
    • Thus making MCP button: OgreCraft_AddLastScribedRecipe available
    • It can take 2 parameters:
      • ForWho. Default all.
      • Quantity. Default 1.
  • OgreBotAPI/MCP/OgreConsole
    • CheckResearch <ForWho> <ReportAll>
      • Parameter 1 = ForWho. Default: all
      • Parameter 2 = Report all. Default: FALSE
        • By default this will only report people who have completed their research. If you want to see all data pass TRUE.
      • Example:
        •  !c -CheckResearch all TRUE
          • Research: Kannkor --> Complete.
          • Research: Primalz --> 5 days and 21 hours remaining.
  • OgreBot
    • When a profile is loaded (including when OgreBot is loaded), a CheckResearch is issued. This should help people from missing days on their research.

Versions: ISXOgre-2017.01.10, Patch Version-286, OgreBot-17.132, OgreCraft-1.045

  • SpewStats
    • Added: faction_<factionname>
      • This will report back that faction if it's found.
      • When you search for factions, it has to request the information from the server, so this takes a little bit of time, depending on how many factions you have. Usually 2-10 seconds. So just be patient after you hit the button.
      • Example:
        •  !c -SpewStat all "faction_Claws of Veeshan"
          • Toon1 --> Claws of Veeshan --> 50000 ( ally )
          • Toon2 --> Claws of Veeshan --> 12825 ( amiably )
      • Example: If a faction is not found.
        •  !c -SpewStat all "faction_primalz faction"
          • Toon1 --> primalz faction --> Not found.
  • OSA
    • Upgraded from int to uint
  • Ability Export
    • Rewrote the back end. This should eliminate the chance of issues when running multiple exports at the same time.

Versions: ISXOgre-2017.01.10, Patch Version-286, OgreBot-17.131, OgreCraft-1.045

  • OgreBot
    • Grind Options
      • Lost City of Torsis: Reaver's Remnants [Heroic]
        • Neh'Ashiir
          • Moved the one campspot out a few more meters to prevent the odd death on CM.
  • OgreBotAPI
    • Added: ItemDebug[ItemName]
      • Created for this:
      • Usage: OgreBotAPI:ItemDebug["Arcane Font"]
      • Output: (14:57:12)[OgreBot]: ItemScanResults -> Value 1: TRUE. Value 2: TRUE. Value 3: TRUE
      • People who are having issues with items not scanning can run this command and provide me those values and we can see if we can figure out why it's happening.
      • For this command, the item must be in your inventory and not equipped.

Versions: ISXOgre-2017.01.10, Patch Version-286, OgreBot-17.130, OgreCraft-1.045

  • Ogre Craft
    • Fixed very close crafting stations (Guild hall ones) from pingponging

Versions: ISXOgre-2017.01.10, Patch Version-286, OgreBot-17.130, OgreCraft-1.044

  • Ogre Harvestlite
    • Has much more proper distances of when it can harvest a node, instead of being hard coded.
  • Ogre ADT
    • Added the following CLI options.
      • -list | -l <Listname>
        • Adds the entire list provided to 'Active Toon List'
        • Example: ogre adt -l KannkorToons
      • -toon | -t <toonname>
        • Adds the specificed toon to 'Active Toon List'
        • Example: ogre adt -t Kannkor
      • -norun
        • If you pass any parameters to ogre adt, it will automatically start when you load it. If you do not wish for this to happen, pass -norun.
        • Note: If you 'ogre adt', it will continue to not automatically start. Only if you use -list or -toon.
      • All of these are stackable.
        • Example: ogre adt -list KannkorToons -list PrimalzToons -toon EyedeaRanger -toon KyewMonkhaha -norun
          • This would load the list named "KannkorToons", then add the list "PrimalzToons", then add the toon "EyedeaRanger", then add the toon "KyewMonkhaha", then specify to not run the list.
    • Now shows OgreConsole on load
  • Ogre Boat
    • Changed all instances of jump and crouch to use Ogre Key Binds.
    • Cleaned up some other code while I was in there.
  • Shard of Hate
    • Fixed a crash when cursed on some fight.
  • MCP/API/OgreConsole
    • -ZoneDoor and ZoneDoorForWho
      • Both can now accept the name as well as the slot number.
      • For example: This will continue to work:
      •  !c -ZoneDoorForWho all 2
        • This would zone you into the 2nd option.
      • This is an example of the new options.
      •  !c -ZoneDoorForWho all "Obulus Frontier 2"
        • This will zone you into Obulus Frontier 2. Names must match exactly.
  • ISXOgre
    • Added: ogre trackshiny <colour>
    • Added: ogre end trackshiny
      • Example: ogre trackshiny purple
        • If it finds a purple shiny, it will notify you (message to OgreConsole), and put a waypoint on top of the shiny for you.
      • Current valid options are:
        • White (normal shinies)
        • Purple (Epic 2.0 class shinies)
        • Red (Tradeskill shinies)
    • Optimized some code inside of the extension. Reduced the file size by 1.2mb!
  • MCP
    • Added: OgreCraft_AddRecipe_InputWindow
      • Will pop open options to add recipes.
      • Note: At the time of writing this, the ForWho option only has 2 choices, "all" or "toonname"
    • Added: OgreCraft_CraftQueue
      • Parameter 1 = ForWho
  • OgreCraft
    • OgreCraft should be less concerned if there is a spec of dust on the ground, and try to get close to a crafting station.
    • Completely overhauled how OgreCraft determines how close it has to be to crafting stations.

Patch Version 285

Versions: ISXOgre-2017.01.07, Patch Version-285, OgreBot-17.129, OgreCraft-1.043

  • OgreCraft
    • Updated for ISXEQ2
  • OgreBot
    • Updated for ISXEQ2
  • OgreBot UI
    • OgreConsole tab
      • Added a checkbox [x] Show console on load.
        • Added this because OgreConsole is now opened with the extension, and some people (like myself) like to see OgreConsole open all the time.
        • I'm unsure how I feel about this change. If someone has a suggestion on a better way to handle the default behaviour I'm open to hearing it. But ultimately I would really like to have OgreConsole load with the extension.
  • ISXOgre
    • OgreConsole now loads with the extension (hidden). This is done to suppress the error: "Unknown command 'OgreConsole_HandleMessageObject'"
    • ogre info
      • (It brings up your username/password and other options for ISXOgre)
      • Added a checkbox: [x] Do not load Ogre Console on load.
        • This way if someone reallllllly doesn't like it, they can revert it back to not having it open on load.

Older Revisions

Patch Notes 280-289: 2016.07.14 - Current

Patch Notes 270-279: 2015.06.16 - 2016.06.16

Patch Notes 260-269: 2014.08.13 - 2015.06.16

Patch Notes 250-259: 2014.03.07 - 2014.08.12

Patch Notes 240-249: 2013.11.19 - 2014.03.07

Patch Notes 230-239: 2013.09.11 - 2013.11.19

Patch Notes 220-229: 2013.07.19 - 2013.09.11

Patch Notes 210-219: 2013.05.01 - 2013.07.19

Patch Notes 200-209: 2013.02.15 - 2013.05.01

Patch Notes 190-199: 2012.11.21 - 2012.02.11

Patch Notes 180-189: 2012.11.14 - 2012.11.21

Patch Notes 170-179: 2012.09.22 - 2012.11.08

Patch Notes 160-169: 2012.06.28 - 2012.09.13

Patch Notes 150-159: 2012.04.18 - 2012.06.07

Patch Notes 140-149: 2012.03.20 - 2012.04.13

Patch Notes 130-139: 2012.01.11 - 2012.03.09

Patch Notes 126-129: 2012.01.01 - 2012.01.11

Version 15 Patches 110-119: 2011.10.25 - 2011.11.09

Version 15 Patches 100-109: 2011.09.29 - 2011.10.17

Version 15 Patches 90-99: 2011.08.16 - 2011.09.29

Version 15 Patches 77-89: 2011.07.28 - 2011.08.14

Version 14: 2010.08.17 - 2011.07.03

Version 13

Version 12

Version 11

Version 10